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Protecting Against a List of Malicious Attacks

A threat profile is a list of things that a malicious attack can do to a computer. When a penetration testing company is performing security checks against threats to a customer’s database or website applications, they focus on specific areas that coordinate with the threat profile. There are several diagnostics that an application security testing company can perform to see how easily a company’s system can be breached. Once a threat profile has been established, the security company can begin web application security testing.

What Types of Threats Exist?

Different threats have different goals. Depending on who and what is attacking the site, different things may happen. For example, the idea behind the threat may be to steal credit card information on a company’s clients or to cause an e-commerce site to malfunction and lose business. To protect an application against threats, a computer security company must first know what the system needs to protect against, before it can create and implement a plan.

What Does Testing Involve?

Checking and testing for possible security weaknesses is done through a battery of testing procedures. The plan for testing must first be custom designed with the particular application in mind. The security company tries to mimic the possible avenues that could be used to cause trouble. The tests are then performed. Depending on how in depth the process is and how many tests are performed, it can take anywhere from 10 days to one month. A quality security company will not rush the process and risk problems down the road for the sake of saving a few minutes here and there. Qualified personnel will take their time to verify that an application is as secure as possible through a variety of exhaustive methods. Tests using scanners are helpful, but people-driven testing tools are often more effective for preventing sabotage, malicious attacks, siphoning and other threats.


When consumers use a website for e-commerce or to exchange personal information, they want to know that it’s secure. They do not want their personal contact information, credit card numbers, financial details to be shared with other people. They want reassurances that any website or website application they use is safe from hackers and identity thieves. Without a security certification posted on the website, many potential customers will gladly take their business elsewhere in favor of personal safety. Once a website application has been authentically certified, it should be displayed where it can be seen. The site should be certified by experts who have had proper, up-to-date training in prevention of risks and thwarting attacks.

SSL Certificates Are a Must for E-Commerce Sites

If you are wondering if you need a SSL certificate on your website, the chances are you do. If your website is an e-commerce site, then again that answer is YES. If you own a web site that uses credit cards as a payment option, then again the answer is yes to needing an SSL certificate. It is imperative that you protect your customer’s sensitive information and having a SSL certificate can help.

When you have an SSL certificate, it will help guard your customers from crimes like identity theft.

What is SSL?

SSL is referred to as “Secure Sockets Layer”. It is a protocol designed to transmit information back and forth from one server on the internet to another securely. An SSL certificate ensures online shoppers that their personal information is kept confidential when making online purchases.

Below are a few benefits to having SSL to protect your website:

Customer Confidence & Trust: This is one of the most important features of an SSL certificate. By having a SSL you’re telling your customers that you are taking the necessary precautions to protect their private information. Computer savvy online shoppers will completely avoid a website if they can tell it doesn’t encrypt transactions using SSL. Online retailers who avoid having an SSL certificate are putting their business in jeopardy and their customer’s security in jeopardy.

Server authentication: SSL protects both the customer and the seller. Every server must have an SSL certificate. Basically a server is another term used for a computer that stores data about your website for your customers to view. The SSL basically provides these digital certificates and is capable of reading them. An SSL certificate comes from a reliable third party that provides encryption. The actual SSL certificate is proof that your server is who it claims to be, so-to-speak.

PCC (Private Communication Capability): SSL protection ensures your conversions are made private. The encryption that’s used by the SSL converts important data, such as street addresses, credit card information, bank account numbers and other sensitive data into tiny bits of information that’s unusable. It’s sort of like a virtual scrambler. When a criminal tries to retrieve a person’s credit card information, it appears in mixed up characters.

How do you get an SSL Certificate?
When shopping around for SSL certificates, it is important to make certain that you choose a company that will provide you with an “authentic” SSL certificate. A trustworthy web design company like Flying Cow Design, can provides authentic SSL Certificate installation for clients.

Although there is no surefire way of protecting all information from criminals in any type of business transaction (online or offline), SSL protection greatly reduces theft and identity fraud, thus letting your customers know you have taken every precaution you can to ensure their safety.

Website Payments Using PayPal

In most every business there is a product or service to sell. If your business has a website, you will need a payment system that not only can handle your payments securely, but also efficiently. Many business owners miss out on the potential payments because whatever system they have in place lacks credibility or efficiency.

There are many online payment systems available to online businesses. PayPal is considered the number one opted payment method to date for online businesses. Most everyone at some point or another has used PayPal to either buy or pay for items or services.

There are many perks as a business owner using PayPal, below are the top PayPal benefits for merchants.

& 9679; PayPal offers a secured online payment system. PayPal uses a secure server when collecting customer payment information, including credit card information, and sensitive data. Making sure your clients have a secured payment system keeps them from being exposed to identity theft and fraud.
& 9679; No credit check required to accept payments. Many times credit card merchants run a background credit check before approving you for a merchant account on top of requiring you to put a hefty deposit or filling out additional paperwork. However, PayPal offers a no hassle way of establishing an online payment system. You can sign up for PayPal within minutes and start collecting online payments from your customers instantly.
& 9679; No separate merchant account, payment gateway, shopping cart or hosting required. All of these processes are integrated in the PayPal’s all-in-one shopping cart software. This saves you time and money.
& 9679; Accept payments from non-PayPal members. Your clients don’t have to be a member to make a payment.
& 9679; Payments can be accepted from other PayPal accounts as well as through credit cards and e-checks. Most online shoppers will already have a PayPal account so they will be already familiarized with the whole payment process.
& 9679; Installing a single page payment is easy. A professional web developer can integrate PayPal into a customized paged on your website. This allows you to process credit card payments directly from your website without leaving your site.
& 9679; PayPal now has a nice invoice system, you can create invoices for your customers with ease and no extra software

Is hiring a PayPal Web Developer Necessary?
You don’t NEED a PayPal web developer, but it is always better to hire one if you do not know what you are doing. A web developer can customize your website and add a page specifically for using PayPal as a payment method. However, a web developer can enhance the appearance of your website and help your clients be more confident in using their credit card information and providing them a stress free payment method.

Finding a good PayPal Web Developer
We all know if your client is happy, more than likely they will be back. Having successful online shopping experience is a must. A professional web development company will usually specialize in PayPal integration to help your online success.

Companies like Flying Cow Design have created several customized single page PayPal payments at an affordable rate. Hiring a good web developer will not only enhance the appearance of your online presence, it will also increase your return on investment.