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It Seems' that the Benefits to a Global Rewards Program Software Delivered through a Saas Technology Solution are Endless! (Page 1 of 2)

It seems’ that the benefits to a global rewards program software delivered through a Saas technology solution are endless!

So, what should you look for when sourcing the right global reward management technology to facilitate your client’s domestic and global reward programs? And what kinds of rewards should it offer?

When you partner with a Reward Solutions provider you need to have complete flexibility to configure reward catalogues to suit the many and diverse needs of your clients. Look to see that your solution provider offers a full API that enables you to browse, search and order reward catalog items as well as a dedicated portal access with features that include:

• Full review access to all catalog details, including pricing

• Create unique galleries / stores to meet your client or program requirements

• Control when a catalog is available to downstream systems or program

• Determine the currency for reward costing

• For international programs, how does the solution will manage all the currency conversion calculations – this is key and mistakes here carry a big price tag

Supplier data should be integrated either through a batch file process or though real-time APIs. In either scenario, the suppliers’ reward catalogs are kept up-to-date and maintained automatically. As additional reward catalogs are integrated into the reward API, they are automatically made available to you and your clients. This means seamless updates while minimizing costly and time consuming out of stocks as well as ensuring all pricing and currency fluctuations are being captured in a daily basis.

Suppliers should have their own login credentials that provide them access to their catalog, reward and order information. Worldwide suppliers can choose how they want to integrate both catalog/reward management and order management:

• SOAP-based API

• Secure ftp

• Manual

Your solutions provider should also provide a fully integrated in-bound call center providing Tier 2 support with live chat connections to key suppliers. Tier 2 customer support should be available in multiple languages to ensure you receive timely and accurate responses.

Program managers should have access a real-time order summary with real-time account balances to easily track the status and payment of their orders.

So where’s the Steak?

All this talk about technology and currencies really ignores the real reason we are doing this in the first place which is to motivate and change behavior. While the debate as to what delivers the best results is best left for another day – your reward provider should cover all key reward categories including:


On-Demand integration with leading online retailers provides the latest and most compelling rewards available while delivering the best selection, service and value.

Digital Rewards

SpyAgent Keylogger: Monitoring for Your Safety

Several individuals choose to install the SpyAgent Keylogger on their computer system in order to monitor what actually takes places when they are not looking. This is a proactive task they can perform in order to create a safe environment for their friends, employees, or family. The SpyAgent Keylogger allows users to perform important tasks in order to enhance their computer system. The program is run in Stealth mode, meaning no one knows the program is actually running while they are on the computer.

The SpyAgent Keylogger is an award winning computer monitoring software that gives the operator of the computer the ability to log all keystrokes typed, windows viewed, applications ran, websites visited, passwords entered, printed documents, chat conversations, and more. SpyAgent provides a type of software that has unmatched monitoring capabilities. The advanced features are easy to use and provide the ultimate all in one monitoring program.

Some monitoring advantages SpyAgent Keylogger is capable of are monitoring keystrokes, capturing screenshots at set times, logging activities and events. This program also monitors sent and received emails, and website activities. SpyAgent Keylogger also has advanced features that block out the use of some websites and applications, as well as filters chat programs; controlling what can and cannot be sent while the program is running.

SpyAgent Keyloggers record any and all activities performed on a computer system where it is installed. Due to this key point, the SpyAgent Keylogger can be beneficial for many individuals in a variety of ways. Parents may choose to install the key logger on their computer to monitor their children’s usage. This can be a very simple way for parents to make sure their children are not giving out personal information that could cause them danger.

Companies may also find adding key loggers to a computer to be beneficial for monitoring their systems throughout a building to make sure no illegal or abusive behavior is being performed. They can also use the SpyAgent Keylogger to block websites and programs from being visited or ran while employees are working.

If someone downloads a keylogger to your computer, it is virtually unnoticeable. This program is most commonly used in cases which involve identity theft. From an intruders stand, the keylogger allows them to monitor a computer system to obtain personal information about another individual or company, social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information, and more. Some people find that having a keylogger on their computer against their will has caused them to lose all trust in the computer system. They find it necessarily to run a virus protector in order to eliminate further use of the keylogger. .

It Seems' that the Benefits to a Global Rewards Program Software Delivered through a Saas Technology Solution are Endless! (Page 1 of 2)

It seems’ that the benefits to a global rewards program software delivered through a Saas technology solution are endless!

So, what should you look for when sourcing the right global reward management technology to facilitate your client’s domestic and global reward programs? And what kinds of rewards should it offer?

When you partner with a Reward Solutions provider you need to have complete flexibility to configure reward catalogues to suit the many and diverse needs of your clients. Look to see that your solution provider offers a full API that enables you to browse, search and order reward catalog items as well as a dedicated portal access with features that include:

• Full review access to all catalog details, including pricing

• Create unique galleries / stores to meet your client or program requirements

• Control when a catalog is available to downstream systems or program

• Determine the currency for reward costing

• For international programs, how does the solution will manage all the currency conversion calculations – this is key and mistakes here carry a big price tag

Supplier data should be integrated either through a batch file process or though real-time APIs. In either scenario, the suppliers’ reward catalogs are kept up-to-date and maintained automatically. As additional reward catalogs are integrated into the reward API, they are automatically made available to you and your clients. This means seamless updates while minimizing costly and time consuming out of stocks as well as ensuring all pricing and currency fluctuations are being captured in a daily basis.

Suppliers should have their own login credentials that provide them access to their catalog, reward and order information. Worldwide suppliers can choose how they want to integrate both catalog/reward management and order management:

• SOAP-based API

• Secure ftp

• Manual

Your solutions provider should also provide a fully integrated in-bound call center providing Tier 2 support with live chat connections to key suppliers. Tier 2 customer support should be available in multiple languages to ensure you receive timely and accurate responses.

Program managers should have access a real-time order summary with real-time account balances to easily track the status and payment of their orders.

So where’s the Steak?

All this talk about technology and currencies really ignores the real reason we are doing this in the first place which is to motivate and change behavior. While the debate as to what delivers the best results is best left for another day – your reward provider should cover all key reward categories including:


On-Demand integration with leading online retailers provides the latest and most compelling rewards available while delivering the best selection, service and value.

Digital Rewards