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The Truth about RAID Technology

RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or sometimes “Independent”) Disks – is a method of combining several hard drives into one logical unit. It can offer fault tolerance and higher throughput levels than a single hard drive or group of independent hard drives.

RAID is a mature technology that speeds up data access while at the same time protecting your data from hard disk failure. RAID is quickly becoming a necessary component in every network since data loss and downtime can prove both fatal and financially destructive. Most networks are designed to provide instant access to massive amounts of data. More and more employees have to access customer and other databases. Intranets and corporate Web sites provide access to huge databases online.
RAID provides increased storage capacities, and protects your important data from hard drive failure.
RAID Levels:
There are multiple benefits of using RAID:
Real-time data recovery with uninterrupted access when a hard drive fails
System uptime and network availability
Protection against data loss
multiple drives working in parallel increase system performance
A disk system with RAID capability can protect its data and provide on-line, immediate access to its data, despite a single disk failure (some RAID storage systems can withstand two concurrent disk failures). RAID capability also provides for the on-line reconstruction of the contents of a failed disk to a replacement disk.
RAID offers faster hard drive performance and nearly complete data safety. Storage requirements are expanding as file sizes get bigger and rendering needs get more complex. If you handle very large images or work on audio and video files, faster data throughput means enhanced productivity. RAID can be backed up to tape while the system is in use.
There are 5 most commonly used RAID levels. These levels are not ratings, but rather classifications of functionality. Different RAID levels offer dramatic differences in performance, data availability and data integrity depending on the specific I/O environment. There is no single RAID level that is perfect for all users.
Storage Requirements can be calculated through RAID Calculator.

RAID 0 refers to striping data across multiple disks without any redundant information. Data is divided into blocks and distributed sequentially among the disks. This level is also referred to as pure striping. The number of disk drives needed to create a RAID 0 is one or more. In other words, a single drive can be configured as a RAID 0 array. This type of array can be used to enhance performance in either a request rate intensive or transfer rate intensive environment. Unfortunately, striping reduces the level of data availability since a disk failure will cause the entire array to be inaccessible.

RAID 0 was not defined originally but has become a commonly used term.

Easy to Implement
No capacity loss – all storage is usable

Not a “true” RAID due to the lack of fault-tolerance
Failure of only one disk will result in loss of all data on the array
RAID 1 is the first defined level that allows a measure of data redundancy. Data written to one disk drive is simultaneously written to another disk drive. If one disk fails, the other disk can be used to run the system and reconstruct the failed disk. Since the disk is mirrored, it does not matter if one of them fails because both disks contain the same data at all times.
RAID level 1 provides high data availability since two complete copies of all information are maintained. In addition, read performance may be enhanced if the array controller allows simultaneous reads from both members of a mirrored pair. Higher availability will be achieved if both disks in a mirror pair are on separate I/O busses, known as duplexing.

Higher read performance than a single disk

Requires twice the desired disk space
In RAID 3, data is striped across a set of disks. In addition, parity is generated and stored on a dedicated disk. With RAID 3, data chunks are much smaller than the average I/O size and the disk spindles are synchronized to enhance throughput in transfer rate intensive environments. RAID 3 is well suited for CAD/CAM or imaging type applications as well as streaming media. Since parity is used, a RAID 3 stripe set can withstand a single disk failure without losing data or access to data.
Good data availability
High performance for transfer rate intensive applications
Cost effective – only 1 extra disk is required for parity

Poor random I/O performance
Disk failure has a significant impact on performance
RAID 5, similar to level 3, stripes data and parity to generate redundancy. However, instead of requiring entirely new disk for parity storage, the parity is distributed through the stripe of the disk array.
In RAID 5 both parity and data are striped across a set of separate disks. Next, the new parity is calculated. Finally, the new data and parity are written to separate disks. Data chunks are much larger than the average I/O size, but are still resizable. Disks are able to satisfy requests independently which provides high read performance in a request rate intensive environment. Since parity information is used, a RAID 5 stripe can withstand a single disk failure without losing data or access to data.

Highest read data transaction rates
Cost effective – only 1 extra disk is required

Individual block data transfer rate same as a single disk.
RAID 10 is technically (RAID 1 + RAID 0), a combination of RAID 1 and 0 – mirroring and striping, but without parity. RAID 10 is a stripe across a number of mirrored drives. It is implemented as a striped array whose segments are RAID 1 arrays. RAID 10 has the same fault tolerance as RAID level 1, as well as the same overhead for fault-tolerance as mirroring alone.

Very high I/O rates are achieved by striping RAID 1 segments
Excellent solution for sites that would normally use RAID 1
Great for Oracle and other databases which need high performance and fault tolerance.

Expensive to maintain
As with Raid 1 total capacity is equal to half of the total capacity of all disk in the array.

How SOI Wafers are Advancing MEMS Manufacturing

Advancements in MEMS manufacturing, like many technological markets, is greatly driven by size, cost, and performance. Implementing SOI wafer solutions in the MEMS fabrication process allows production of smaller devices, cheaper costs and higher device performance. Let’s take a look at how SOI wafers are created and how they are advancing MEMS manufacturing.

