Tag Archives: latest

Free Article Submission Software Gets You TONS Of Quality, 1-way Links!

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Articles to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Articles experts.

The information about Articles presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Articles or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

With the search engine evolving each and every day, it’s absolutely critical to not fall into the trap of following the latest and greatest craze for ranking highly in the search engines. Things such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, blog spamming etc. are things that worked at one time, but are definitely not something that will last in the long run. Your website will either get banned for doing something like that, or you simply won’t get ranked anywhere and your effort will be in vain.

With that said, now is the time to start taking your business seriously. There are legitimate ways to increase your search engine ranking that will always be effective at not only increasing your search engine ranking, but also at building your credibility in your chosen niche, generating quality leads to your business, and not to mention, getting your name and business in front of lots of people around the world.

What’s this method I’m referring to? Article Submission. Yes, you heard me right… Article Submission really isn’t anything shockingly new, but the problem up until now has been the fact that although submitting your articles to article directories was an incredible way to increase your search engine rankings, it took one heck of a long time to actually find these directories, and then fill in all of the required criteria for submission.

This is where the brand new, free software program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. comes into play. This software will allow you to submit your articles to literally hundreds of popular article directories all over the world. Only a few mouse clicks and you’ll be able to instantly submit your articles. It’s taken the tedious process of finding and filling out these submission forms, incredibly easy and fast.

To learn more about Article Submitter and how you can download a free copy, visit the link below:

But, please keep this to yourself, as I’d like to keep this our secret weapon 🙂


John Miller

That’s the latest from the Articles authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.

Free Article Submission Software Gets You TONS Of Quality, 1-way Links!

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Articles to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Articles experts.

The information about Articles presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Articles or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

With the search engine evolving each and every day, it’s absolutely critical to not fall into the trap of following the latest and greatest craze for ranking highly in the search engines. Things such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, blog spamming etc. are things that worked at one time, but are definitely not something that will last in the long run. Your website will either get banned for doing something like that, or you simply won’t get ranked anywhere and your effort will be in vain.

With that said, now is the time to start taking your business seriously. There are legitimate ways to increase your search engine ranking that will always be effective at not only increasing your search engine ranking, but also at building your credibility in your chosen niche, generating quality leads to your business, and not to mention, getting your name and business in front of lots of people around the world.

What’s this method I’m referring to? Article Submission. Yes, you heard me right… Article Submission really isn’t anything shockingly new, but the problem up until now has been the fact that although submitting your articles to article directories was an incredible way to increase your search engine rankings, it took one heck of a long time to actually find these directories, and then fill in all of the required criteria for submission.

This is where the brand new, free software program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. comes into play. This software will allow you to submit your articles to literally hundreds of popular article directories all over the world. Only a few mouse clicks and you’ll be able to instantly submit your articles. It’s taken the tedious process of finding and filling out these submission forms, incredibly easy and fast.

To learn more about Article Submitter and how you can download a free copy, visit the link below:

But, please keep this to yourself, as I’d like to keep this our secret weapon 🙂


John Miller

That’s the latest from the Articles authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.

Understanding and Using RSS Feeds for your Blog

You love reading blogs but you don’t have the time to search from blog to blog finding a story that interests you. Try setting up an RSS feed to that blog instead. It’ll save you boatloads of time by making all the latest blog updates and news stories available for you right on one screen.

An RSS is basically is a set of web feed used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. It actually stands for really simple syndication and usually contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. An RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with your favorite websites in an automated manner that’s much easier than checking each website or blog manually.

One of the many positives about subscribing to RSS headlines and stories is they are immediate, and in real time. The moment a blog or news site publishes or updates their site with a feed at the source server, the next thing you know is it is on your screen. That is just one of the reasons why you need to start using RSS feeds. Here are some others:

  • News – Get the latest news on your favorite sports team, upcoming election news made by a political candidate or a feed from the local newspaper in your town.

  • Hobbies and interests – If you are interested in cooking, web design, painting, or perhaps cats, there are virtually hundreds if not thousands of conversations and bits of advice available to be fed directly to your computer screen.

  • Photos – If you’re one of those people who like to change your wallpaper daily or maybe update different pictures on your personal website, RSS feeds provide an excellent way to get the latest from photographers across the internet.

  • Catching up with friends – Maybe you have an old college roommate or a friend from high school that moved to the other side of the country and started up a blog. Now you can keep up with everything going on in their life by having all their latest entries fed directly to your screen.

Ok now that you know what makes these RSS so great and useful, here is how you can get yourself one and how they can work for you:

  • First, you choose an easy to use RSS reader. Most RSS readers are available all over the internet, free to use, and extremely easy to get the hang of.

  • Then, load up the RSS feeds into the reader you selected. You can do this any number of different ways. Depending on the blog or your own personal preference, you choices are through visiting the website feed directly, copy-pasting the special code from an email, or uploading copies from someone else’s RSS reader screen.

  • You’re all set and ready to start reading your web feed news. You only need to simply log in to your RSS reader page, or start your RSS software, and you can instantly scan all your web feeds. You can arrange and store the RSS feeds into folders, much in the same way you can with email, or you can set alerts and sounds for when a particular web feed is updated.