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Document Management with Image Express

Wide format scanning captures images for documents larger than normal sized paper. Such documents are found in technical drawings for engineers, construction work, pipelines, blueprints and artwork. Such like documents have a width of over 12 inches. Firms that make use of these documents would definitely find document conversion services useful.

Image Express is widely known for large scale format scanning among other document management services. Upon purchasing their Image Access or Contex machines for wide format scanning purposes, the firm will install them for you. Alternatively, you can outsource their document conversion services. Document conversion is essential for protecting important documents against floods, fire or other calamities. Some of these documents do not have file copies that can be referred to if lost or damaged. Document conversion services are important for the protection of plans, drawings and blueprints. The equipment used in document conversion is usually purchased. It can also be hired.

Wide format scanning – Applications

Below are the main areas where wide format scanning is most used

Engineering, construction and architectural sketches

Maps, photos taken airborne, oil well legs and GIS data

Plans for oil or gas pipelines

Computer generated drawings, blueprints

Sketches, photos, banners ads and other artwork

Newspapers, designs and documents of legal nature use wide format scanning and document conversion.

Wide format scanning

Image Express offers wide format scanning and document conversion services. The technology used in document conversion has the following features:

High speed scanners

Excellent images

Modern technology cameras

Durable scanner lights

Sharp and well aligned images

Different cameras stitched together

Equipment can be easily connected to the internet

Machines have own screen attached for easy view of scanned images

Can work with USB and other memory devices

Easy compatibility with HP, Xerox and other printers

Eco friendly equipment

Warranty, over 5 years

Image Express is always at hand to demonstrate how wide format scanning is done. You will also learn more about their document conversion services. Presentations on document conversion are free of charge. The company stocks wide format scanning machinery from companies like Canon, Panasonic, Kodak and Fujitsu. Document conversion services are enjoyed by clients in areas as wide as Western Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa. Top of the range document conversion business solutions have been extended to clients in business, government and Educational institutions. Image Express assures you unparalleled document conversion expertise. The company offers additional document conversion services like archival, processing of invoices and entry of data.

Document Management with Image Express

Wide format scanning captures images for documents larger than normal sized paper. Such documents are found in technical drawings for engineers, construction work, pipelines, blueprints and artwork. Such like documents have a width of over 12 inches. Firms that make use of these documents would definitely find document conversion services useful.

Image Express is widely known for large scale format scanning among other document management services. Upon purchasing their Image Access or Contex machines for wide format scanning purposes, the firm will install them for you. Alternatively, you can outsource their document conversion services. Document conversion is essential for protecting important documents against floods, fire or other calamities. Some of these documents do not have file copies that can be referred to if lost or damaged. Document conversion services are important for the protection of plans, drawings and blueprints. The equipment used in document conversion is usually purchased. It can also be hired.

Wide format scanning – Applications

Below are the main areas where wide format scanning is most used

Engineering, construction and architectural sketches

Maps, photos taken airborne, oil well legs and GIS data

Plans for oil or gas pipelines

Computer generated drawings, blueprints

Sketches, photos, banners ads and other artwork

Newspapers, designs and documents of legal nature use wide format scanning and document conversion.

Wide format scanning

Image Express offers wide format scanning and document conversion services. The technology used in document conversion has the following features:

High speed scanners

Excellent images

Modern technology cameras

Durable scanner lights

Sharp and well aligned images

Different cameras stitched together

Equipment can be easily connected to the internet

Machines have own screen attached for easy view of scanned images

Can work with USB and other memory devices

Easy compatibility with HP, Xerox and other printers

Eco friendly equipment

Warranty, over 5 years

Image Express is always at hand to demonstrate how wide format scanning is done. You will also learn more about their document conversion services. Presentations on document conversion are free of charge. The company stocks wide format scanning machinery from companies like Canon, Panasonic, Kodak and Fujitsu. Document conversion services are enjoyed by clients in areas as wide as Western Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa. Top of the range document conversion business solutions have been extended to clients in business, government and Educational institutions. Image Express assures you unparalleled document conversion expertise. The company offers additional document conversion services like archival, processing of invoices and entry of data.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011

The recent nuclear power plant catastrophe in Japan has led to many countries to look more seriously at greener energy sources, which are environmentally sustainable. The UK’s green energy industry has been given a helping hand by the government with a new Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

Initially £860 million of funding has been provided to encourage the use of technologies such as biomass boilers, heat pumps and thermal panels. Financial support in the form of payments on a quarterly basis over a 20 year period will be made to the owners of the renewable heat installations.

This incentive will give companies and domestic installers a financial reason to use renewable energy not only this suppliers will also receive support. The recent extreme cold weather caused many gas boilers to breakdown and pipes to freeze along with around 100,000 heating system failure calls to British Gas alone. The Renewable Heat Incentive will encourage businesses and homeowners to look into new heating systems which are more environmentally friendly which can actually provide some financial subsidy at the same time.

The Renewable Heat Incentive is expected to support emerging green technologies and help create thousands of jobs with further funding reaching the £4.5 billion mark by 2020. Currently 95% of the UK’s heat is dependent on fossil fuel. The scheme will initially be introduced to the public and commercial sector followed by the domestic sector in 2012. Until that time £15 million will be available to homeowners in the form of grants. Expected subsidy levels are £300 for solar thermal and £950 for biomass boilers. At the moment many renewable energy technologies are seen as expensive the government subsidies should at least give some homeowners an incentive.

For large-scale renewable heating systems the following tariffs will be available:

* 4 pence per for ground-source heat pumps (pence/kWth)

* 8.5 pence for solar thermal (pence/kWth)

* 6.5 pence biomethane combustion (pence/kWth)

Another country which is trying to change its energy usage habits is the US. President Barack Obama recently announced an ambitious plan to cut oil imports by a third and natural gas dependency in a bid to become more self-sufficient and look towards more environmentally friendly sustaining sources.

Along with the introduction of new green initiatives comes a plethora of advancements and innovations in the energy industry. Recently a new oil burner was unveiled which delivers an advanced combustion system. The box shaped device effectively turns oil into a mist which burns far more efficiently. This is an ideal invention for homeowners who do not use gas boilers and rely on oil to heat their home. According to the inventor it will pay for itself within 2-3 years and will enable homes which use oil based heating systems to reduce their carbon footprint and heating bills.

Renewable energy has many attractive benefits rising oil prices are making it expensive for householders off the gas grid to heat their homes at a time when the economy is struggling. Reducing homes overall carbon footprint obviously has environmental benefits and will allow them to take advantage of cheaper energy alternatives such as biomass fuels.