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Proper Data Security And Storage Methods (Page 1 of 2)

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requires that any merchant who accepts, processes, stores, transmits sensitive credit card information must do everything possible to protect and guard that data. Proper data security and storage, however, can be a difficult thing to do in-house.

Data security and storage comprise a major portion of the PCI DSS and is also a necessary part of maintaining trust with your customers. In an age where personal information is a valuable commodity, customers need to know that their transactions are secure and you have a priority on guarding their personal data.

The third requirement of the PCI DSS states simply: “Protect stored cardholder data.” This may be a simple thing to say, but that doesn’t necessarily make it an easy thing to implement, nor does it downplay the importance. There are quite a few individual security controls that are required before you can say that you have created the proper data security and storage environment.

The first step is encryption. If you must store sensitive information on your own system you must encrypt it. This is a basic step because if a criminal intruder should happen to bypass all the other security measures that are in place, all they will find on your system are strings of random gibberish that are useless without the encryption key.

The next step is to limit the amount of cardholder data on your system. This includes only keeping the data that is absolutely necessary for legal, business, or regulatory purposes. When you don’t need it anymore, get rid of it. The less you have that is worth stealing, the less of a target you become. There are also a few things you’re not allowed to store at all. These include the full contents of any track from the magnetic stripe (like the card verification code or PIN verification value), or the three or four digit validation codes or personal identification numbers.

Of course, even if you’ve taken the steps to electronically protect data by encrypting it, there’s still the possibility that someone inside the company could steal or wrongfully employ the encryption keys. For that reason, the third requirement of the PCI DSS also mandates protecting those keys against misuse and disclosure.

Access to these keys must be restricted to the fewest number of people possible. These keys must also be stored in as few places as possible. Backups are, of course, necessary, but if you end up backing it up in too many places, you’re likely to forget where they all are, or accidentally place one where someone with criminal intentions can get a hold of it.

Requirement numbers seven, eight, and nine also deal with limiting physical access to cardholder data. These mandate that you restrict access to this data by to business need-to-know, and that you assign unique IDs to each person with computer access. These are measures that help ensure that you can trace the source of your problem, should a breach occur.

Proper Data Security And Storage Methods (Page 1 of 2)

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requires that any merchant who accepts, processes, stores, transmits sensitive credit card information must do everything possible to protect and guard that data. Proper data security and storage, however, can be a difficult thing to do in-house.

Data security and storage comprise a major portion of the PCI DSS and is also a necessary part of maintaining trust with your customers. In an age where personal information is a valuable commodity, customers need to know that their transactions are secure and you have a priority on guarding their personal data.

The third requirement of the PCI DSS states simply: “Protect stored cardholder data.” This may be a simple thing to say, but that doesn’t necessarily make it an easy thing to implement, nor does it downplay the importance. There are quite a few individual security controls that are required before you can say that you have created the proper data security and storage environment.

The first step is encryption. If you must store sensitive information on your own system you must encrypt it. This is a basic step because if a criminal intruder should happen to bypass all the other security measures that are in place, all they will find on your system are strings of random gibberish that are useless without the encryption key.

The next step is to limit the amount of cardholder data on your system. This includes only keeping the data that is absolutely necessary for legal, business, or regulatory purposes. When you don’t need it anymore, get rid of it. The less you have that is worth stealing, the less of a target you become. There are also a few things you’re not allowed to store at all. These include the full contents of any track from the magnetic stripe (like the card verification code or PIN verification value), or the three or four digit validation codes or personal identification numbers.

Of course, even if you’ve taken the steps to electronically protect data by encrypting it, there’s still the possibility that someone inside the company could steal or wrongfully employ the encryption keys. For that reason, the third requirement of the PCI DSS also mandates protecting those keys against misuse and disclosure.

Access to these keys must be restricted to the fewest number of people possible. These keys must also be stored in as few places as possible. Backups are, of course, necessary, but if you end up backing it up in too many places, you’re likely to forget where they all are, or accidentally place one where someone with criminal intentions can get a hold of it.

Requirement numbers seven, eight, and nine also deal with limiting physical access to cardholder data. These mandate that you restrict access to this data by to business need-to-know, and that you assign unique IDs to each person with computer access. These are measures that help ensure that you can trace the source of your problem, should a breach occur.

How Remote Access Keys and Clusters Benefit a Dedicated Hosting Company

Dedicated Hosting refers to a type of internet hosting service, exclusively leased to an individual or business entity. Therefore, dedicated servers supply the service solely to the one purchasing customer. Furthermore, the buying customer does not share the server with anyone else. In consideration, the task of acting as one of the dedicated hosts for new clients can potentially become overwhelming. In response, remote access keys help to save you time by automating the process.

Understanding Remote Access Keys and Clusters

One of the advantages of using remote access keys with your Dedicated Hosting service is how it makes it so that you no longer have to do anything during the times that someone creates a new account. Therefore, this gives dedicated servers the capacity to give a new client instant activation when they set up a new accounts. One of the largest benefits surrounds around how the people no longer have to wait for you to do anything in order for them to start setting up their website.

Where to Start and Who Can Benefit

Any Dedicated Hosting business can start using remote access keys by requesting them from their hosting company. Another option is to access this features through your dedicated server control panel in order to create the key automatically. When you generate the key, you will see a long paragraph of encrypted information, which you then can add to your script in order to automate the process of signing up with your company. Generally, most of the businesses that use this type of script are resellers.

How Remote Access Keys Work

In some cases, your Dedicated Hosting company may provide you with a sample of an automate script in which you can use for the sign up process. In most cases, you can modify the script according to your needs. One thing to consider is how you should contact your dedicated server for more information if you are unsure on how you should write this script.

Furthermore, after you have your remote access key, you should never share it with anyone. One of the main reasons has to do with how it allows access into your Dedicated Hosting servers control panel. Therefore, sharing this type of information could jeopardize the security of your server if the wrong person got a hold of it. In any case, when people on signing up for a new account, your keys encrypted, which helps prevent any types of problems.

Understanding DNS Clusters

At one time, a DNS Master referred to the system that we now know as a DNS Cluster. The DNS Master however, became rapidly outdated, leading to a newly revised system. These new revisions increased the amount of ease for webmasters with their capacity to monitor and access all information pertinent to their DNS zones within one area.

Not all Dedicated Hosting companies give you the option to use DNS clusters. For those that do, it makes it easy for you to synchronize your records with more than one server. Therefore, this is a useful feature for webmasters using more than one dedicated server.

Even so, a company or individual should not use this feature with a single dedicated server. In general, a DNS clusters designed primarily for advanced users and useless for the Dedicated Hosting business type. In spite of this, it is still appropriate to have an understanding if you have plans to add on another dedicated server or find that your company is quickly growing.