Tag Archives: press releases

Link Building Through Press Release Traffic Tactics

Even though hundreds of thousands of people have submitted press releases online over the years, and continue to do so, I find a lot of website owners ignore this bountiful link building and traffic generation method. Still, the people who do press releases often do them wrong. In this article I will talk about doing them right while getting you to try this tactic to show what it will do for your business.

And the big cardinal sin is not doing them regularly. If your business is truly a mover and a shaker in your niche, you should have plenty of things to talk about each month.

For instance, you update your product or service. Send a release. You hire new staff. Send a release. You launch a new product. Definitely, send a release!

There are a lot more reasons to alert news junkies, reporters, media outlets, and your possible customers to changes, updates, and significant progress in your business.

That is, if you have something worth talking about. This immediately eliminates a lot of business models I see flying around like Adsense sites, but I’ve even seen people syndicate press releases for those sites!

What Happens When You Do A Press Release?

At PRWeb.com, depending on the service you order, your release goes out on “the wire.” That’s just PR lingo for their network. Now, if you just do a free release or donate $10, don’t expect much. You get what you pay for.

We use the $250 optimized press release service from PRWeb with great results. You’ll hit Google and Yahoo news along with the entire site network on emedia newswire.

That’s great and it generates a lot of traffic depending on the topic. But what’s even greater is the amount of sheer linkage it generates for your sites. I’m talking thousands, not hundreds of links.

With PRWeb’s SEO release service, you get to link to your site or any page within your site every 100 words or so. Been wanting more recognition from search engines for the keyword “weight loss?” Link that in your press release and your best keyword is an anchor link that goes to hundreds and thousands of places all over the web.

Yeah, maybe you’ve heard this before. But have you done it? Did you doubt the power of it and blow it off? Big mistake.

People don’t submit online press releases for ego’s sake. They do it because it drives links, traffic, and better rankings. If it didn’t, why would there be so darn many repeat offenders at PRWeb who submit regular releases at $250+ a pop?

Last trick. After you submit your release you can write about it on your blog and make a trackback to the hosted release on PRWeb. Then you get an immediate link back to your site from one of the bigger sites on the net.

Find other press releases related to your topic and do a post mentioning a few and trackback all of them to get more authority links with the stroke of some keys and the click of a button.

This stuff is so easy people think it doesn’t work. Well, it sure does. And guess what? PRWeb isn’t the only game in town!

Test it and then leverage your reach across all the major PR networks and watch your branding, traffic, links, and rankings soar!

Building Backlinks With Submission Sites – What You Should Consider

As you probably know, a good source of backlinks is using Directory Submission, Press Releases, Articles, Forums. Still, this method fails in providing quick PageRank boost due to the fact that Google takes into account only one inbound link from a certain root domain.

Basically you’ll get the PR benefit from a submission platform just through the first link pointing back to your website; the future ones are only useful for generating traffic.

Another deficit is represented by the considerable amount of work that must be invested in order to see results in your traffic reports.

But then again, there is no such “magic formula” that will guarantee you dominate your niche in SEO instead, it is required to have a well thought out strategy for doing this; and submission platforms must be taken into account.Getting backlinks from submission sites is an indispensable method, especially if you’re starting out and have no link juice to share or trade with your potential link partners.

Making the most out of this link resource is the reason why I wrote this article. Let us start.

Guidelines to submitting your business website to submission directories

There is no doubt we are witnessing a downfall in directory submission quality, but there are still a handful of them that are worth submitting your business to, such as Yahoo Directory, DMOZ, Best of the Web, Gimpsy and Search Sight.

Here is how to do it:

1. ensure that your website has a professional design;
2. test for broken links; major flaw, that diminishes the chances your website is accepted;
3. test for broken images;
4. link the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Return Policy, Shipping Information and Guarantee to your home page;
5. insert a recent copywriting notice on every page of your site;
6. give a realistic description of your site and always deliver what you promise; for radical updates in your website, make the necessary changes in its description;
7. vary your description throughout multiple submission directories, but don’t affect the essence;
8. don’t keyword stuff your website’s title or description tag;
9. respect the guidelines for each submission directory;
10. choose the category which best describes your website’s niche;
11. go for regional categories if your business permits; the “regional” in every niche has high acceptance rates.

Guidelines for building backlinks with press releases

The results you get with a press release campaign depends on those who pich up the press release. Press release are a great source of one way backlinks.

Here’s what you should consider:

1. a smart way for writing press releases is to customize an existing article from your content pages and make it more newsworthy;
2. use an impersonal and objective tone in your writing; advertisments and subjective opinions will not get editorial staff’s approval;
3. direct reader’s attention to your website as a source of complementary information on the topic;
4. preferably, work with paid directories; the free ones have major disadvantages such as no-follow links or no link submissions at all. I recommend using PRWeb, PRLeap, PRWeb Direct and 24-7 PR.

Getting backlinks from forums

Search for those that allow links and do-follow links.

Also, be sure to avoid counter-productive behaviour like terrible typos, solid rocks of text, poor headlines, excessive quoting, “pimping” signature files, pushing links and philosophical replies, to name just a few.