The main draw to SOI (Silicon-on-Insulator) wafer technology is that it features an electrically insulating layer to protect the micro device. They are created using three layers of material. The first layer is the device layer; thin layers of high-quality silicon where the transistors are formed. The second layer is the insulating layer called the BOX (buried oxide) which is usually made out of silicon dioxide. This layer keeps the transistors isolated from the third layer, the handle layer. The handle layer is made of bulk silicone and provides structural support to the device. SOI wafers can be either thick film or thin film, depending on the application.


The first advantage SOI solutions have over bulk silicone wafers is that they allow for creation of smaller devices. The wafer manufacturing process makes the transistors more efficient, allowing for the production of more compact chips and greater chip yield per wafer because the chips can actually be placed closer together.

As consumer technology becomes more compact, MEMS companies strive to develop chips that hold more information in a much smaller space. So, in the MEMs world SOI wafer applications are pretty cool, because not only do they allow for smaller designs, they allow for more flexible designs with greater potential.


While the initial cost of is more expensive than bulk silicone wafers, the additional features available with SOI actually create lower manufacturing costs for a better, more advanced product. For instance, SOI wafers with pre-etched cavities are available and they simplify the MEMS manufacturing process by lowering development time. SOI wafers also allow production of higher quality chips without the need to purchase and implement more expensive manufacturing equipment.

With an increasing number of MEMS foundries adopting SOI technology and manufacturing processes as a standard, the prices of these wafers have decreased substantially and continue to decrease.


The final selling point for SOI is that it offers a solution to create superior products. The insulating BOX layer reduces electrical current leakage, which in turn reduces unnecessary power consumption and gives the transistor better performance. It also reduces heat, allowing for these MEMS devices to be used in higher-temperature environments with no ill effects.

The insulating layer also blocks out signal noise which not only allows the transistors’ switching speeds to increase, but also results in a more precise product.

As you can see, SOI wafers are advancing MEMS manufacturing in a big way. Many engineering companies as well as Universities use SOI wafers for research, development and testing. Implementing SOI solutions in the manufacturing of silicon wafers allows for smaller, better performing devices with a more diverse range of uses at a better cost for both the manufacturer and purchaser. In this way, SOI wafers are impacting MEMS fabrication in a positive and exciting way, while opening possibilities in new applications.

How SOI Wafers are Advancing MEMS Manufacturing

Advancements in MEMS manufacturing, like many technological markets, is greatly driven by size, cost, and performance. Implementing SOI wafer solutions in the MEMS fabrication process allows production of smaller devices, cheaper costs and higher device performance. Let’s take a look at how SOI wafers are created and how they are advancing MEMS manufacturing.

The main draw to SOI (Silicon-on-Insulator) wafer technology is that it features an electrically insulating layer to protect the micro device. They are created using three layers of material. The first layer is the device layer; thin layers of high-quality silicon where the transistors are formed. The second layer is the insulating layer called the BOX (buried oxide) which is usually made out of silicon dioxide. This layer keeps the transistors isolated from the third layer, the handle layer. The handle layer is made of bulk silicone and provides structural support to the device. SOI wafers can be either thick film or thin film, depending on the application.


The first advantage SOI solutions have over bulk silicone wafers is that they allow for creation of smaller devices. The wafer manufacturing process makes the transistors more efficient, allowing for the production of more compact chips and greater chip yield per wafer because the chips can actually be placed closer together.

As consumer technology becomes more compact, MEMS companies strive to develop chips that hold more information in a much smaller space. So, in the MEMs world SOI wafer applications are pretty cool, because not only do they allow for smaller designs, they allow for more flexible designs with greater potential.


While the initial cost of is more expensive than bulk silicone wafers, the additional features available with SOI actually create lower manufacturing costs for a better, more advanced product. For instance, SOI wafers with pre-etched cavities are available and they simplify the MEMS manufacturing process by lowering development time. SOI wafers also allow production of higher quality chips without the need to purchase and implement more expensive manufacturing equipment.

With an increasing number of MEMS foundries adopting SOI technology and manufacturing processes as a standard, the prices of these wafers have decreased substantially and continue to decrease.


The final selling point for SOI is that it offers a solution to create superior products. The insulating BOX layer reduces electrical current leakage, which in turn reduces unnecessary power consumption and gives the transistor better performance. It also reduces heat, allowing for these MEMS devices to be used in higher-temperature environments with no ill effects.

The insulating layer also blocks out signal noise which not only allows the transistors’ switching speeds to increase, but also results in a more precise product.

As you can see, SOI wafers are advancing MEMS manufacturing in a big way. Many engineering companies as well as Universities use SOI wafers for research, development and testing. Implementing SOI solutions in the manufacturing of silicon wafers allows for smaller, better performing devices with a more diverse range of uses at a better cost for both the manufacturer and purchaser. In this way, SOI wafers are impacting MEMS fabrication in a positive and exciting way, while opening possibilities in new applications.