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Easy Ways to Free Link Building

In these turbulent economic times, every penny saved can help in the sustenance and survival of businesses, especially when it comes to small and medium businesses. The best method to secure a credible online presence is link building.

Links pointing to a web page play an integral role in Search Engine Optimization. Along with giving more importance to the number of links a web page has, search engines also pay close attention to linkage patterns. So it is not only the number of links pointing to your web page that decides your position in the search engine results page, but also the quality of those links. The quality of a link is determined by two factors: authority of the web page linking to you and the link anchor text. What Link building Services does is help you not just in improving your page rank in search engines, but also in generating quality traffic to your web page.

Listed below are five easy ways that you can utilize for building links without spending a penny:

1. CREATE CONTENT WORTH LINKING TO: Nobody wants to link to a web page which has irrelevant or bogus content. Content on your web pages must be useful to your readers or web page visitors. This will generate traffic as well as help your page in ranking well in search engines. It really costs nothing to come up with original and useful content. Once you do this, gaining links from various trusted or authoritative sources will be a lot more easy.

2. GET LINKS FROM DIRECTORIES: Links in the major directories help provide context to search engines. The two major directories are the Yahoo! Directory (dir.yahoo.com) and the Open Directory Project (dmoz.org). Yahoo! Directory is part of the Yahoo! Search system and Open Directory Project feeds results to Google directory. The Open Directory also feeds results to hundreds of other sites thereby helping in further link building.

If you want to submit your website to specialized directories relevant to your business, find these by typing your primary keyword followed by the word ‘directory’ in Google or you can use the Link building Services for this task as well. Make sure you read the submission tips before submitting your website in any of these directories.

Websites that are submitted to directories are subject to human review. Make sure your site has quality (relevant and original) content and follows all guidelines specified. If you manage to do this, you are very likely to secure links from these directories.

3. SOCIAL NETWORKING: One great way to ensure quality link building is social networking. Currently, most search algorithms are driven by link reputation. Eventually, search engines will have enough user feedback data with which they will be able to augment the links with how users tag web pages and their usage data. If a site with exceptionally high link popularity scores rarely gets tagged, search engines may not count the relevancy for that site or flag that site for human review.

Spread the word about your website, business ideas and developments on social networking sites. Build communities and start discussions. Again, ensuring quality and relevant content must be your priority. Use these sites to build links to your web pages as well as to develop your existing network of friends. Some of the popular social networking sites is Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and Orkut.

4. SOCIAL BOOKMARKING: Another way of popularizing your website is social bookmarking. Visitors who like content on your site can bookmark this for their own reference as well as others. Since all social bookmarking sites attract heavy traffic, getting bookmarked can generate a good reader base for your website. What this also means is that you’ll get quality links which will help your website gain credibility. Some of the popular social bookmarking sites are del.icio.us, reddit, Digg, Technorati and StumbleUpon. Google has indexed millions of pages from del.icio.us and Digg.

Indexing links from social networking and social bookmarking sites, along with the links from other websites provides Google with more popularity information. If you track what types of information people are tagging, you can develop good ideas to create free viral link popularity.

5. POST COMMENTS ON BLOGS: Many bloggers allow people who post comments to have a link back to their site. Spot blogs those are relevant to your business or website and post comments. Never post a comment that is solely dedicated to popularizing your site. Make sure you have something constructive to say and if possible, provide a link back to content on your site that supports your comment or the blog post.

Here are some tips for commenting on blogs:
• Don’t put a keyword phrase as your name
• Avoid blog spamming: Leave meaningful comments. Don’t say “Nice post” or “I found this very useful.” Why did you find it useful? What can you add to the conversation?
• Try to be interactive. Even though link building is your priority, don’t make it very apparent. Post a comment that directly deals with the blog post in question and casually add a link back to your website.

Successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Real Estate Investing

SEO involves making changes to a website so that it ranks highly in the search results of all search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. Thus, when someone searches for your product or service on the search engines, your website appears among the first.

This can result to getting new clients for many years to come.

In this article, we look at the techniques you can use to boost your search engine rankings.

On-site optimization The first step in Search engine optimization (SEO) is to make sure your website has your chosen keywords. You need to include keywords in

1) Title – this is the page title in the meta tags. The easiest way to see this is on top of the browser. The title appears in bold in the search engine results. This should be a short sentence 250 words or less that describes the page content.

2) Description – this is also in the meta tags. The meta description can be longer than the title and provide more information.

