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What Are the Top Benefits of Cloud Computing?

There is a range of different benefits to cloud computing that businesses the world over are talking about already. The cloud offers savings in costs, flexibility and speed to market, however there are plenty of other benefits that aren’t so easily noticeable.

Such benefits are the ones that forward thinking businesses are thinking about and they will be integral to the long-term success of utilising the cloud for your business. Specifically these businesses are looking into how cloud computing will change the face of their operations and how they can utilise these changes to the maximum advantage.

The main characteristics of the cloud that these companies are looking to take advantage of are;

  • Little to no capital investment – This may seem like the most basic benefit but it is also perhaps the most important. The cloud, by its very nature, reduces what was previously the massive cost of maintaining and integrating a range of different services. This should sound great right off the bat but what it also means is that smaller businesses that may not previously have had the resources to invest in such services are now able to run an integrated package of products without having to fork out for it.
  • Variable Pricing – A range if companies will offer services over the cloud, as it enables them to host their products and provide them quickly and easily. This means that other companies will be able to take advantage of fully customised services that would otherwise have not been available to them, allowing for variable price rates.
  • Rapid acquisition and deployment – Because the cloud allows for the use of software over a web connection, there is no need to spend an eternity manually installing what you use over a wide array of systems. Simply access the software via the cloud and deployment times are cut down to a fraction of what they once were.
  • Infinitely scalable – The very nature of the cloud means that you are only limited by your own needs. With no physical limitations your services can be scalable dependant entirely on your needs, meaning you will always be ready and capable for expansion.
  • Lower ongoing operating costs – This one ties into the lack of a need for capital investment, as maintenance costs will often be handled by whichever company is offering their service over the cloud, meaning that you don’t need to worry about the costs of operating a system that is hosted by somebody else. Instead, businesses are able to take advantage of services without having to worry about all of the additional costs.

Companies that offer their services across the cloud are able to integrate them seamlessly, meaning that they can offer other businesses applications that would otherwise have cost much in time and money to integrate.

Cloud solutions can offset costs and time constraints, with communications companies especially being able to offer VoIP services and the like over the cloud. So if a business is looking to expand in the near future, proper utilisation of services offered over the cloud will be instrumental in ensuring the future scalability of the business.

This is especially prevalent when it comes to VoIP communications services, as previously mentioned. The very nature of VoIP means that a service hosted by the telecoms company and offered over the net is the perfect match for many a client that would rather not have to invest in a full system for themselves. The cloud allows for such services to be offered, reducing costs for customers whilst also ensuring that they gain a top quality service. Additionally, as previously mentioned, no maintenance will be required for SIP Trunks or the telephone lines themselves as the VoIP service provider will work around the clock to ensure that the service remains usable.

The cloud is set to be the biggest revolution in the way businesses operate online in a number of years. Companies should be looking into how they can take advantage of it now, to ensure that they are ahead of the curve once it becomes the standard.

What Are the Top Benefits of Cloud Computing?

There is a range of different benefits to cloud computing that businesses the world over are talking about already. The cloud offers savings in costs, flexibility and speed to market, however there are plenty of other benefits that aren’t so easily noticeable.

Such benefits are the ones that forward thinking businesses are thinking about and they will be integral to the long-term success of utilising the cloud for your business. Specifically these businesses are looking into how cloud computing will change the face of their operations and how they can utilise these changes to the maximum advantage.

