Tag Archives: ppc

How to have a profitable, fully optimized pay per click campaign

Pay per click (PPC) is a great automated marketing method, but it is becoming more and more difficult. There are hundreds of thousands of advertisers out there trying to grab customers’ attention.

As an advertiser, you know that pay-per-click campaigns take a lot of trial and error. You set up your keywords, write your ads and track conversions until you find the right combination that works the best.

In the last few years, running an adword campaign has become very competitive. With the rapidly increasing number of advertisers in every niche, the click costs are also sky rocketing.

Beating adwords is a process and one of the most important steps of this process is to find your competitors. When you know who your competitors are and what they are doing, you can easily develop your own strategies and get a kind of competitive edge that is truly unbeatable.

There are two ways to go about it. First, you may like to do it yourself manually. Alternatively, you can let a PPC tool do everything for you and achieve quality scores with Google.

There is a tool called PPC Bully. It is a great example of an adwords spy tool where you enter the keywords you want to track and it tells you what ads are there, which ads are affiliate ads, how long the advertiser’s ad has been running etc. PPC Bully gives you this info and assigns a value to each keyword and to show which ads are profitable.

You can then go in, write a similar ad, set up your campaign and you should have a much higher success rate than the campaign blast method.

PPC Bully or any other similar tool is not a magic program to take all the work out of PPC, but it does make launching a successful campaign right off the bat much more likely.

3 Reasons Why Conversion Rate Optimisation Delivers Far Higher ROI Than SEO, PPC, or SMM

Conversion rate optimisation focuses on optimising the various components of your website to ultimately increase conversions. Also known as CRO, this optimisation process can take several weeks to complete and include one or more of the following components: Website traffic analysis; heat mapping analysis; revising direct response copywriting tools, modifying sales funnels, revising web design, and fixing web programming issues.

Now to be clear, the purpose of conversion rate optimisation is to increase online sales making it very similar to PPC, SEO, SMM, and even Content Marketing. In other words, CRO is just one of many investment options you can choose from to grow your online sales. But unlike SEO, PPC, SMM, or even Content Marketing, CRO delivers a massive ROI and is hands down the best investment option for your online business for 3 very critical reasons:

1: The ROI from CRO Continues to Grow Long After Service is Complete: You know what happens when you stop investing money in PPC, SEO, SMM, or even Content Marketing? Yep, your sales dry up and the ROI for that investment stops growing. Now sure, PPC dries up immediately while SEO, SMM, and Content Marketing take longer, but without constant investment these options will stop producing sales relatively quickly. But with conversion rate optimisation, your increased sales continue to roll in long after the CRO experts have completed their work. So even a modest conversion rate increase that only yields another $2,000 in sales per month adds up to a whopping $24,000 in additional sales throughout the year.

2: Conversion Rate Optimisation Lowers Traffic Costs: Think about it: PPC, SMM, SEO, and Content Marketing all require you to invest additional resources to generate those extra sales. So while your sales are going up, so too are your marketing expenses which means your profit margins remain flat. But CRO experts significantly boost your overall profits because they help you generate more sales with less traffic by eliminating the non-converting keywords from your paid traffic streams. CRO companies will also review your SEO and SMM efforts to make sure your efforts are actually generating sales instead of merely sending traffic. So in the end, conversion rate optimisation reduces traffic costs without sacrificing conversions so you literally generate more sales with less traffic and thus dramatically boost profits.

3: 100% Conversion Focused
Although you probably hire SEO, SMM, and PPC experts with the hopes of increasing sales, you are technically only paying for more traffic. And as you may have learned the hard way, more traffic does not always correlate with more sales. This is why SEO and PPC experts always want to talk about your rankings or the amount of traffic they are sending to your site while conveniently ignoring how many new sales their efforts are generating or how little ROI they are truly generating for their services. But with CRO experts, their only goal is to increase overall conversions and the ROI from their services reflects this fact.

Concluding Thoughts
From SEO to CRO and everything in between, a website owner has a lot of valid options to choose from in order to increase sales on their website. But unlike most other options, conversion rate optimisation will not increase your marketing costs which dramatically increases the ROI. In addition, the ROI from a CRO project will continue to grow long after the initial project is complete instead of disappearing the minute you cease investing, like with SEO, PPC and other options.

3 Reasons Why Conversion Rate Optimisation Delivers Far Higher ROI Than SEO, PPC, or SMM

Conversion rate optimisation focuses on optimising the various components of your website to ultimately increase conversions. Also known as CRO, this optimisation process can take several weeks to complete and include one or more of the following components: Website traffic analysis; heat mapping analysis; revising direct response copywriting tools, modifying sales funnels, revising web design, and fixing web programming issues.

Now to be clear, the purpose of conversion rate optimisation is to increase online sales making it very similar to PPC, SEO, SMM, and even Content Marketing. In other words, CRO is just one of many investment options you can choose from to grow your online sales. But unlike SEO, PPC, SMM, or even Content Marketing, CRO delivers a massive ROI and is hands down the best investment option for your online business for 3 very critical reasons:

1: The ROI from CRO Continues to Grow Long After Service is Complete: You know what happens when you stop investing money in PPC, SEO, SMM, or even Content Marketing? Yep, your sales dry up and the ROI for that investment stops growing. Now sure, PPC dries up immediately while SEO, SMM, and Content Marketing take longer, but without constant investment these options will stop producing sales relatively quickly. But with conversion rate optimisation, your increased sales continue to roll in long after the CRO experts have completed their work. So even a modest conversion rate increase that only yields another $2,000 in sales per month adds up to a whopping $24,000 in additional sales throughout the year.

2: Conversion Rate Optimisation Lowers Traffic Costs: Think about it: PPC, SMM, SEO, and Content Marketing all require you to invest additional resources to generate those extra sales. So while your sales are going up, so too are your marketing expenses which means your profit margins remain flat. But CRO experts significantly boost your overall profits because they help you generate more sales with less traffic by eliminating the non-converting keywords from your paid traffic streams. CRO companies will also review your SEO and SMM efforts to make sure your efforts are actually generating sales instead of merely sending traffic. So in the end, conversion rate optimisation reduces traffic costs without sacrificing conversions so you literally generate more sales with less traffic and thus dramatically boost profits.

3: 100% Conversion Focused
Although you probably hire SEO, SMM, and PPC experts with the hopes of increasing sales, you are technically only paying for more traffic. And as you may have learned the hard way, more traffic does not always correlate with more sales. This is why SEO and PPC experts always want to talk about your rankings or the amount of traffic they are sending to your site while conveniently ignoring how many new sales their efforts are generating or how little ROI they are truly generating for their services. But with CRO experts, their only goal is to increase overall conversions and the ROI from their services reflects this fact.

Concluding Thoughts
From SEO to CRO and everything in between, a website owner has a lot of valid options to choose from in order to increase sales on their website. But unlike most other options, conversion rate optimisation will not increase your marketing costs which dramatically increases the ROI. In addition, the ROI from a CRO project will continue to grow long after the initial project is complete instead of disappearing the minute you cease investing, like with SEO, PPC and other options.