Tag Archives: images

The 2015 Important checklist when launching a new website

Launching a Website is a nerve- racking job! And launching a new website is even more complex. What if you miss any links or details to be mentioned before the launch and it turned out to be a failure. All of the months you’ve worked spending the most crucial phase in planning, designing, coordinating, organizing and developing would go nowhere then. Launching is extremely frantic and hectic. So, having a launch checklist is important! It will help you to offload the job of remembering every tiny details and would make you sure that you haven’t missed anything!!!

So let’s get started by making a new launch website checklist: for the first time you need to make sure that you jot down every important key points that would be included before the launching. Write down each step along the way. Break your list into pre and post launch which will further help you in making your work easier if in future you need to add or delete anything according to your workflow.

Simple Content:
· Proofread your work i.e. you spelling and correction errors.
· Details about company should be mentioned properly.
· Formatting of images is corrected and displayed properly.
· Video/Audio items are correct and formatted properly.
· PDF files are linked up in the right way.
· All links are working correctly
· 404 page is created or customized
· Be sure all required licenses for images, fonts, plug-in, etc. are on file

· Company logo is linked on the site
· Company is viewed on Google
· Company is viewed on internet explorer
· Company is viewed on mozzarella
· Company is viewed on Firefox
· Images optimized on pages

· Set up new domain in cPanel
· Install database and user in cPanel
· Record new domain and database information into tracking software
· Always change the DNS or file name to my name server.
· Keep a check on site for any detail issues.
· Check for broken links on links and redirections

· All pages should have a unique post and titles.
· All pages should have a unique description.
· Pages post have less than 10 keywords that appear in page copy.
· You should register to all social media properties i.e. images, covers pages and link back to your website.

· Start blogging before you launch a website.
· Your website should be known by Google.
· It should give a fair idea to the readers before the launch that what is the site about.

Client debrief is the last step. Under update admin password and save in password management . It helps so much.

Isn’t it a good start for starting a new website with the entire necessary checklist.
The conclusion of this article concludes with these points that it will help your
client and your team members to maintain and keep a record of the information.
Hopefully you can see that every team member would be assigned with their own
task which will lead up to a site launch. This team approach does the best job
for challenges of testing a site. So if you want your website to be successfully
launched so keep this checklist in handy before you launch a website!!!

Tips for effective web design

Web design is not simply about adding images and words to a homepage- it’s about implementing clever designs which incorporate strategy, structure, visual impact, usability and conversion elements. In this article, we look at some elements which one needs to look for in effective web design.

Usability is probably the most important element of effective web design, as nobody wants to navigate a web page which isn’t easy to use and does not help the user to find information. When one enters a website, they are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to find information, contact the company or perhaps purchase a product. If the design of your website does not make this process simple, then users are going to look elsewhere.

Establish your website’s goals:
Well-designed websites need to be focused around specific goals. This means that you need to think about what the aim of your website is, and it needs to be easy for users to perform the action which they want to take. For example, think about including a contact form for information pages, and allow resources to be easily downloadable. Users will get frustrated if results don’t happen fast enough.

Visual Hierarchy:
Certain parts of your website are more important than others, so you need to get these parts more attention by means of visual hierarchy. You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. More important information such as calls to action and business propositions would usually come first, while other less important information won’t be as visually prominent.

Effective writing:
Effective web design is also about incorporating effective writing which is adjusted towards users’ preferences and browsing habits. Rather than using promotional writing which is long and exaggerated, get straight to the point and use images along with your text to illustrate your message. You should also use headers to break up content so that it’s easier to read. Use language on your website which is easy to understand and keeps users hooked. As mentioned before, users don’t want to spend time searching for information on your website. They want the process to be swift and easy.

A good website should have an impact on visitors, meaning that it incorporates clear images, uses colour smartly, and fonts which are easy to read. Always think from the user’s perspective as this will help you decide whether this is a website which you would want to visit and share.