Tag Archives: monitor

John Basso’s 2012 Technology Predictions: Prediction: Sensors Everywhere

Whenever the subject of “sensors everywhere” comes up, people usually have one of two responses:

A. George Orwell’s “1984” and omnipresent monitoring

B. Efficiency, knowledge and omnipresent monitoring

The advances we have seen recently have been pretty remarkable, and as those inventions make their way into business and consumer markets we’ll be able to do some really neat things that haven’t been possible or economical.

Like most innovations, the ability to place and monitor sensors in almost anything is really a combination of multiple innovations and changes. Specifically:

• Capable low powered devices

• Low powered networks

• IPv6

The first two are pretty obvious. Miniaturization of devices, as well as the ability to work at very low power means that we can put them almost anywhere. Also, low powered networks means that you can easily and wirelessly connect to them which makes installation and maintenance very affordable.

As a part of the networking capability, IPv6 makes it much easier to connect these devices to the internet. We explained IPv6 and its business implications in a previous post, which may be worth checking out if you have any questions about IPv6. As for its implications for sensors, IPv6 basically could give a unique web address to every atom in the galaxy. By comparison, the current system (IPv4) does not even have enough addresses for every person on the planet.

The ability to place sensors everywhere means that you can monitor and control things with more precision, and it has home, business and government implications. Using data collection software and data management applications, users can use the data to make informed and effective changes to improve performance or reduce the cost of whatever they are monitoring.

For home uses, you could easily and remotely monitor power usage, reducing your monthly utility bill. You could monitor when doors and windows are left open, the water table around your house (for basement flooding), weather and rainfall, or pretty much anything else you would want to monitor. Of course, there are hundreds of practical medical uses, including the ability to wear or implant sensors that could tell if you fall or lose consciousness and automatically call for help.

For businesses, the uses are pretty much limitless, but the short description is it gives the ability to monitor key indicators that might otherwise be more challenging to monitor. Sensors help to improve efficiency as well as improve safety and performance. We see these in manufacturing and production already, but most other industries are less capable of accurately monitoring workflows and outcomes.

For governments it will help ensure the safety and maintenance of infrastructure, including roads and bridges. It also means that traffic patterns could be more accurately determined and planned for, rather than relying on static timers and quantized car groupings.

There are some security and privacy concerns related to this which will be discussed later. However the biggest potential concern is that people will set up their own sensor networks at home and fail to secure them properly.

SpyAgent Keylogger: Monitoring for Your Safety

Several individuals choose to install the SpyAgent Keylogger on their computer system in order to monitor what actually takes places when they are not looking. This is a proactive task they can perform in order to create a safe environment for their friends, employees, or family. The SpyAgent Keylogger allows users to perform important tasks in order to enhance their computer system. The program is run in Stealth mode, meaning no one knows the program is actually running while they are on the computer.

The SpyAgent Keylogger is an award winning computer monitoring software that gives the operator of the computer the ability to log all keystrokes typed, windows viewed, applications ran, websites visited, passwords entered, printed documents, chat conversations, and more. SpyAgent provides a type of software that has unmatched monitoring capabilities. The advanced features are easy to use and provide the ultimate all in one monitoring program.

Some monitoring advantages SpyAgent Keylogger is capable of are monitoring keystrokes, capturing screenshots at set times, logging activities and events. This program also monitors sent and received emails, and website activities. SpyAgent Keylogger also has advanced features that block out the use of some websites and applications, as well as filters chat programs; controlling what can and cannot be sent while the program is running.

SpyAgent Keyloggers record any and all activities performed on a computer system where it is installed. Due to this key point, the SpyAgent Keylogger can be beneficial for many individuals in a variety of ways. Parents may choose to install the key logger on their computer to monitor their children’s usage. This can be a very simple way for parents to make sure their children are not giving out personal information that could cause them danger.

Companies may also find adding key loggers to a computer to be beneficial for monitoring their systems throughout a building to make sure no illegal or abusive behavior is being performed. They can also use the SpyAgent Keylogger to block websites and programs from being visited or ran while employees are working.

If someone downloads a keylogger to your computer, it is virtually unnoticeable. This program is most commonly used in cases which involve identity theft. From an intruders stand, the keylogger allows them to monitor a computer system to obtain personal information about another individual or company, social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information, and more. Some people find that having a keylogger on their computer against their will has caused them to lose all trust in the computer system. They find it necessarily to run a virus protector in order to eliminate further use of the keylogger. .

SpyAgent Keylogger: Monitoring for Your Safety

Several individuals choose to install the SpyAgent Keylogger on their computer system in order to monitor what actually takes places when they are not looking. This is a proactive task they can perform in order to create a safe environment for their friends, employees, or family. The SpyAgent Keylogger allows users to perform important tasks in order to enhance their computer system. The program is run in Stealth mode, meaning no one knows the program is actually running while they are on the computer.

The SpyAgent Keylogger is an award winning computer monitoring software that gives the operator of the computer the ability to log all keystrokes typed, windows viewed, applications ran, websites visited, passwords entered, printed documents, chat conversations, and more. SpyAgent provides a type of software that has unmatched monitoring capabilities. The advanced features are easy to use and provide the ultimate all in one monitoring program.

Some monitoring advantages SpyAgent Keylogger is capable of are monitoring keystrokes, capturing screenshots at set times, logging activities and events. This program also monitors sent and received emails, and website activities. SpyAgent Keylogger also has advanced features that block out the use of some websites and applications, as well as filters chat programs; controlling what can and cannot be sent while the program is running.

SpyAgent Keyloggers record any and all activities performed on a computer system where it is installed. Due to this key point, the SpyAgent Keylogger can be beneficial for many individuals in a variety of ways. Parents may choose to install the key logger on their computer to monitor their children’s usage. This can be a very simple way for parents to make sure their children are not giving out personal information that could cause them danger.

Companies may also find adding key loggers to a computer to be beneficial for monitoring their systems throughout a building to make sure no illegal or abusive behavior is being performed. They can also use the SpyAgent Keylogger to block websites and programs from being visited or ran while employees are working.

If someone downloads a keylogger to your computer, it is virtually unnoticeable. This program is most commonly used in cases which involve identity theft. From an intruders stand, the keylogger allows them to monitor a computer system to obtain personal information about another individual or company, social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information, and more. Some people find that having a keylogger on their computer against their will has caused them to lose all trust in the computer system. They find it necessarily to run a virus protector in order to eliminate further use of the keylogger. .