Tag Archives: possible

Protecting Against a List of Malicious Attacks

A threat profile is a list of things that a malicious attack can do to a computer. When a penetration testing company is performing security checks against threats to a customer’s database or website applications, they focus on specific areas that coordinate with the threat profile. There are several diagnostics that an application security testing company can perform to see how easily a company’s system can be breached. Once a threat profile has been established, the security company can begin web application security testing.

What Types of Threats Exist?

Different threats have different goals. Depending on who and what is attacking the site, different things may happen. For example, the idea behind the threat may be to steal credit card information on a company’s clients or to cause an e-commerce site to malfunction and lose business. To protect an application against threats, a computer security company must first know what the system needs to protect against, before it can create and implement a plan.

What Does Testing Involve?

Checking and testing for possible security weaknesses is done through a battery of testing procedures. The plan for testing must first be custom designed with the particular application in mind. The security company tries to mimic the possible avenues that could be used to cause trouble. The tests are then performed. Depending on how in depth the process is and how many tests are performed, it can take anywhere from 10 days to one month. A quality security company will not rush the process and risk problems down the road for the sake of saving a few minutes here and there. Qualified personnel will take their time to verify that an application is as secure as possible through a variety of exhaustive methods. Tests using scanners are helpful, but people-driven testing tools are often more effective for preventing sabotage, malicious attacks, siphoning and other threats.


When consumers use a website for e-commerce or to exchange personal information, they want to know that it’s secure. They do not want their personal contact information, credit card numbers, financial details to be shared with other people. They want reassurances that any website or website application they use is safe from hackers and identity thieves. Without a security certification posted on the website, many potential customers will gladly take their business elsewhere in favor of personal safety. Once a website application has been authentically certified, it should be displayed where it can be seen. The site should be certified by experts who have had proper, up-to-date training in prevention of risks and thwarting attacks.

Protecting Against a List of Malicious Attacks

A threat profile is a list of things that a malicious attack can do to a computer. When a penetration testing company is performing security checks against threats to a customer’s database or website applications, they focus on specific areas that coordinate with the threat profile. There are several diagnostics that an application security testing company can perform to see how easily a company’s system can be breached. Once a threat profile has been established, the security company can begin web application security testing.

What Types of Threats Exist?

Different threats have different goals. Depending on who and what is attacking the site, different things may happen. For example, the idea behind the threat may be to steal credit card information on a company’s clients or to cause an e-commerce site to malfunction and lose business. To protect an application against threats, a computer security company must first know what the system needs to protect against, before it can create and implement a plan.

What Does Testing Involve?

Checking and testing for possible security weaknesses is done through a battery of testing procedures. The plan for testing must first be custom designed with the particular application in mind. The security company tries to mimic the possible avenues that could be used to cause trouble. The tests are then performed. Depending on how in depth the process is and how many tests are performed, it can take anywhere from 10 days to one month. A quality security company will not rush the process and risk problems down the road for the sake of saving a few minutes here and there. Qualified personnel will take their time to verify that an application is as secure as possible through a variety of exhaustive methods. Tests using scanners are helpful, but people-driven testing tools are often more effective for preventing sabotage, malicious attacks, siphoning and other threats.


When consumers use a website for e-commerce or to exchange personal information, they want to know that it’s secure. They do not want their personal contact information, credit card numbers, financial details to be shared with other people. They want reassurances that any website or website application they use is safe from hackers and identity thieves. Without a security certification posted on the website, many potential customers will gladly take their business elsewhere in favor of personal safety. Once a website application has been authentically certified, it should be displayed where it can be seen. The site should be certified by experts who have had proper, up-to-date training in prevention of risks and thwarting attacks.

Quality Backlinks 101

Gaining a better page ranking as well as growing your web site traffic volumes can be achieved by building backlinks to your web site. Building quality backlinks is possible when you put in a bit of work. The best source for quality inbound links is really going to have weblogs pointing to your site. If you’ve quality weblog and websites directing to your web site, this can help you gain more traction with the search engines like Google.

It might seem like a ton of work trying to get high quality backlinks to your website. That would indeed mean getting in touch with numerous site owners and having them place inbound links to your web site. However although carrying out it the traditional way works, it’ll really take a lot of time getting other blogs to direct to your website. But obviously in the day and age of intelligent software programs, there is an easier way.

Even so, you can find really efficient software programs which help your web site get ranked well, but constantly bear in mind this: Content is king! Content is really king to this game. Thus, to truly get your web site ranked, one of the most important things that really matters to the search engines is having very good, quality content on your web pages. What the majority of people do not realize too is in order to truly control the market, you actually need to get as many written content pages as possible and get inbound links direct to those content pages.

Although you can’t really do that with an optin webpage, you will be able to do it in other places of the website. The more inbound links to a web page, the better the webpage will get ranked in the search engines. And so that’s something to think because this really is a big factor you could do to actually get fantastic results. Can you do that on your own without having to rely relying on web sites backlinking to your website?

Well, in fact the majority of folks do not realize this, but it is possible to take your page and link to it. For instance, let’s say you have a few of your own content or weblogs and things like that, you can have your very own webpages link to your other pages that you need to get ranking higher for. This method can really do wonders for your position. So, if you’re not currently employing this method, it’s certainly one that I highly suggest you consider implementing. Also, make certain that the links you build get found by the search engines, so they really matter in the balance.