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Unix Hosting – Is it Right for You? (Page 1 of 2)

It is right that there is a variety of strong advantages as to why you should purchase a Unix platform package, but you will also have to be aware of several of the disadvantages before making up your mind as to which package to buy. Here are some common problems that face Unix hosting today.


For customers who are thinking about getting a website builder, they must find a server like Pace Technologies. They offer an online website builder called Site Studio. You do not need any skills or HTML knowledge. You don’t even need a script. The Site Studio provides an interface that is user friendly. You may want to use this company for your website building.

If you do not know much about the Linux/Unix language, it will mean learning a different programming language. Clients who have been so used to having Windows as their operating system will find going to Unix hosting may be a real bummer especially for a new computer user. You will have to get used to the fact that the slashes will go in the opposite direction from Windows, and the Unix commands are altogether different from the commands issued by Windows. For webmasters who seem to have limited time, it may be too much pressure for them to be learning a whole new programming language.

Additionally, you will be required to have knowledge of file permissions as well as the process of going about that with Unix hosting. You are going to have to learn to set certain file permissions up with files and folders included in the script. The process is known as CHMODING and is often quite difficult to catch on to at first. Your script won’t not run if you have not set your permissions up correctly; this results in new users finding it extremely frustrating.

Telnet is the usual vehicle that is used to administer Unix hosting processes and is like a totally strange application to a person who has not been accustomed to Unix hosting. While Telnet is not that hard to master, in order to use it, you will still have to learn a number of commands. Many webmasters choose not to make use of Telnet in order to administer their Unix hosting site; however, if you are planning to utilize advanced applications, you will definitely want Telnet in your corner.

Front Page Extensions

When you decide to build your website, if you are going to use Microsoft Front Page, you must ensure your Unix hosting service will offer Front Page to its maximum potential. Most Unix hosting platforms are now have these extensions available, but you have to just watch who you sign up with because some do not use it.


Should you plan to incorporate Active Server Pages, known also as ASP, you are not going have the ability of using this kind of language on a Unix hosting service. Because the scripting language show that it is increasingly popular, this could be another real drawback if you decide you are going to go with Unix hosting to be your website builder.

Unix Hosting – Is it Right for You? (Page 1 of 2)

It is right that there is a variety of strong advantages as to why you should purchase a Unix platform package, but you will also have to be aware of several of the disadvantages before making up your mind as to which package to buy. Here are some common problems that face Unix hosting today.


For customers who are thinking about getting a website builder, they must find a server like Pace Technologies. They offer an online website builder called Site Studio. You do not need any skills or HTML knowledge. You don’t even need a script. The Site Studio provides an interface that is user friendly. You may want to use this company for your website building.

If you do not know much about the Linux/Unix language, it will mean learning a different programming language. Clients who have been so used to having Windows as their operating system will find going to Unix hosting may be a real bummer especially for a new computer user. You will have to get used to the fact that the slashes will go in the opposite direction from Windows, and the Unix commands are altogether different from the commands issued by Windows. For webmasters who seem to have limited time, it may be too much pressure for them to be learning a whole new programming language.

Additionally, you will be required to have knowledge of file permissions as well as the process of going about that with Unix hosting. You are going to have to learn to set certain file permissions up with files and folders included in the script. The process is known as CHMODING and is often quite difficult to catch on to at first. Your script won’t not run if you have not set your permissions up correctly; this results in new users finding it extremely frustrating.

Telnet is the usual vehicle that is used to administer Unix hosting processes and is like a totally strange application to a person who has not been accustomed to Unix hosting. While Telnet is not that hard to master, in order to use it, you will still have to learn a number of commands. Many webmasters choose not to make use of Telnet in order to administer their Unix hosting site; however, if you are planning to utilize advanced applications, you will definitely want Telnet in your corner.

Front Page Extensions

When you decide to build your website, if you are going to use Microsoft Front Page, you must ensure your Unix hosting service will offer Front Page to its maximum potential. Most Unix hosting platforms are now have these extensions available, but you have to just watch who you sign up with because some do not use it.


Should you plan to incorporate Active Server Pages, known also as ASP, you are not going have the ability of using this kind of language on a Unix hosting service. Because the scripting language show that it is increasingly popular, this could be another real drawback if you decide you are going to go with Unix hosting to be your website builder.

Free Article Submission Software Gets You TONS Of Quality, 1-way Links!

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Articles to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Articles experts.

The information about Articles presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Articles or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

With the search engine evolving each and every day, it’s absolutely critical to not fall into the trap of following the latest and greatest craze for ranking highly in the search engines. Things such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, blog spamming etc. are things that worked at one time, but are definitely not something that will last in the long run. Your website will either get banned for doing something like that, or you simply won’t get ranked anywhere and your effort will be in vain.

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This is where the brand new, free software program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. comes into play. This software will allow you to submit your articles to literally hundreds of popular article directories all over the world. Only a few mouse clicks and you’ll be able to instantly submit your articles. It’s taken the tedious process of finding and filling out these submission forms, incredibly easy and fast.

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But, please keep this to yourself, as I’d like to keep this our secret weapon 🙂


John Miller

That’s the latest from the Articles authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.