Tag Archives: product

Best way to increase your conversion rate

If you already own a website or a blog, chances are that you already know the importance of targeted online marketing. However, no matter how high your leads are, the determining factor is whether those leads are bearing fruits; this is what conversion is. In other words, the success is determined by the visitor’s ability to take an action. You may have many visitors in your website, but you need to make sure that once they get to your website they either buy a product or sign up to a newsletter or subscribe to a service. Here are the things to ensure your conversion rate is far above the ground.

Mind your landing page You don’t have to be running a PPC campaign to have landing pages. Your homepage can as well act as the homepage. Regardless of the kind of product you are promoting in your website, your landing page is very important. To make sure you are in good chance of converting a lead, your landing page must convince the visitor that the product being promoted is going to be of benefit. Therefore, the content, whether image, video or text should have a sale pitch and be appealing to the buyer.

The navigability of your website pages is also quite significant. Web visitors like pages that load fast. No one want to wait a whole minute for your page to load; if that’s how your page is, they’ll simply click away without making a sign up or a purchase. Avoid using heavy graphics and lengthy pages. The page should also be easily inter-linked across other pages in the website. Also, consider offering options to your visitors; such that if he is not interested in one product, then he can easily consider another one.

Use web analytics to monitor! Monitoring is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. Unlike offline modes of advertisement where it is normally difficult to get feedback on the performance of your promotion, online marketing offers great ways of monitoring and tracking. The best way to see whether your effort is yielding is by using web analytics tools. Having a good web analytics tool for your website can help you make out what is working and what is not. Then you can take an appropriate action to maximize on your marketing.

How web analytic tool work There are quite a number of web analytics tools online; ranging from Google to RealtimePlease® web analytics service. While Google web analytics service is free, it offers very minimal monitoring features. If you want a comprehensive monitoring and reporting tool in your website, then consider RealtimePlease® web analytics service which is offered at a minimal monthly pay.

RealtimePlease® web analytics tool gives you tracks various aspects of your website which affects the conversion rate such as the ease of navigability, visitor actions and general helpful info on online marketing. The tool is also quite flexible since you can choose areas you want to monitor and the kind of data you need for tracking

Dante's Simplified: SEO – Doing It Right The First Time

Search Engine Optimization or SEO -as it is popularly known as- is the internet marketing strategy of improving the visibility of a website in the search engine results. The objective of SEO is to academically improve the organic search results. SEO works on the premise that the more frequently a page appears on a website, the more visitors it will have. Now think in terms of a large number of pages which appear in the search engine results. The competition among them to increase the appearance in frequency now is determined by how far up the search result they are. The user can seek websites by searching images, videos, local search or product category specific search.

The mechanics that drive SEO depend on which search engines are preferred, how a Search engine works, what are the popular searches, what is the search trend etc? All these variables call for the use of keywords and tagging the websites and content to ensure that they are more visible during the search engine results.

The whole SEO concept is driven by one and only one factor-“keyword”. Choosing the right keyword is the primary step. The keywords should be able to give a customer a lucid picture about the product or service that a website exhibits. The keyword should be chosen according to the following criteria:

• It should be able to target the specific market that is looking for the content related to it.
• It should compete with fewer websites targeting the same keyword
• One should be able to optimize keywords that people actually use

All of these factors can be determined using the search tools of the search engine. Almost all the search engines help check the competition to figure out how to optimize a particular keyword for a better page rank. This is achieved via article marketing and other methods.

Then come the tags. These key identifiers must be included in the URL of the web pages to ensure that the customers are easily able to identify your services and they also help in the appropriate indexing of the web pages to yield more efficient search results.

Then one can use the concept of links to help increase the footfall on his/her website thereby increasing the page rank. This is achieved by the use of back link which directs the footfall off one website onto another when the customers find easy access to a particular product or service listed there.

SEO techniques revolve around boosting footfall via the appropriate use of keywords.

Dante's Simplified: SEO – Doing It Right The First Time

Search Engine Optimization or SEO -as it is popularly known as- is the internet marketing strategy of improving the visibility of a website in the search engine results. The objective of SEO is to academically improve the organic search results. SEO works on the premise that the more frequently a page appears on a website, the more visitors it will have. Now think in terms of a large number of pages which appear in the search engine results. The competition among them to increase the appearance in frequency now is determined by how far up the search result they are. The user can seek websites by searching images, videos, local search or product category specific search.

The mechanics that drive SEO depend on which search engines are preferred, how a Search engine works, what are the popular searches, what is the search trend etc? All these variables call for the use of keywords and tagging the websites and content to ensure that they are more visible during the search engine results.

The whole SEO concept is driven by one and only one factor-“keyword”. Choosing the right keyword is the primary step. The keywords should be able to give a customer a lucid picture about the product or service that a website exhibits. The keyword should be chosen according to the following criteria:

• It should be able to target the specific market that is looking for the content related to it.
• It should compete with fewer websites targeting the same keyword
• One should be able to optimize keywords that people actually use

All of these factors can be determined using the search tools of the search engine. Almost all the search engines help check the competition to figure out how to optimize a particular keyword for a better page rank. This is achieved via article marketing and other methods.

Then come the tags. These key identifiers must be included in the URL of the web pages to ensure that the customers are easily able to identify your services and they also help in the appropriate indexing of the web pages to yield more efficient search results.

Then one can use the concept of links to help increase the footfall on his/her website thereby increasing the page rank. This is achieved by the use of back link which directs the footfall off one website onto another when the customers find easy access to a particular product or service listed there.

SEO techniques revolve around boosting footfall via the appropriate use of keywords.