Tag Archives: life

Electronic Miami Fingerprinting

Will life be different if you felt that everything that you love and enjoy only the right for you?

What would happen if you know yourself so you can say with certainty: “No thank you, I prefer …”

How would you look at the other, if you truly understand that their choice is perfect for them?

Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing things like feel, and ask yourself, “which feels better? This or that?” When we take the time to notice our feelings, we learn about ourselves in such a way that leads to great personal freedom and happiness.

Before I learned about the law of attraction and how I draw people, situations and opportunities, in full accordance with my vibration (Vibes), I tried to live a set of standards and principles. I remember when I asked my pastor if he could give me a list of these principles, so I could see that I lived right. I did all that I could be a perfect mother, the good housewife and selfless Christian. I thought that, in line with what other people expected, I would also be happy. I was not happy, happy man. I was a very emotional and eventually physical pain.

But the law of Attraction has taught me to notice when something does not feel well, because the discomfort is an indication that something is not good for me. Anything outside of alignment with who I am and all I came to fulfill the goal will not feel good. WOW! I was placing my hand on a hot stove and trying to feel comfortable with pain. I lived with chronic emotional and physical pain for so long that I became numb to it. (A third degree burn is painless because the nerve endings all burned out.)

One day, the truth, finally, I fall: Only I can choose what is best for me. No one can tell me what’s good for me – only I can say. And so, as I say it is noticed, as everyone feels, and then looking for ideas, answers, ideas, or what feels best.

“Good feels good. Bad feels bad.” -Abraham-Hicks

Knowledge and performance of my personal reasons for me to fulfill all his goals – of course. Everything I set out to do in this life is already programmed into me. The way I read the program “is to notice what brings me great joy, and to follow that example. In fact, it is the fastest and easiest way to find the performance. Before I knew about the law attraction, I felt like I lost 30 years of my life, trying to endure a bad marriage. But within 5 years of application of the law of gravity in the way described in this article, I felt caught up on life. “About two years ago, I had the profound realization:” Today I am exactly where I was would be remiss if I did the first 55 years of his life differently. “That is a great feeling!

Now I tell my students: “Your personal preferences as soon as you as your fingerprints. Only you can do certain things in this life, and your preferences where you actually live the life of the most satisfying ways of joy!”

How about you? Do you see yourself in this light? You wanted to know why you do not fit into the crowd? Are you ready to take themselves and their preferences as a right for you?

Electronic Miami Fingerprinting

Will life be different if you felt that everything that you love and enjoy only the right for you?

What would happen if you know yourself so you can say with certainty: “No thank you, I prefer …”

How would you look at the other, if you truly understand that their choice is perfect for them?

Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing things like feel, and ask yourself, “which feels better? This or that?” When we take the time to notice our feelings, we learn about ourselves in such a way that leads to great personal freedom and happiness.

Before I learned about the law of attraction and how I draw people, situations and opportunities, in full accordance with my vibration (Vibes), I tried to live a set of standards and principles. I remember when I asked my pastor if he could give me a list of these principles, so I could see that I lived right. I did all that I could be a perfect mother, the good housewife and selfless Christian. I thought that, in line with what other people expected, I would also be happy. I was not happy, happy man. I was a very emotional and eventually physical pain.

But the law of Attraction has taught me to notice when something does not feel well, because the discomfort is an indication that something is not good for me. Anything outside of alignment with who I am and all I came to fulfill the goal will not feel good. WOW! I was placing my hand on a hot stove and trying to feel comfortable with pain. I lived with chronic emotional and physical pain for so long that I became numb to it. (A third degree burn is painless because the nerve endings all burned out.)

One day, the truth, finally, I fall: Only I can choose what is best for me. No one can tell me what’s good for me – only I can say. And so, as I say it is noticed, as everyone feels, and then looking for ideas, answers, ideas, or what feels best.

“Good feels good. Bad feels bad.” -Abraham-Hicks

Knowledge and performance of my personal reasons for me to fulfill all his goals – of course. Everything I set out to do in this life is already programmed into me. The way I read the program “is to notice what brings me great joy, and to follow that example. In fact, it is the fastest and easiest way to find the performance. Before I knew about the law attraction, I felt like I lost 30 years of my life, trying to endure a bad marriage. But within 5 years of application of the law of gravity in the way described in this article, I felt caught up on life. “About two years ago, I had the profound realization:” Today I am exactly where I was would be remiss if I did the first 55 years of his life differently. “That is a great feeling!

Now I tell my students: “Your personal preferences as soon as you as your fingerprints. Only you can do certain things in this life, and your preferences where you actually live the life of the most satisfying ways of joy!”

How about you? Do you see yourself in this light? You wanted to know why you do not fit into the crowd? Are you ready to take themselves and their preferences as a right for you?

LED Flashlights

Why you should choose LED technology for your next flashlight. A look at flashlights and their evolution into LED technology. The flashlight as you know it has evolved and you should be taking advantage of new improvements that will deliver better performance, longer life, and more reliability. Find out what you need to know to make an informed shopping choice and check out some reviews I have done on some quality flashlights.The invention of the handheld flashlight over one hundred years ago and its subsequent improvements ushered a new era of convenience and safety to anyone that needed to light their way. Over the last decade the flashlight has been transformed by a technologic revolution. The use of LED technology in place of the standard incandescent bulb has resulted in a handheld lighting device that is brighter, longer lasting, and more versatile. A comparison of standard flashlight technology and LED flashlight technology reveals many factors that make the LED the new champion of flashlight technology.

Standard flashlight technology typically uses a tungsten filament incandescent bulb which creates light by heating a suspended thin filament until it glows. This creates a great deal of heat while producing a yellow light. The inefficiency of this process requires heavy battery use and the suspended filament is very fragile and prone to breaking. Additionally, the light beam put out has varying levels of illumination from the center of the beam to its edges. Another disadvantage of the standard flashlight, is that the light output decreases as the batteries are drained reducing effectiveness over the life cycle of the cells.

The Light Emitting Diode (LED) on the other hand, uses a charged semi-conductor material wrapped in a clear solid resin to create light. The light is created when an electrical current changes the state of the material by an exchange of electrons. This process requires less energy and its greater efficiency results in a light that is much brighter and more evenly distributed than a standard flashlight allowing the beam to be seen much greater distances. In addition, the light produced is a white light that more accurately mimics daylight allowing for greater detail in the light zone. The solid resin covering of the LED also serves to protect it and this shockproof design vastly increases its durability over incandescent bulbs with their fragile suspended filament.

Although it is hard to make a fair comparison between lights of different type and configuration, a general result of the efficiency of LEDs gives them an output of around 25-60 lumen per watt while an incandescent bulb will produce between 14-17 lumen per watt. That means that for the same battery input, LEDs will convert on a more efficient scale. The durable and efficient nature of the LED unit results in battery life that is ten times greater on average over standard flashlights. Some LED flashlights also utilize electronic controls that provide multiple levels of light depending on need which increases efficiency and further extends battery life. Also, many LED Flashlights have controls which maintain full light output up until the very end of battery life. Another advantage of this greater efficiency is that effective LED flashlights can be made much smaller than standard flashlights and still produce practical effects.