Tag Archives: plugins

Leveraging WordPress SEO Plugins

Creating and publishing a website is no longer a mysterious, esoteric task that is reserved only for computer geeks. These days, just about everyone and their dog has a website. Anyone wanting a piece of the virtual pie can easily sign up for a free Blogger blog or one of the major Web 2.0 properties like HubPages or Squidoo in about five minutes. Plus, there are lots of WYSIWYG editors available that make creating a beautiful, interactive webpage a very simple process.

One of the most popular tools for hosting a blog is WordPress, an open-source project that is freely available for the downloading. There are at least a thousand tutorials available on the ‘net for how to set up a WordPress blog, configure the theme, upload it to your own hosting account, and so on. This article is not going to re-cover that ground. It has been done more than enough. The question is, what do you do once your blog is online, to get the word out so that you can get traffic?

The answer to that question is: search engine optimization. SEO is basically the process of driving traffic to your website organically (that is, not paid) from the search engines. To get the search engine “spiders” or “bots” to notice your site among the “billions and billions” of pages out on the web, and then rank it “high” in the results pages (so people will find it easily), you’ll need to work on these three general tasks:

  1. Make sure your content is relevant to the keywords people are searching with
  2. Optimizing your website and its content with keyword emphasis and linking structures
  3. Building inbound links to your website from others, preferably those in your same niche

This article focuses on the tools that can simplify item (2) in the list. Backlinking, the process described in (3), is a subject for a whitepaper, not just a short article. And, obviously, it is up to you to be sure your content is relevant to the keywords you are attaching to your pages as mentioned in item (1); just use your common sense.

The good news is that there are any number of tools to simplify the job to improve the optimization on your website. Owing to the popularity of WordPress, an entire industry is producing add-on capabilities in specialized themes and WordPress SEO plugins to facilitate optimizing sites built with the platform. You can dig up all sorts of tools, ranging from free plugins like Platinum SEO, HeadSpace2, and Google Video Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or SEO Booster Pro.

Here is a short list of plugins you should investigate:

  • SEOPressor WordPress Plugin
  • Platinum SEO Pack
  • All-in-One SEO Pack
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • Google Image Sitemap
  • Google Video Sitemap
  • Automatic SEO Links
  • HeadSpace2

Always remember, though: put good content on your site that will provide real value for your visitors. Treat your visitors well, and you will get your fair share of traffic; just be sure to do your SEO correctly, and you can speed up the process considerably!

Leveraging WordPress SEO Plugins

Creating and publishing a website is no longer a mysterious, esoteric task that is reserved only for computer geeks. These days, just about everyone and their dog has a website. Anyone wanting a piece of the virtual pie can easily sign up for a free Blogger blog or one of the major Web 2.0 properties like HubPages or Squidoo in about five minutes. Plus, there are lots of WYSIWYG editors available that make creating a beautiful, interactive webpage a very simple process.

One of the most popular tools for hosting a blog is WordPress, an open-source project that is freely available for the downloading. There are at least a thousand tutorials available on the ‘net for how to set up a WordPress blog, configure the theme, upload it to your own hosting account, and so on. This article is not going to re-cover that ground. It has been done more than enough. The question is, what do you do once your blog is online, to get the word out so that you can get traffic?

The answer to that question is: search engine optimization. SEO is basically the process of driving traffic to your website organically (that is, not paid) from the search engines. To get the search engine “spiders” or “bots” to notice your site among the “billions and billions” of pages out on the web, and then rank it “high” in the results pages (so people will find it easily), you’ll need to work on these three general tasks:

  1. Make sure your content is relevant to the keywords people are searching with
  2. Optimizing your website and its content with keyword emphasis and linking structures
  3. Building inbound links to your website from others, preferably those in your same niche

This article focuses on the tools that can simplify item (2) in the list. Backlinking, the process described in (3), is a subject for a whitepaper, not just a short article. And, obviously, it is up to you to be sure your content is relevant to the keywords you are attaching to your pages as mentioned in item (1); just use your common sense.

The good news is that there are any number of tools to simplify the job to improve the optimization on your website. Owing to the popularity of WordPress, an entire industry is producing add-on capabilities in specialized themes and WordPress SEO plugins to facilitate optimizing sites built with the platform. You can dig up all sorts of tools, ranging from free plugins like Platinum SEO, HeadSpace2, and Google Video Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or SEO Booster Pro.

Here is a short list of plugins you should investigate:

  • SEOPressor WordPress Plugin
  • Platinum SEO Pack
  • All-in-One SEO Pack
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • Google Image Sitemap
  • Google Video Sitemap
  • Automatic SEO Links
  • HeadSpace2

Always remember, though: put good content on your site that will provide real value for your visitors. Treat your visitors well, and you will get your fair share of traffic; just be sure to do your SEO correctly, and you can speed up the process considerably!

3 of the best SEO plugins for WordPress that your blog shouldn't be without

There are so many SEO plugins for WordPress, some better than others of course, some don’t do all that much but below are 3 great plugins that I have been using that would be incredibly useful on any WordPress Site.
SEO Ultimate – I think this great plugin deserves more recognition than it’s gotten up till now. I have never seen a plugin with such a massive array of features, this does everything that All In One SEO, also throws in the same functionality found within SEO Smart Links and a number of other plugins it is essentially the swiss army knife of WordPress plugins. Some examples of its additional features include; code inserter (for use with adding Google Analytics, Adsense section targeting etc) Webmaster verification assistant, Link Mask Generator, Robots.txt editor and you can even export your SEO Ultimate settings to a file so you can import later or use on another blog if you need to, along with support for importing post meta data from the All In One SEO plugin – and there is more, simply a must have for your blog.

SEO friendly images – It seems like a lot of people will focus more on the off page SEO rather than on page, which itself plays a huge roll in drawing traffic to your site from search engines. Out of all of the on page factors, image ALT & TITLE tags seems to be one of the most underused. This great plugin will automatically update all images with ALT and TITLE tags, the plugin will even add these tags to images that do not have them according to the options you have selected.

Google XML Sitemaps – This is a very useful WordPress plugin, it will create an XML sitemap for your site that will allow it to be indexed better by the major search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com. Search engines crawlers will be able to use it to see the full structure of your site and notify them whenever any new content is added.

XML sitemaps are very useful as they allow search engines to index pages that are not linked to your site that you wish to be indexed. It tells them the last modified date of pages, how frequently a page is updated so the crawlers know when to check back for new content or updated content and it will allow you to indicate the priority of particular pages within your site.