The main characteristics of the cloud that these companies are looking to take advantage of are;

  • Little to no capital investment – This may seem like the most basic benefit but it is also perhaps the most important. The cloud, by its very nature, reduces what was previously the massive cost of maintaining and integrating a range of different services. This should sound great right off the bat but what it also means is that smaller businesses that may not previously have had the resources to invest in such services are now able to run an integrated package of products without having to fork out for it.
  • Variable Pricing – A range if companies will offer services over the cloud, as it enables them to host their products and provide them quickly and easily. This means that other companies will be able to take advantage of fully customised services that would otherwise have not been available to them, allowing for variable price rates.
  • Rapid acquisition and deployment – Because the cloud allows for the use of software over a web connection, there is no need to spend an eternity manually installing what you use over a wide array of systems. Simply access the software via the cloud and deployment times are cut down to a fraction of what they once were.
  • Infinitely scalable – The very nature of the cloud means that you are only limited by your own needs. With no physical limitations your services can be scalable dependant entirely on your needs, meaning you will always be ready and capable for expansion.
  • Lower ongoing operating costs – This one ties into the lack of a need for capital investment, as maintenance costs will often be handled by whichever company is offering their service over the cloud, meaning that you don’t need to worry about the costs of operating a system that is hosted by somebody else. Instead, businesses are able to take advantage of services without having to worry about all of the additional costs.

Companies that offer their services across the cloud are able to integrate them seamlessly, meaning that they can offer other businesses applications that would otherwise have cost much in time and money to integrate.

Cloud solutions can offset costs and time constraints, with communications companies especially being able to offer VoIP services and the like over the cloud. So if a business is looking to expand in the near future, proper utilisation of services offered over the cloud will be instrumental in ensuring the future scalability of the business.

This is especially prevalent when it comes to VoIP communications services, as previously mentioned. The very nature of VoIP means that a service hosted by the telecoms company and offered over the net is the perfect match for many a client that would rather not have to invest in a full system for themselves. The cloud allows for such services to be offered, reducing costs for customers whilst also ensuring that they gain a top quality service. Additionally, as previously mentioned, no maintenance will be required for SIP Trunks or the telephone lines themselves as the VoIP service provider will work around the clock to ensure that the service remains usable.

The cloud is set to be the biggest revolution in the way businesses operate online in a number of years. Companies should be looking into how they can take advantage of it now, to ensure that they are ahead of the curve once it becomes the standard.

Do I Really Need to Use Antivirus Software?

When you are choosing antivirus software, you may have narrowed it down to a few programs, but you aren’t sure which ones you should pick. If so, there are a few features of the antivirus programs that you should look at and compare to help with your antivirus decision.

One thing that may be helpful when picking between several antivirus software programs is looking for consumer websites. Typically these websites have already done the reviews of the antivirus software for you, and can show you how various components rate. The only problem with online antivirus comparisons is that the programs you are looking for may not be in their comparison, which leaves you back at square one.

Due to this, you may have to do your own comparison of the antivirus programs, so there are a few things you want to watch and check for with the antivirus programs. You likely will want to load up their websites and find the feature pages for that antivirus, and compare based on that.

Updates – Will the antivirus software do its own updates automatically? You need your software to be current at all times, as there are always new viruses being released on the Internet. If you cannot have it automatically update at least once a day, then you do not want that particular software.

Scanning Capabilities – Will the antivirus software scan everything you need it to? Can it scan incoming and out going email for viruses, scan files you are downloading, as well as websites you are browsing? If the antivirus program cannot do these, then you are going to want to look for another antivirus program.

Licenses – How many computers can you install the antivirus program on? With more households running more than one computer, this can be an important factor in deciding on a program. You want to make sure that any software you purchase can be installed on more than one machine, as it can get pricey to purchase multiple versions of any antivirus program.

Usage – Another big thing when looking at antivirus program is what you use your computer for. If you just do some browsing, email or games, you likely won’t be too at risk for viruses. But, you will still need an antivirus program of some sort, just maybe not as robust or powerful as other antivirus programs out there. If in the future you decide to change your Internet habits, you will want to re-evaluate if your antivirus is still able to handle your needs.

If you haven’t already gotten some sort of antivirus software, you need to take care of that right now! Antivirus software is not an option anymore; it is a requirement when you are on the internet. When you get a new computer, one of the very first things you should be doing is getting your antivirus software set up, even before you start checking email or anything else! You never know where a virus is hiding!