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Content Management System Checklist

If you willing to design your website with the content management systems, consider below checklist, which has been taken into account. As there are lot of things, which need to be implemented carefully.

User need to select appropriate CMS application according to website requirements so make sure the application you are going to choose is correct and that application you really need.

Availability of multiple language support is the key element therefore available translation for the CMS back-end should be in their own language. As a user you should be able to upgrade it when it is essential.

In terms of features and performance these systems requires modules or plug-ins so you will need to extend its frequently. You should also check the security concern issues while choosing these software so it is easy to prevent hacking activities. While using modules and plug-ins make sure they are time tested and there are no bugs issues. You should aware about any kind of issue related to with that CMS.

Following questions you need to ask yourself.

1. Are you able to upgrade CMS application yourself?

2. What types of content will be there, and what should be considered static?

3. How the Permalink structure looks like user-friendly?

4. Menus would be controlled by CMS application or it will be in the static form that can be coded into theme.

5. Do you really need page templates for respective sections? Will these page templates work with sub-pages?

6. What kind of strategy you have to represent your sub-pages?

7. What kind of categories you will be using?

8. How the post content structure looks like after submission?

9. Do you need templates for categories to present various sections?

In addition you need to understand these content management systems are not magic wands. As they requires often customization to make an unique identity of your website. Few of them are quite resources hungry applications and requires a good web hosting environment. Usually Shared Hosting plans are recommended, but this is not the always case. You should analyze your requirements for the resources and then opt reliable web hosting package. For an instance if you are willing to use shopping cart based content management system to utilize its features for your e-commerce website better way go with next level hosting environment for the best performance.

Content Management System Checklist

If you willing to design your website with the content management systems, consider below checklist, which has been taken into account. As there are lot of things, which need to be implemented carefully.

User need to select appropriate CMS application according to website requirements so make sure the application you are going to choose is correct and that application you really need.

Availability of multiple language support is the key element therefore available translation for the CMS back-end should be in their own language. As a user you should be able to upgrade it when it is essential.

In terms of features and performance these systems requires modules or plug-ins so you will need to extend its frequently. You should also check the security concern issues while choosing these software so it is easy to prevent hacking activities. While using modules and plug-ins make sure they are time tested and there are no bugs issues. You should aware about any kind of issue related to with that CMS.

Following questions you need to ask yourself.

1. Are you able to upgrade CMS application yourself?

2. What types of content will be there, and what should be considered static?

3. How the Permalink structure looks like user-friendly?

4. Menus would be controlled by CMS application or it will be in the static form that can be coded into theme.

5. Do you really need page templates for respective sections? Will these page templates work with sub-pages?

6. What kind of strategy you have to represent your sub-pages?

7. What kind of categories you will be using?

8. How the post content structure looks like after submission?

9. Do you need templates for categories to present various sections?

In addition you need to understand these content management systems are not magic wands. As they requires often customization to make an unique identity of your website. Few of them are quite resources hungry applications and requires a good web hosting environment. Usually Shared Hosting plans are recommended, but this is not the always case. You should analyze your requirements for the resources and then opt reliable web hosting package. For an instance if you are willing to use shopping cart based content management system to utilize its features for your e-commerce website better way go with next level hosting environment for the best performance.

Multilingual SEO

Getting to the first page of Google and other search engines is an ambitious and daring enterprise, but very much doable if we follow certain rules, pull the right triggers, and apply the correct techniques. We live in the Internet age and not a single company in the world can afford the luxury of not using the internet to promote its services, unless we are talking about selling hot pies on the streets. Having a nice website with correctly applied search engine optimization procedures is all it takes to get your product to a wide clientele or quite frank, to the whole world. And if you top it up with occasional quality online marketing campaign you are in for some serious business.

For those who want to go beyond that, there is a brand new playground of Multilingual SEO. It is considered to be a popular new method of gaining worldwide recognition for a website and address to the market efficiently. And it does make sense knowing the fact that more than half of the world are non-English speakers. Multilingual SEO is a way to increase online revenue and encourage global universal transparency.

Multilingual SEO project is an exciting and rewarding challenge and an individual cultural approach is required to each project in particular to successfully combine the existing SEO techniques such as website optimization, online PR, Link Building, Social Media de-localizing the site as a result and making it global, professional and user-friendly.

Multilingual SEO is a highly personalized service which involves much more than just translation and keyword optimization; the methodology of a successful multilingual search engine optimization project must include the following key points:

• Analysis of geographical market to identify clientele of greatest potential value to the business.

• Keyword research and Search Engine – friendly language recognition assessment

• Valid HTML data and URL structure

• Quality local link building

When speaking about the link building in multilingual SEO context, it is important to mention that the procedure of building links to websites in foreign language delivers results considerably quicker than link building for websites in English. It also seems critical to use best ranking foreign language keywords as the link anchor text to non-English language website.

Multilingual SEO cannot be compared with Christopher Columbus discovery in 1492, however in search engines’ eyes, it does open brand new marketing possibilities in a much more less competitive internet world, still mostly wild and unexplored.