3) Content – you should include the keywords naturally in the content meant for the human eye as well as for the search engines. Do not over-exaggerate by putting the keyword too many times.

4) Domain name – if at all possible, if the domain name contains the keywords, you will rank better than a domain without those keywords.

Offsite optimization – link building Off-site SEO involves having third party websites link to your website. A website with many websites linking to it is considered by the search engines as being more popular, and is ranked higher than less popular websites.

As much as possible, make sure you use the chosen keywords as anchor text.

You should be careful not to build links too fast, or the search engines could sandbox (blacklist) your website as a spammer.

Building links involves several activities:

1. Articles When you post content in article directories, they allow you to put a link back to your website. You will find hundreds of these directories that will link permanently to your website.

Article marketing will bring you clients both directly and through boosting your search engine position.

2. Profiles All social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, allow you to leave a link to your website when you create a profile with them. You will find hundreds of these websites.

3. Web 2.0 websites Whenever you post your articles to Web 2.0 websites like WordPress, Squidoo, Blogger, etc, make sure you leave a link back to your website.

4. Classified directories Thousands of directory websites allow you to post classified ads with a link back to your website.

5. RSS Be sure that you submit your website to RSS directories if your website has an RSS feed. This allows your website content to be posted in other websites with a link back to your website.

6. Videos Video marketing has become very popular. Be sure to distribute your videos to all video sites for best results.

7. Bookmarks Hundreds of bookmark sites allow you to post your link and some content and keywords. Search engines love these sites, and can boost your search engine rankings within a few days.

8. Blog and forum commenting The results of blog and search engine commenting can be a drastic boost in search engine results. Since this can be abused, you must do this right or your comments could end up being deleted.

These are the most popular SEO techniques that are likely to boost your search engine rankings drastically. At the very least, your real estate investing website should be optimized so it continues bringing business for you naturally for years to come.

Successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Real Estate Investing

SEO involves making changes to a website so that it ranks highly in the search results of all search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. Thus, when someone searches for your product or service on the search engines, your website appears among the first.

This can result to getting new clients for many years to come.

In this article, we look at the techniques you can use to boost your search engine rankings.

On-site optimization The first step in Search engine optimization (SEO) is to make sure your website has your chosen keywords. You need to include keywords in

1) Title – this is the page title in the meta tags. The easiest way to see this is on top of the browser. The title appears in bold in the search engine results. This should be a short sentence 250 words or less that describes the page content.

2) Description – this is also in the meta tags. The meta description can be longer than the title and provide more information.

3) Content – you should include the keywords naturally in the content meant for the human eye as well as for the search engines. Do not over-exaggerate by putting the keyword too many times.

4) Domain name – if at all possible, if the domain name contains the keywords, you will rank better than a domain without those keywords.

Offsite optimization – link building Off-site SEO involves having third party websites link to your website. A website with many websites linking to it is considered by the search engines as being more popular, and is ranked higher than less popular websites.

As much as possible, make sure you use the chosen keywords as anchor text.

You should be careful not to build links too fast, or the search engines could sandbox (blacklist) your website as a spammer.

Building links involves several activities:

1. Articles When you post content in article directories, they allow you to put a link back to your website. You will find hundreds of these directories that will link permanently to your website.

Article marketing will bring you clients both directly and through boosting your search engine position.

2. Profiles All social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, allow you to leave a link to your website when you create a profile with them. You will find hundreds of these websites.

3. Web 2.0 websites Whenever you post your articles to Web 2.0 websites like WordPress, Squidoo, Blogger, etc, make sure you leave a link back to your website.

4. Classified directories Thousands of directory websites allow you to post classified ads with a link back to your website.

5. RSS Be sure that you submit your website to RSS directories if your website has an RSS feed. This allows your website content to be posted in other websites with a link back to your website.

6. Videos Video marketing has become very popular. Be sure to distribute your videos to all video sites for best results.

7. Bookmarks Hundreds of bookmark sites allow you to post your link and some content and keywords. Search engines love these sites, and can boost your search engine rankings within a few days.

8. Blog and forum commenting The results of blog and search engine commenting can be a drastic boost in search engine results. Since this can be abused, you must do this right or your comments could end up being deleted.

These are the most popular SEO techniques that are likely to boost your search engine rankings drastically. At the very least, your real estate investing website should be optimized so it continues bringing business for you naturally for years to come.