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Pros and cons of link swapping

The vast amounts of information that is available on the internet can be got easily by using the search engines. To be visible one needs to have a good page rank. This page ranking is decided by various parameters. One of them is linking strategy. This is a very good feature used to increase traffic to the website. Linking is a simple yet powerful tool. It has to be used in the right manner to increase traffic flow to the website. There are different means to develop a good link structure.

Benefits of linking

The most common and popular means of link creation is through the link exchange directory. This is an online directory having a database of millions of websites which are looking to start linking. They are neatly catalogued and chronicled. These link exchange sites are easy to use, have user friendly instructions and are very popular. The reason being that the sites which are on it have already been checked and validated. Hence all one needs to do is find the right site and start the procedure. The process of link creation is handled very well by these directories. The link creation should be done with a site of similar interest, or else it is a waste of time and exposure.

The negatives of link swapping

One of the off shoots of link swapping is reciprocal linking exchange. This is where both the websites have gateways to each other. This set up is beneficial to both the sites. But since linking is easy, it is done rampantly and without any reason. It is very easy to fall prey to link farms. Here the linking is random and does not serve any purpose. We need to be careful while accepting a link exchange request. This is why reciprocal link exchange directory comes into the picture. They are hugely helpful and totally eliminate these problems.

Judicious use of Link exchange

Since linking is popular it is very easy to get carried away. If the user is looking for serious increase in traffic, then link building is a very good way to do it. This is a very innovative feature, if used well will provide very good returns. It also has a say in page rank. Hence it becomes important to use it well.

Reciprocal link exchange

The internet is a highly competitive arena. One needs to be on top of his game and continuously innovating to be the best. There are various new concepts that have been put forth to help increase visibility and traffic flow. One of the most popular one is link swapping. This is a feature were a link is placed on a webpage to another site, and when a visitor clicks on it he will be able to navigate to that site. This can happen vice versa, and then it is called reciprocal linking.

Reciprocal linking

This is a very popular means of increasing the visibility of the site. Reciprocal linking when used well and thoughtfully can be very useful. Both the sites offer links to one another. In this manner both are benefitted equally. The main point to take note here is that one should be very careful while accepting or sending a request for reciprocal linking. It is advisable to link up to sites of similar content. The possibility of being included in link farms will harm the page rank. Link exchange is a very powerful tool when used to its full potential.


This is one of the most popular and widely used reciprocal link exchange directory. This site is very good and has some very good features which have made them popular. The link exchange function has been simplified a lot in this directory. There are thousands of articles and web pages that are featured here in neatly classified folders. All one has do is choose the topic which he is interested in and go through the various sites listed. He can study them thoroughly and then make a decision. There are very easy and convenient steps explained in the site to guide you through the process.

Proper link building strategies explained

The need to be judicious and cautious while accepting link requests is the reason for the directory sites to become popular. If the directory is popular one can link up effortlessly. Many use these directories to promote their sites. The reciprocal link exchange phenomenon is a very successful one. There are millions of users of reciprocal link exchange sites. These directories are warehouses of very good quality sites and one does not need to go any were else to establish a good link network.

Reciprocal link exchange

The internet is a highly competitive arena. One needs to be on top of his game and continuously innovating to be the best. There are various new concepts that have been put forth to help increase visibility and traffic flow. One of the most popular one is link swapping. This is a feature were a link is placed on a webpage to another site, and when a visitor clicks on it he will be able to navigate to that site. This can happen vice versa, and then it is called reciprocal linking.

Reciprocal linking

This is a very popular means of increasing the visibility of the site. Reciprocal linking when used well and thoughtfully can be very useful. Both the sites offer links to one another. In this manner both are benefitted equally. The main point to take note here is that one should be very careful while accepting or sending a request for reciprocal linking. It is advisable to link up to sites of similar content. The possibility of being included in link farms will harm the page rank. Link exchange is a very powerful tool when used to its full potential.


This is one of the most popular and widely used reciprocal link exchange directory. This site is very good and has some very good features which have made them popular. The link exchange function has been simplified a lot in this directory. There are thousands of articles and web pages that are featured here in neatly classified folders. All one has do is choose the topic which he is interested in and go through the various sites listed. He can study them thoroughly and then make a decision. There are very easy and convenient steps explained in the site to guide you through the process.

Proper link building strategies explained

The need to be judicious and cautious while accepting link requests is the reason for the directory sites to become popular. If the directory is popular one can link up effortlessly. Many use these directories to promote their sites. The reciprocal link exchange phenomenon is a very successful one. There are millions of users of reciprocal link exchange sites. These directories are warehouses of very good quality sites and one does not need to go any were else to establish a good link network.