Guidelines to follow when using Article Submissions to build backlinks

Another great way of getting one way backlinks to your website, limited only by frequency and quality of the work you put into it.

Here is a short starting guide:

1. chose a topic related with a broad category or page in your website;
2. make your article between 400 and 800 words. Evenly distribute your targeted keywords across the body text;
3. make your content extremely informative but incomplete;
4. composes an incentive resource box with a backlink to your targeted webpage having as an anchor text the keyword you’re optimizing the page for.
5. submit your article to directories with high PageRank and most importantly, with high traffic volume, a.k.a. Alexa Ranking. The top 50 A.D.s can be found at: vretoolbar.com (/) articles (/) directories.php

Before you passionately check your traffic stats, make sure you’ve submitted at least 25 articles (per directory, if you’re also interested to know which directories produce results). Massive traffic can be obtained once you’ve accumulated around 250 articles.

If you have a handful of highly trafficated articles, consider starting a linking campaign for them and improve their authority in SEs. This will be reflected on your targeted webpages.

Other alternative backlink sources can be sponsoring and advertising on blogs, joining charity groups and, highly profitable, establishing cooperative relations with dot.orgs and dot.edus websites.

Building Backlinks With Submission Sites – What You Should Consider

As you probably know, a good source of backlinks is using Directory Submission, Press Releases, Articles, Forums. Still, this method fails in providing quick PageRank boost due to the fact that Google takes into account only one inbound link from a certain root domain.

Basically you’ll get the PR benefit from a submission platform just through the first link pointing back to your website; the future ones are only useful for generating traffic.

Another deficit is represented by the considerable amount of work that must be invested in order to see results in your traffic reports.

But then again, there is no such “magic formula” that will guarantee you dominate your niche in SEO instead, it is required to have a well thought out strategy for doing this; and submission platforms must be taken into account.Getting backlinks from submission sites is an indispensable method, especially if you’re starting out and have no link juice to share or trade with your potential link partners.

Making the most out of this link resource is the reason why I wrote this article. Let us start.

Guidelines to submitting your business website to submission directories

There is no doubt we are witnessing a downfall in directory submission quality, but there are still a handful of them that are worth submitting your business to, such as Yahoo Directory, DMOZ, Best of the Web, Gimpsy and Search Sight.

Here is how to do it:

1. ensure that your website has a professional design;
2. test for broken links; major flaw, that diminishes the chances your website is accepted;
3. test for broken images;
4. link the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Return Policy, Shipping Information and Guarantee to your home page;
5. insert a recent copywriting notice on every page of your site;
6. give a realistic description of your site and always deliver what you promise; for radical updates in your website, make the necessary changes in its description;
7. vary your description throughout multiple submission directories, but don’t affect the essence;
8. don’t keyword stuff your website’s title or description tag;
9. respect the guidelines for each submission directory;
10. choose the category which best describes your website’s niche;
11. go for regional categories if your business permits; the “regional” in every niche has high acceptance rates.

Guidelines for building backlinks with press releases

The results you get with a press release campaign depends on those who pich up the press release. Press release are a great source of one way backlinks.

Here’s what you should consider:

1. a smart way for writing press releases is to customize an existing article from your content pages and make it more newsworthy;
2. use an impersonal and objective tone in your writing; advertisments and subjective opinions will not get editorial staff’s approval;
3. direct reader’s attention to your website as a source of complementary information on the topic;
4. preferably, work with paid directories; the free ones have major disadvantages such as no-follow links or no link submissions at all. I recommend using PRWeb, PRLeap, PRWeb Direct and 24-7 PR.

Getting backlinks from forums

Search for those that allow links and do-follow links.

Also, be sure to avoid counter-productive behaviour like terrible typos, solid rocks of text, poor headlines, excessive quoting, “pimping” signature files, pushing links and philosophical replies, to name just a few.

Guidelines to follow when using Article Submissions to build backlinks

Another great way of getting one way backlinks to your website, limited only by frequency and quality of the work you put into it.

Here is a short starting guide:

1. chose a topic related with a broad category or page in your website;
2. make your article between 400 and 800 words. Evenly distribute your targeted keywords across the body text;
3. make your content extremely informative but incomplete;
4. composes an incentive resource box with a backlink to your targeted webpage having as an anchor text the keyword you’re optimizing the page for.
5. submit your article to directories with high PageRank and most importantly, with high traffic volume, a.k.a. Alexa Ranking. The top 50 A.D.s can be found at: vretoolbar.com (/) articles (/) directories.php

Before you passionately check your traffic stats, make sure you’ve submitted at least 25 articles (per directory, if you’re also interested to know which directories produce results). Massive traffic can be obtained once you’ve accumulated around 250 articles.

If you have a handful of highly trafficated articles, consider starting a linking campaign for them and improve their authority in SEs. This will be reflected on your targeted webpages.

Other alternative backlink sources can be sponsoring and advertising on blogs, joining charity groups and, highly profitable, establishing cooperative relations with dot.orgs and dot.edus websites.