Tag Archives: on-site

Top WordPress Plugins Suggestions

One of the most popular tools for hosting a blog is WordPress, an open-source project that is freely available for the downloading. There are at least a thousand tutorials available around the ‘net for how to set up a WordPress blog, configuring a theme, uploading it to your own hosting account, and all the rest. I am not going to re-cover that ground; it has been done more than enough. This article is more about what you can do to improve your site and enhance it for visitors — and for the search engines.

The good news is that there are any number of tools to help you improve the behavior of your website. WordPress is now such a popular framework for creating websites in general and blogs in particular, that an entire industry has grown up to create plugins for WordPress; using the top WordPress plugins can really enhance the utilization of WordPress. You should find all sorts of tools, from free plugins like HeadSpace2, All-in-One SEO, and Google XML Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or My SEO Status.

Here is a short list of the best plugins you should investigate:

  • SEOPressor – automates and simplifies on-site SEO; premium (i.e. paid) plugin
  • Platinum SEO Pack – simplifies some aspects of on-site SEO; free plugin
  • Google XML Sitemap – auto-generates XML formatted sitemap to speed up search engine indexing; free plugin
  • Google Video Sitemap – auto-generates XML sitemap of all videos on your site; free plugin
  • Google Image Sitemap – auto-generates XML sitemap of all images on your site; free plugin
  • All-in-One SEO Pack – similar to Platinum SEO, but with a few less features; free plugin
  • Automatic SEO Links – automatic on-site keyword-based crosslinking; free plugin
  • HeadSpace2 – similar to Platinum or All-in-One, a lot of people swear by this one; free plugin
  • Akismet – automatically blocks comment spam; free and now built-in to WordPress
  • s2Member Pro – implements membership functionality; premium plugin, but an excellent free version is available
  • PHPurchase – run an eCommerce site within your blog; premium plugin

Always remember, though: put good content on your site that will provide real value for your visitors. All the bells and whistles in the world are useless if you aren’t giving your visitors value when they come to the site. Remember to treat your visitors well, and you will get your fair share of traffic; social bookmarking is a powerful tool that you leverage naturally when you have happy readers.

Top WordPress Plugins Suggestions

One of the most popular tools for hosting a blog is WordPress, an open-source project that is freely available for the downloading. There are at least a thousand tutorials available around the ‘net for how to set up a WordPress blog, configuring a theme, uploading it to your own hosting account, and all the rest. I am not going to re-cover that ground; it has been done more than enough. This article is more about what you can do to improve your site and enhance it for visitors — and for the search engines.

The good news is that there are any number of tools to help you improve the behavior of your website. WordPress is now such a popular framework for creating websites in general and blogs in particular, that an entire industry has grown up to create plugins for WordPress; using the top WordPress plugins can really enhance the utilization of WordPress. You should find all sorts of tools, from free plugins like HeadSpace2, All-in-One SEO, and Google XML Sitemaps to premium plugins like SEOPressor or My SEO Status.

Here is a short list of the best plugins you should investigate:

  • SEOPressor – automates and simplifies on-site SEO; premium (i.e. paid) plugin
  • Platinum SEO Pack – simplifies some aspects of on-site SEO; free plugin
  • Google XML Sitemap – auto-generates XML formatted sitemap to speed up search engine indexing; free plugin
  • Google Video Sitemap – auto-generates XML sitemap of all videos on your site; free plugin
  • Google Image Sitemap – auto-generates XML sitemap of all images on your site; free plugin
  • All-in-One SEO Pack – similar to Platinum SEO, but with a few less features; free plugin
  • Automatic SEO Links – automatic on-site keyword-based crosslinking; free plugin
  • HeadSpace2 – similar to Platinum or All-in-One, a lot of people swear by this one; free plugin
  • Akismet – automatically blocks comment spam; free and now built-in to WordPress
  • s2Member Pro – implements membership functionality; premium plugin, but an excellent free version is available
  • PHPurchase – run an eCommerce site within your blog; premium plugin

Always remember, though: put good content on your site that will provide real value for your visitors. All the bells and whistles in the world are useless if you aren’t giving your visitors value when they come to the site. Remember to treat your visitors well, and you will get your fair share of traffic; social bookmarking is a powerful tool that you leverage naturally when you have happy readers.

On Site SEO

According to Dictionary.com, SEO is “the process of adjusting the content, structure, etc, of a website so that it will be displayed prominently by a search engine.” This definition refers to that part of search engine optimization which pertains more accurately to On-site SEO.

On-site SEO has been reported to provide different experiences for different people. Some people debate the benefits of onsite SEO, given its specific factors. But in order to truly optimize the content of a search engine, it is necessary to take into account, both on and off site SEO factors. Discussed below are some of the proven facts, pertaining to on-site SEO.

The First and foremost factor in on-site SEO, is to completely optimize every aspect of your website in order to establish a greater density of the key search words. It is a fact that while using key search words in any URL has a significant impact on a website’s search engine positioning, this is rarely checked by the available keyword analyzer tools. It is advised by technical experts that 301 redirect should be used to make sure that all inbound links are routed to the appropriate URL. Additionally, hyphens, rather than underscores should be used for phrases forming more than a single key word.

With regards to the HTML title tag, when conducting an on-site SEO, one should be used logically, given the fact that it ranks quite highly with regards to keywords. Rather than listing all the keywords into the HTML, it is better to have just a couple tied in appropriately. Additionally, since search engines shed much emphasis on heading tags, key words should be used in these tags whenever possible.

In order to enhance the visibility of the website’s textual content, one should be as considerate of key search words as possible, because the more frequently, or rather, more prominently they appear in your content, the more they would serve to make a website visible in a search engine. It may be rather a tedious exercise to add your key words to an already established website, but given the described benefit, it may be worthwhile to do so, while keeping the flow of the contextual text intact! It may be worth noting here as well though, that a very frequent usage of key words may make a website appear to be an example of a spam message. It is advisable therefore to use keywords moderately!

With regards to the images in a website, alt tags may be used to include some keywords accompanying them, so that the images are easier to understand. And while it is true that al tags bring down the weight in search engine algorithms, the addition of key words can continue to serve the benefits that can be derived from the use of images on websites.

Finally, one would be well advised to add fresh content to their website on a regular basis. Not only would this serve to enhance the quality of the website, but search crawlers would be drawn to index fresh pages as well! The content should be reader friendly and engaging, and therefore one should avoid using methods such as auto-blogger content scrapping!