Tag Archives: organization

Data Protection – Security of Personal Information

Every organization holds masses of digital data in its on-site as well as off-site storage mediums. The information it stores can be comprised of a significant portion of personally identifiable data and confidential corporate information.

All organizations should deploy appropriate security measures in place to guard the privacy of the personal information they hold. The Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) requires that: “Personal information should be protected against unlawful or unauthorized use or disclosure, accidental loss, destruction or damage.” An organization that fails to effectively protect the information it holds will be in breach of the Act
This article identifies some of the practical security measures which organizations of all sizes should be considering in order to achieve an adequate level of security.
Level of Protection Required:
To determine which security measure is appropriate, organizations should consider following facts:
• The value and sensitivity of the data they store;

• The probable consequences of any security breach and its impact in terms of reputation loss, financial loss or integrity damage; and

• The possibility of damage to individuals in case of a security breach.

The level of security required will always depend on an organization’s particular circumstances.
Organizations go to great lengths to protect valuable data that’s on paper and disks. They’re kind of assets kept in locked doors and vaults.

Yet, organizations often fail to adequately protect digital information on their IT networks and hard drives-Information that is increasingly vulnerable to accidental loss and theft because of its confidentiality and organization dependency.

Much of the data so critical to organization is highly sought by cyber criminals. This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, confidential health records and bank account records, competitive intelligence and proprietary company information.
We are all aware of the potential harm data breaches can inflict on businesses, agencies, health care organizations and schools as well as the individual involved.

Now, to solve these challenges businesses need to dig deeper. A two-in-one data protection solution is what you need if you find yourself in a similar situation. The above scenario may not be as farfetched as you may think at first. Software that allows you to encrypt your data but also makes backups of that data to your exclusive online storage account. The subscription service, when used in conjunction with Folder Lock 7 Encryption feature, offers the greater benefits of a simultaneous, automatic and real-time encryption and backup, providing both secure backup & recovery redundancy and the fastest data protection without the high cost. Your backups are stored online in a remote location, a cloud fully secured via government-grade encryption in a physically secured location.

What Web Marketing Can Do for Your Business

With the continuous evolution of the internet and exponential growth in the number of users everyday, most businesses now consider web marketing part of their major marketing plans. Web marketing means more potential clients and contacts which translates into more sales or funding.

There is an ever-increasing number of technology providers on the internet that offer much-needed Web 2.0 technologies tailored for all kinds of organizations, even for nonprofits. The costs of these applications and services are now within anyone’s budget. Providers also offer to handle the website creation from website design to its multi functions.

So what are the benefits of being part of the web marketing community?

Cost Efficiency
In these times of fluctuating economies, every cent counts. Although setting up a website and its accompanying functions may initially cost a considerable amount, the long-term benefits more than return the investments. News and updates pages incorporated in your website design saves cash that would have been spent on printing cost and postage for hardcopy newsletters and promotional mail.

Time Efficiency
Constituents, clients and donors appreciate getting information on time. Logging on to your organization takes only a few seconds compared to time spent in calling your office or waiting for the quarterly hardcopy newsletter and financial report. Web marketing is real time marketing with immediate results.

An online database of clients and suppliers can also be part of your website design. This database makes for quicker file retrieval, immediate profile updates, as well as on-time status reports. Your staff can more efficiently and more quickly connect people you do business with.

More Global Audience
Through internet marketing, organizations have access to a wider audience, can reach more prospective clients, and gain more global visibility. Supporters can come from just about any patch of the globe—from Africa to Asia—virtually holding hands across space and time for a common goal.

More Community Participation
Believe it or not, internet marketing also means being part of a social network. Community participation and support radically increases when your organization is part of an online social community. Clients, suppliers, donors, and beneficiaries have a common cyber lounge where they can exchange ideas. They are not just names in a list or database, they are very real people who not only contribute financial success but also give their very selves. So be sure to sign up with a popular social network and a make its widget part of your website design. This is web marketing with a social face.

More Money Coming In
Where more people participate and engage, the possibility of more sales or fund donations is not far behind. When people are informed, listened to, and given value through an organization’s website that they can access any time, they are more than willing to do business or donate. They also become your internet marketing evangelists, declaring the profitability of doing business with your organization.

If your organization still isn’t on the cyberspace map at this time, you’re organization is definitely in the dark ages. At the rate internet marketing is growing each day, more and more organizations are discovering the profitability of web marketing. Maximizing your website design by incorporating contact email address, social network widgets, and online databases will surely yield positive results and sales.

What Web Marketing Can Do for Your Business

With the continuous evolution of the internet and exponential growth in the number of users everyday, most businesses now consider web marketing part of their major marketing plans. Web marketing means more potential clients and contacts which translates into more sales or funding.

There is an ever-increasing number of technology providers on the internet that offer much-needed Web 2.0 technologies tailored for all kinds of organizations, even for nonprofits. The costs of these applications and services are now within anyone’s budget. Providers also offer to handle the website creation from website design to its multi functions.

So what are the benefits of being part of the web marketing community?

Cost Efficiency
In these times of fluctuating economies, every cent counts. Although setting up a website and its accompanying functions may initially cost a considerable amount, the long-term benefits more than return the investments. News and updates pages incorporated in your website design saves cash that would have been spent on printing cost and postage for hardcopy newsletters and promotional mail.

Time Efficiency
Constituents, clients and donors appreciate getting information on time. Logging on to your organization takes only a few seconds compared to time spent in calling your office or waiting for the quarterly hardcopy newsletter and financial report. Web marketing is real time marketing with immediate results.

An online database of clients and suppliers can also be part of your website design. This database makes for quicker file retrieval, immediate profile updates, as well as on-time status reports. Your staff can more efficiently and more quickly connect people you do business with.

More Global Audience
Through internet marketing, organizations have access to a wider audience, can reach more prospective clients, and gain more global visibility. Supporters can come from just about any patch of the globe—from Africa to Asia—virtually holding hands across space and time for a common goal.

More Community Participation
Believe it or not, internet marketing also means being part of a social network. Community participation and support radically increases when your organization is part of an online social community. Clients, suppliers, donors, and beneficiaries have a common cyber lounge where they can exchange ideas. They are not just names in a list or database, they are very real people who not only contribute financial success but also give their very selves. So be sure to sign up with a popular social network and a make its widget part of your website design. This is web marketing with a social face.

More Money Coming In
Where more people participate and engage, the possibility of more sales or fund donations is not far behind. When people are informed, listened to, and given value through an organization’s website that they can access any time, they are more than willing to do business or donate. They also become your internet marketing evangelists, declaring the profitability of doing business with your organization.

If your organization still isn’t on the cyberspace map at this time, you’re organization is definitely in the dark ages. At the rate internet marketing is growing each day, more and more organizations are discovering the profitability of web marketing. Maximizing your website design by incorporating contact email address, social network widgets, and online databases will surely yield positive results and sales.