Tag Archives: keyword research

Improve Website Traffic and Sales With Keyword Research

Even if you do not consider yourself very web or tech savvy, chances are you’re familiar with the term “keyword.” Every time you hop onto a search engine and surf the Internet for information, you’re using keywords somewhere in the process. Its role in the way users find information and resources is crucial to the way the web operates. If you’re interested in improving your website’s page rankings, increasing traffic and raising sales revenues, the main key is to learn how to use keyword research to your advantage.

What is Keyword Research?

As you already know, there are millions, if not billions, of different keywords that online visitors use on a daily basis. However, not all keywords are effective, nor do they promise good results when it comes to improving website traffic and page rankings. This is where keyword research comes into play. As the name implies, this type of research involves figuring out which sets of phrases are not only the most relevant to a website but also which ones are the most widely used by people surfing the Web that is not already being heavily used by competitor sites.


What does keyword research have to do with your online business? The answer: a lot. One of the most obvious benefits is that using the right combination of phrases in your online content is a great way to improve website traffic and even increase sales. Unless people are able to find your site in their online searches, you’ll lose out on business. Low traffic means there are not a lot of people visiting your site, which means a lower chance of acquiring paying customers, which can ruin your business before it has even started.

However, with the right keywords sprinkled throughout your web pages, meta tags, page names and other areas, search engines will recognize your website faster and promptly display it at the top of a person’s search results each time they enter one or more keyword phrases that relate to the nature of your website. When this happens, more exposure is given to your site, which means an increase in web traffic and the better the odds are of converting a visitor to a paying customer.

How to Do Keyword Research

Over time the process of conducting keyword research in order to improve website traffic has gotten much more convenient. While there is always the option of brainstorming phrases off the top of your head, there are a variety of websites, tools and software applications that do the bulk of the legwork for you. Using these types of tools makes the process of finding the best keyword phrases for your website much faster, not to mention that many of them are available free of charge.

Once you’ve acquired your list of phrases, begin inserting them strategically into your website’s content. It is important to avoid using them too much by stuffing them into places where they do not belong. All of the content in your site should flow naturally and not make it so obvious that certain phrases are there for search engine purposes.

Let the Magic Begin

Over time, you’ll begin to notice your page rankings moving higher up in search results. When you’re able to improve website traffic through the use of viable keyword phrases, your website will not only become more profitable by receiving larger volumes of online visitors, but can effectively keep you ahead of the competition, while providing an increase in sales.

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Defining Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is without a doubt, the single most important factor of any SEO campaign. Picking a good keyword phrase can mean the difference between generating hundreds of interested extra visitors per month and a wasted effort.

The first question on everyone’s mind is, just how do we know what a good keyword phrase is? That’s where the various keyword tools on the market come into play. The purpose of this short article is not to advertise the various keyword tools available, but to explain their purpose and functions and to give you some ideas and resources to enable you to determine the best keyword research tool for your needs.

What do Keyword Research Tools do?

Sounds like a rather silly question – they do keyword research! But let’s look more specifically into what information the tools generate:

– They build hundreds of keyword ideas around one source keyword
– They generate “long tail keywords” that are easier to get ranked for
– They show you the competition levels of each keyword phrase
– They show you monthly search volumes for each keyword phrase
– Some even tell you in pure English whether it’s a good choice or not

In short, they come up with more keyword suggestions you or I could ever think of, and give some kind of indication to how easy it will be to get ranked high in the search engines for those keywords and keyword phrases.

Note – all the keyword tools I have used require you to have a Google AdWords account (free), and uses that account to interface into the Google network to pull keyword information. The difference between the tools is what information is pulled and how it is presented to you.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Keyword Research Tool

Determining the best keyword research tool can differ person to person. For example, some people like things simple, some prefer more advanced options and granularity at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Here are several considerations I thought about when choosing a keyword tool:

– Cost – this is very dependent on the individual. There are hundreds of keyword tools to choose from and can cost from $0 to thousands per year! Generally speaking, the more mainstream keyword research tools are somewhere between $75 and $150.
– Ease of use – YouTube is your friend here! There are some very good video walkthroughs on all the major tools. Most vendors also offer a free trial period where you can test the tool out yourself before committing to a purchase.
– Effectiveness – both cost and ease of use are irrelevant if the tool does not work. Use Google to search for reviews on the various keyword tools you like the look of, find some step-by-step real world examples of the keyword tool in use.


When starting out in the SEO world, I used the free Google keyword suggestion tool. Indeed this tool is often better than some of the premium tools out there, and the information is pulled directly from Google (no middle man so to speak), so you can assume the information is as reliable as you can get.

I had relative success with the Google Keyword Tool, but the one downside to the Google tool is it still leaves a lot of guesswork. It wasn’t until I started using a premium keyword research tool that I started getting my articles on the front page of Google.

Defining Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is without a doubt, the single most important factor of any SEO campaign. Picking a good keyword phrase can mean the difference between generating hundreds of interested extra visitors per month and a wasted effort.

The first question on everyone’s mind is, just how do we know what a good keyword phrase is? That’s where the various keyword tools on the market come into play. The purpose of this short article is not to advertise the various keyword tools available, but to explain their purpose and functions and to give you some ideas and resources to enable you to determine the best keyword research tool for your needs.

What do Keyword Research Tools do?

Sounds like a rather silly question – they do keyword research! But let’s look more specifically into what information the tools generate:

– They build hundreds of keyword ideas around one source keyword
– They generate “long tail keywords” that are easier to get ranked for
– They show you the competition levels of each keyword phrase
– They show you monthly search volumes for each keyword phrase
– Some even tell you in pure English whether it’s a good choice or not

In short, they come up with more keyword suggestions you or I could ever think of, and give some kind of indication to how easy it will be to get ranked high in the search engines for those keywords and keyword phrases.

Note – all the keyword tools I have used require you to have a Google AdWords account (free), and uses that account to interface into the Google network to pull keyword information. The difference between the tools is what information is pulled and how it is presented to you.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Keyword Research Tool

Determining the best keyword research tool can differ person to person. For example, some people like things simple, some prefer more advanced options and granularity at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Here are several considerations I thought about when choosing a keyword tool:

– Cost – this is very dependent on the individual. There are hundreds of keyword tools to choose from and can cost from $0 to thousands per year! Generally speaking, the more mainstream keyword research tools are somewhere between $75 and $150.
– Ease of use – YouTube is your friend here! There are some very good video walkthroughs on all the major tools. Most vendors also offer a free trial period where you can test the tool out yourself before committing to a purchase.
– Effectiveness – both cost and ease of use are irrelevant if the tool does not work. Use Google to search for reviews on the various keyword tools you like the look of, find some step-by-step real world examples of the keyword tool in use.


When starting out in the SEO world, I used the free Google keyword suggestion tool. Indeed this tool is often better than some of the premium tools out there, and the information is pulled directly from Google (no middle man so to speak), so you can assume the information is as reliable as you can get.

I had relative success with the Google Keyword Tool, but the one downside to the Google tool is it still leaves a lot of guesswork. It wasn’t until I started using a premium keyword research tool that I started getting my articles on the front page of Google.