Tag Archives: project

Learn Why You Need To Hire A PHP Programmer India

Back in the 1990s a generation of Indian programmers, who had earned the trust of their American employers suggested to them a better and more cost-effective way of conducting development projects. That is how it all started and within a decade India had become a pioneering location for all outsourcing work in the application development field. And, for a large number of companies around the world outsourcing became the answer to all their problems. A number of projects that were considered financially unviable previously suddenly became sustainable and the decade saw an increased amount of development work being taken up by companies. Newer innovations were achieved and the field of application development grew by leaps of bounds.

One of the groundbreaking achievements in the field was the initiation of the PHP programming platform. PHP offers an innovative solution for the creation of dynamic web pages and web applications allowing both client side and server side scripting. PHP has simplified the process for development of CRM and ERP applications and made it easy for SMEs to get involved in such projects. A large chunk of the development work that is outsourced to India today is PHP based. India offers some of the most efficient PHP development services available. Companies in India have built on a rich knowledge base that has been created with more than a decade of experience in the field.

Offshore companies in India work according to several models. The fixed contract based projects being traditionally most popular. Recently, several companies have come up with the dedicated hiring model, which is an extremely convenient model for SMEs with short-term development projects. This model allows you hire PHP programmer on full-time, part-time, or hourly basis. There are several benefits of the dedicated hiring model, but the best part is you really do not pay for the infrastructural costs incurred by the offshore company. All companies that work according to the hire PHP programmer model allow you to browse through the profiles of the engineers in their team. You can select a PHP programmer India for your project and continue to work with him, paying only for the engineer’s time.

The PHP developer India that you select for your project will be completely dedicated to your project and you can treat him as a virtual extension of your team. You will be able to keep in touch with your programmer through email, phone, IM, online meetings, video conferences, etc so that you’re constantly on top of your project. With these dedicated hiring services you won’t have to wait to create a contract, it’s almost instant, so that you can start immediately. It’s like a no-hassles freelancing platform, only it’s better. Here you get all the flexibility of working with freelancers plus the reassurance of working with an established company and enjoying the quality service. It is a very good idea to hire PHP programmer from India, especially for SMEs that are planning to get started with automation for their company. Indian developers provide solutions that are compliant with all global standards and cost-effective too.

Learn Why You Need To Hire A PHP Programmer India

Back in the 1990s a generation of Indian programmers, who had earned the trust of their American employers suggested to them a better and more cost-effective way of conducting development projects. That is how it all started and within a decade India had become a pioneering location for all outsourcing work in the application development field. And, for a large number of companies around the world outsourcing became the answer to all their problems. A number of projects that were considered financially unviable previously suddenly became sustainable and the decade saw an increased amount of development work being taken up by companies. Newer innovations were achieved and the field of application development grew by leaps of bounds.

One of the groundbreaking achievements in the field was the initiation of the PHP programming platform. PHP offers an innovative solution for the creation of dynamic web pages and web applications allowing both client side and server side scripting. PHP has simplified the process for development of CRM and ERP applications and made it easy for SMEs to get involved in such projects. A large chunk of the development work that is outsourced to India today is PHP based. India offers some of the most efficient PHP development services available. Companies in India have built on a rich knowledge base that has been created with more than a decade of experience in the field.

Offshore companies in India work according to several models. The fixed contract based projects being traditionally most popular. Recently, several companies have come up with the dedicated hiring model, which is an extremely convenient model for SMEs with short-term development projects. This model allows you hire PHP programmer on full-time, part-time, or hourly basis. There are several benefits of the dedicated hiring model, but the best part is you really do not pay for the infrastructural costs incurred by the offshore company. All companies that work according to the hire PHP programmer model allow you to browse through the profiles of the engineers in their team. You can select a PHP programmer India for your project and continue to work with him, paying only for the engineer’s time.

The PHP developer India that you select for your project will be completely dedicated to your project and you can treat him as a virtual extension of your team. You will be able to keep in touch with your programmer through email, phone, IM, online meetings, video conferences, etc so that you’re constantly on top of your project. With these dedicated hiring services you won’t have to wait to create a contract, it’s almost instant, so that you can start immediately. It’s like a no-hassles freelancing platform, only it’s better. Here you get all the flexibility of working with freelancers plus the reassurance of working with an established company and enjoying the quality service. It is a very good idea to hire PHP programmer from India, especially for SMEs that are planning to get started with automation for their company. Indian developers provide solutions that are compliant with all global standards and cost-effective too.

Construction Cameras Help Contractors Differentiate Themselves and Give Owners Peace of Mind

The change in construction materials cost in 2009 has been significant, but the real bottom line change is resulting from increased competition between contractors. Our clients who are owners openly discuss the challenges they have related to the increasing complexity and competition during the bid process. A few years ago a K-12 school construction project had 3-5 bidders, today there are 30 firms competing for the same project. The challenge for owners is to determine which contractors are qualified. The ability for a contractor to demonstrate experience and performance from past projects is crucial to satisfying owners concerns and winning bids.

Perhaps one of the most compelling ways for a contractor to create peace of mind for the owner, and to differentiate themselves from the competition, is to offer them transparency and communication which is guaranteed to be timely, accurate and compelling. Contractors who offer construction camera systems are offering the owner additional service. By demonstrating this level of transparency, efficiency and accountability those contractors have one more way to connect with owners needs which helps to build relationships and win work.

The president of an Atlanta construction company, explains how construction cameras translate to real dollars for them: “Our firm has been using construction cameras to monitor progress on all of our jobsites. In order to keep everyone in the office up to date on each site, we setup monitors to display live images from each project. It’s paid for itself several times over”, says Atlanta construction company president. “A new client who was expanding operations in the southeast interviewed us as part of the bid process. When they awarded us the contract they explained that it was the demonstration of proactive management through the use of live images which was key in their decision.”

Why Implement a Construction Camera:
The old adage that everyone expects more for less rings loud in today’s construction marketplace. Owners who put their projects out to bid are expecting lower prices, higher quality and better service from the contractors that try to compete for their business. One more way to separate yourself from the pack is to proactively include a construction camera service in your bid in order to:
– Keep all team-members up to date on project progress
– Confirm jobsite activities against other reporting methods
– Review daily progress against schedules
– Monitor jobsite weather conditions
– Document as-built conditions

Need for Reliability:
Any system is only as good as the weakest link. For too many corporate purchases, the weakest link can be the initial implementation, or lack thereof. By selecting an easy turnkey solution, you will have a hassle free implementation and carefree maintenance experience.

There are four key parts to a full construction camera system. The camera hardware at the jobsite, the internet connection, the servers where the images are stored and the software. A failure with anyone of these parts creates a failure of the entire system and construction sites are not the friendliest places for electronics. By using a full service construction camera provider you maximize the client’s experience and ensure success while avoiding the problems associated with running the system in house or using security equipment which only has an image quality adequate for a small area.

Once you’ve chosen a full service provider, power is another issue to consider when it comes to reliability. For camera locations without easy access to power, or in urban areas with utility coordination headaches, a well designed solar power stations can ensure reliability and ease of setup. Additionally, implementing solar construction cameras qualifies you for the 30% solar energy tax credits at the federal level as well as other state and local tax credits where available.

As you work on your next bid, or break ground on your next project, consider offering the owner construction cameras as part of the package. It’s an opportunity to gain additional efficiency and show everyone what goes into delivering the type of service and quality your firm offers. As a marketing tool it can be a great differentiator so do your research. Review examples of live construction cameras online. Find a reputable provider who offers a turnkey solution and guarantees their service. Then put the peace of mind that a good construction camera experience provides to work for you.