Tag Archives: process

Image Process Design Software Solutions

Many insurance companies experience difficulty keeping paperwork organized. Some employees may spend hours searching for paperwork and documents that should be available on-hand. These hours spent searching for paperwork that already exists could be used much more productively. For this reason, software companies have developed systems to aid insurance companies in streamlining their workflow and maintaining efficiency.

Image Process Design Solutions is a software development company based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Founded in 1991 by Steven Racine, it has offices distributed across North America.

In 1991, IPD began developing business process applications for insurance companies specializing in disability, life, health, and property and casualty insurance. IPD recognized the need of the insurance industry to have business process software that did not require customization. The solution was to create a product that can be configured to the needs of each individual business. Their out-of-the-box insurance software can be tailored to the specific needs of each company, reducing the time it takes to design a custom software application.

Image Process Design recognized the need for software that could be tailored to the specific areas of insurance coverage. Health care software involves individual, group, senior, and pharmacy insurance, while the life insurance software includes individual, group, disability, and annuities. IPD’s software also includes many different business areas in order to make the software as customizable as possible.

Solution Suite was produced in 1995 and was the first client server version of the software. This version of the software allowed companies to streamline their work processes and eliminate unnecessary paperwork. This allowed businesses to become more efficient and productive, reducing the amount of time required to finish routine processes.

Ultera was introduced five years later in 2000 and is designed to optimize insurance business functions. Innovated to automate insurance processes, Ultera is configurable to the needs of each individual business, providing customers with software that is tailored to their specification without having to customize their own application.
In addition, Image Process Design provides a variety of types of customer support. When the software is first distributed to a client, IPD provides extensive training and explanation of how the software can be utilized.

Learn more about Image Process Design, Inc. at www.ipdsolution.com.

Why Outsourcing PHP Development Tasks is More Beneficial?

Business process outsourcing was a common phenomenon but today it has become a common process in all the industrial sectors. It is the IT field where people outsource their needs and requirements to other offshore development companies. Currently the PHP projects are being outsourced in large numbers chiefly because most of the companies want their own customized website. But the question in concern is whether outsourcing development tasks is beneficial for the companies or not. With the availability of resources most of the companies are bend upon having their own development sector. But is it good enough to set up your own development sector? Let’s figure this out.

First of all think of the situations in which one outsources business processes. There are some clear points which illustrates this. It is certainly the cost factor which strikes your mind. For example if you have a big reputed company and want to make your web presence more prominent then certainly you’ll need a customized website. Now the next thing which lightens up is the need of good PHP developers, systems and other required resources. The whole set up would require lump sum amount. On the other hand if you outsource the same task to a development company then definitely your overhead costs are reduced.

There are several other factors that work in favor of outsourcing PHP development tasks. When you hand over your project to an offshore development company then you get the desired features in your application because the company focuses on the core activities. Most of the development companies have staffing flexibility and your project also have operational control over the development process. Each module is being rechecked and the companies make sure that you receive applications that can be operated without any hassle. Cost savings and efficiency are other factors which make outsourcing more beneficial.

The offshore development companies also provide you with facilities to hire the services of a dedicated PHP developer. Wi th an expert PHP coder you would be able to get your application with exact specifications. With so many obvious advantages, it is hard to over look the obvious reason to outsource your PHP project. But your outsourcing experience can turn out to be sour if you don’t find the right company. So do surf the internet and find a good offshore PHP development company for your project. Get dedicated PHP developers for your task so that you can get websites which are user-friendly and can be easily navigated and managed.

Leveraging WordPress SEO Plugins

Creating and publishing a website is no longer a mysterious, esoteric task that is reserved only for computer geeks. These days, just about everyone and their dog has a website. Anyone wanting a piece of the virtual pie can easily sign up for a free Blogger blog or one of the major Web 2.0 properties like HubPages or Squidoo in about five minutes. Plus, there are lots of WYSIWYG editors available that make creating a beautiful, interactive webpage a very simple process.

One of the most popular tools for hosting a blog is WordPress, an open-source project that is freely available for the downloading. There are at least a thousand tutorials available on the ‘net for how to set up a WordPress blog, configure the theme, upload it to your own hosting account, and so on. This article is not going to re-cover that ground. It has been done more than enough. The question is, what do you do once your blog is online, to get the word out so that you can get traffic?

The answer to that question is: search engine optimization. SEO is basically the process of driving traffic to your website organically (that is, not paid) from the search engines. To get the search engine “spiders” or “bots” to notice your site among the “billions and billions” of pages out on the web, and then rank it “high” in the results pages (so people will find it easily), you’ll need to work on these three general tasks:

  1. Make sure your content is relevant to the keywords people are searching with
  2. Optimizing your website and its content with keyword emphasis and linking structures
  3. Building inbound links to your website from others, preferably those in your same niche

This article focuses on the tools that can simplify item (2) in the list. Backlinking, the process described in (3), is a subject for a whitepaper, not just a short article. And, obviously, it is up to you to be sure your content is relevant to the keywords you are attaching to your pages as mentioned in item (1); just use your common sense.

The good news is that there are any number of tools to simplify the job to improve the optimization on your website. Owing to the popularity of WordPress, an entire industry is producing add-on capabilities in specialized themes and WordPress SEO plugins to facilitate optimizing sites built with the platform. You can dig up all sorts of tools, ranging from free plugins like Platinum SEO, HeadSpace2, and Google Video Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or SEO Booster Pro.

Here is a short list of plugins you should investigate:

  • SEOPressor WordPress Plugin
  • Platinum SEO Pack
  • All-in-One SEO Pack
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • Google Image Sitemap
  • Google Video Sitemap
  • Automatic SEO Links
  • HeadSpace2

Always remember, though: put good content on your site that will provide real value for your visitors. Treat your visitors well, and you will get your fair share of traffic; just be sure to do your SEO correctly, and you can speed up the process considerably!