Tag Archives: niche

Negative SEO and How You Can Prevent It

Negative Search Engine Optimization On The Rise

When you look at the trends for search engine optimization, especially when searching for the keywords “SEO 2015” in one of the major search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, you will see more and more articles related to negative SEO. What exactly is negative in terms of search engine optimization? That’s a good question, and the answer may shock you. The weird thing about this is that many organizations are starting to jump into this, because it’s effective, at least for a short time. The secret nature of search engines and their algorithms has led many people to start trying to “game” the system, and this latest form is proving to be not only controversial, but also effective. Here are a few things that you should know about this issue.

Flat Out Lies

First and foremost, the majority of the negative SEO options are usually lies, these are the easy ones to spot. Company A will use marketing collateral that call out their competition in a negative light. Or they may use disinformation to confuse customers and clients. For instance, let’s say a skate shop wants to rank number one in their niche. They can’t because another company has good marketing and has been around for some time. Instead of competing with them straight on, they’ll go on a campaign of putting up negative keywords, anti-competition articles, reviews and more. By diminishing the credibility of the competitor, skate shop “A” will get to a higher authority module of search engine. These are usually lies. It’s an attack on reputation, but it seems effective in many niches. These are just a few of the many examples of negative SEO that can harm or damage a company. Some are pretty blatant and some can be very difficult to find. That’s when you would need to seek the help of a professional, someone who is well-versed in google analytics.

The Long Term Failure

Even though negativity can get short term success, search engines are catching on. That means that if you’re caught posting negative SEO elements, or if your company is tied to campaigns that are based on lies, SERP (search engine rankings page) listings will get dumped out. That means that if you’re company “A” as mentioned above, you’ll be dead last in the rankings if listed at all. There have been some companies that went on negative reputation campaigns, only to get completely thrown out of search engine listings. That’s known as “banned for life” and it does happen.

A Better Option

Not every business today is meant to compete with the largest companies in the world. If you’re starting a book store, for instance, you’re not competing against Amazon.com straight up. You can’t. To offset that, you’ll need to look into what is known as “White Hat” SEO. Focus on local community, and niche competitive phrases so that when people in your area look for “books”, they find you and patronize your business. Simply put, you don’t want to go with any of the negative SEO options. Stick with what works, and don’t try to “game” the system right now. The long term optimization cycle will give you a leg up in nearly any niche. Also, if you find there is a negative search engine optimization campaign being run against your company and you can definitively identify the culprit, report that company to Google or the other big name search engines. And just remember, the best defense is a good offense, so make sure to keep your positive search engine optimization campaigns strong.

Negative SEO and How You Can Prevent It

Negative Search Engine Optimization On The Rise

When you look at the trends for search engine optimization, especially when searching for the keywords “SEO 2015” in one of the major search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, you will see more and more articles related to negative SEO. What exactly is negative in terms of search engine optimization? That’s a good question, and the answer may shock you. The weird thing about this is that many organizations are starting to jump into this, because it’s effective, at least for a short time. The secret nature of search engines and their algorithms has led many people to start trying to “game” the system, and this latest form is proving to be not only controversial, but also effective. Here are a few things that you should know about this issue.

Flat Out Lies

First and foremost, the majority of the negative SEO options are usually lies, these are the easy ones to spot. Company A will use marketing collateral that call out their competition in a negative light. Or they may use disinformation to confuse customers and clients. For instance, let’s say a skate shop wants to rank number one in their niche. They can’t because another company has good marketing and has been around for some time. Instead of competing with them straight on, they’ll go on a campaign of putting up negative keywords, anti-competition articles, reviews and more. By diminishing the credibility of the competitor, skate shop “A” will get to a higher authority module of search engine. These are usually lies. It’s an attack on reputation, but it seems effective in many niches. These are just a few of the many examples of negative SEO that can harm or damage a company. Some are pretty blatant and some can be very difficult to find. That’s when you would need to seek the help of a professional, someone who is well-versed in google analytics.

The Long Term Failure

Even though negativity can get short term success, search engines are catching on. That means that if you’re caught posting negative SEO elements, or if your company is tied to campaigns that are based on lies, SERP (search engine rankings page) listings will get dumped out. That means that if you’re company “A” as mentioned above, you’ll be dead last in the rankings if listed at all. There have been some companies that went on negative reputation campaigns, only to get completely thrown out of search engine listings. That’s known as “banned for life” and it does happen.

A Better Option

Not every business today is meant to compete with the largest companies in the world. If you’re starting a book store, for instance, you’re not competing against Amazon.com straight up. You can’t. To offset that, you’ll need to look into what is known as “White Hat” SEO. Focus on local community, and niche competitive phrases so that when people in your area look for “books”, they find you and patronize your business. Simply put, you don’t want to go with any of the negative SEO options. Stick with what works, and don’t try to “game” the system right now. The long term optimization cycle will give you a leg up in nearly any niche. Also, if you find there is a negative search engine optimization campaign being run against your company and you can definitively identify the culprit, report that company to Google or the other big name search engines. And just remember, the best defense is a good offense, so make sure to keep your positive search engine optimization campaigns strong.

6 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Site

Building a website is so easy, you can get some hosting, load up WordPress, start writing content and post it up. It can be the world’s best website on any topic you want. And it won’t mean a thing at all unless you get TRAFFIC.

I have started plenty of sites in the last few years, on a lot of different topics. Getting traffic to them has always been the difficult thing. But there is one thing that will get it ranking, BACKLINKS. The number of BACKLINKS is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google and other directory sites to determine the PageRank of a webpage).

Hey don’t get me wrong, its not the only thing that matters, on-site SEO, Keyword research, it goes without saying that great content / or service should be the corner stone of your website, Niche / Authority or otherwise. Generating great content will drastically help you, it provides a visitor the reason to visit, to interact on your site and they will come back if its good content.

Look it’s all part of it, but BACKLINKS can be the difference between success and failure of your site. Here are 6 of the ways, I go about building BACKLINKS :

1. Social networking

I personally hate social networking, I mean I am old school and enjoy interacting on a personal level. But it is absolutely necessary to build a social profile for your websites. Facebook, and Twitter are the minimum you should be on. But there are over 200 well known social networking sites out there.

2. Bookmarking

Bookmarking sites are a little different from social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, its basically when you decide to keep a Web page to look at later, you’re doing something called “bookmarking”. Bookmarks are simply links to sites that you visit frequently or want to keep handy for reference. You can bookmark them locally on your computer or a In a social bookmarking site. If you want to access your collection from anywhere and share them with others, sites like Delicious.

3. Article Marketing

Are sites where once you write your article you can submit to them, usually with a bio and link back to you site.

4. Web 2.0

This is where things get interesting, you basically go to another site like Tumblr, and create a blog related to your niche website content, then link back to your original site.

5. Wiki sites

A Wiki is basically a Content Management System. To understand a wiki, you must understand the idea of a content management system. As complicated as the name might sound, content management systems, sometimes referred to by their initials (CMS), are really quite a simple concept, you essentially load your site up to them, and it provides a link back to your site.

6. Directory submissions

Submitting to directories is a great way to build links and increase your search engine rankings. In semi-competitive industries it can produce great results. If you add article creation and social media marketing into the link building equation then you can achieve great results for any niche you are targeting.

Now, all of that might sound pretty overwhelming, and it can be trust me. Manual link building is great but if you are lets say you are trying to get ranking on a website, that is pretty competitive, you might need to build 1500 back links, well doing that manually can take forever, but there are programs that you can use, like Ultimate Demon, that can seriously speed up that process.