Tag Archives: hundreds

Review: A Surefire Way To Get Free One-Way Backlinks On Autopilot?

If you just cannot seem to gain page rank in Google and other major search engines, there is a key SEO tactic you are likely missing. That tactic is one way link building. And, you may be going about it in the wrong way. There is athe right way to gain hundreds of Google backlinks and Yahoo backlinks with a simple system

There is a new system that claims to be the answer to this problem, especially for article markters, one that guarantees hundreds of Google backlinks simply by writing and submitting articles in a new way. They claim it is the future of article marketing. In fact, the creators claim it has no disadvantages! This review looks at the system to see if it is plausible.

The Plus Side of Article Marketing

The advantages of using article marketing to facilitate one way link building have long since been proven.

As article marketers, we know that Google, Yahoo, and other search engines thrive on quality content. Search engines reward the creators of new, useful, and interesting content with better search engine rankings.

Embeded within that high ranked content are links leading back to the website or blog of the creator of that content. Each backlink to that highly ranked content is actually a vote for the creator of that content and gives the creator’s website or blog higher visibility.

Quality content with hundreds of one way backlinks will land you on the first page of most search engines. The result is a flood of targeted traffic leading back to you. This is how article marketing has worked.

In the past, “link love” from search engines towards backlinks from articles was super successful as a traffic generator. For many years, article marketers profited nicely even though the content they created only had to be of marginal quality. Quality content was not necessary because there was not much competition for keywords and search engine position. The truth is, backlinking was pretty much a strategy employed only by SEO experts and some wise marketers. They dominated the search engine rankings for years for their desired keywords.

The Negative Side of Article Marketing

Today, article marketing is a lot more sophisticated. Keyword research tools are readily available and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tutorials teaching how to write quality content that is keyword rich. And, as if article marketing was not fiercely competitive already, content thieves have entered the scene and have added another twist that makes article marketing tougher that ever.

Some of these thieves will republish your article but they may delete your backlinks from your Author Box, claim authorship, or insert their own backlinks to steal your hard work and traffic.

This is the major downside of trying to get backlinks with articles the traditional way.

Once you have submitted your article to any of the article directories, you lose control over your article when it is published. You cannot fault article directory administrators. They are glad to have your quality content so they leave your writing intact should they decide to publish it.

One of the major ways your content can be stolen is by “scraping.” Article thieves are using software that automatically crawls through article directories to “scrape” the articles, by category, for republishing elsewhere. These software tools provide the thief with your finished article. Then, all they do is change the article Title slightly and the insert their own backlinks in your Author Box.

In addition to stealing your entire work from article directories and automatically altering backlinks in your Author Box, they use other kinds of software to skim just a snippet of your article. Many times they skim just the first few lines or a complete paragraph of your article.

They publish your snippet to a list of many others so they can populate their sites with content to attract the search engines. Remember, search engines need fresh content. In this case the thief includes a link back to the article directory. This tactic is used to create so-called made-for-Adsense sites.

The site creator knows, when a visitor gets to the site and sees nothing but a bunch of snippets, they likely will click on one of the Adsense ads and the site creator makes money. These guys have hundreds or thousands of such sites and make a bundle with this tactic.

The “Free Traffic System” Could Be The Answer

The creators of Free Traffic System have a large number of member blogs in a wide variety of niches. They guarantee that their member blogs, where your writing is published, will retain your backlinks. You would think that such a claim cannot honestly be backed up. Well, as it turns out, Free Traffic System has found a way to virtually eliminate the problem of plagiarism.

Administrators of Free Traffic System monitor their member blogs. Those blog owners who replace your backlinks will be deleted from the Free Traffic System and lose access to future quality content. Surprisingly, this has yet to happen.

What About The Duplicate Content Penalty?

The issue of duplicate content is debatable. Some SEO experts say there is no such thing. Others say there certainly is and it can cost you. Here is the argument for the duplicate content penalty. You decide.

The argument is: When your unedited article is republished on numerous sites, like article directories, Google quickly classifies this content as duplicate content because the algorithm reads that a large number of your backlinks are being linked from sites carrying your identical writing and linking back from them to you.

While there is no hard proof that Google will punish your backlinks, those who support the duplicate content argument claim that Google dramatically lowers the SEO value of backlinks built from duplicate content pages and lowers your page rank.

Rather than further debate the issue, I would rather be on the safe side and avoid it completely. The creators of Free Traffic System agree and have provided an easy way of spinning articles automatically for you.

The Mega Article Spinner

Free Traffic System has built in software that spins your articles to make each one unique enough, even if the article is republished on a large number of blogs, to be seen as one-of-a-kind content.

All you do is take your original article, do some simple editing, and Free Traffic System automatically creates dozens, even hundreds of versions, that make sense to the reader. These are not the kind of garbled spun articles you are used to. You know the type I mean.

In addition to spinning the Body of the article, you even have the ability to spin your Title and Author Box.

You determine the depth of editing and the content. You can dedicate 5 minutes or 30 minutes to get this done. It’s fairly simple and fully explained at Free Traffic System. The end result is that each of the articles will be seen as unique for Google and other search engines. And, this will instantly increase the value of your backlinks. Proof is provided by members to show how easy this system is.

To give you an idea of how powerful this is, one spun article can generate up to 60 one way backlinks. You do the math.

If you want to try a new way to boost your page rank through quality backlinks, check out Free Traffic System.

How To Create Thousands Of Backlinks – The Quick And Easy Way?

We all know the importance of backlinks for high rankings in Google and other major search engines and there are already countless numbers of articles that describe in great detail the various advantages of creating a high number of backlinks.

In this article I would like to concentrate on a certain class of backlinks – the category of quick and easy backlinks. There are basically 2 big classes of inbound links:

Those ones that are either very expensive or challenging to get. These are typically hyperlinks from authority, high PR and high quality websites. Those are the links that offer most of the link juice and for most niches you will only require a few of them to be able to greatly improve your rankings.

The second category are the quick, free and easy backlinks. Typically you will need a relatively high number of those inbound links in order to improve your rankings. On the other hand, those kinds of links are very easy to get.

So, let’s have a look at those second category links. Here is my preferred list of quick, free and simple backlinks:

* Social bookmarking links. Whenever you build a new web page or blog post you can instantly create hundreds of backlinks by submitting to social bookmarking sites.

* Article submission: Write a great article, put one or two backlinks in your bio and post the article to possibly hundreds of article directories

* Blog commenting: A fantastic way to even get some high PR backlinks from some quick blog posts.

* Profile Links: You can buy hundreds or thousands of forum profile backlinks for only a few bucks or use a software tool to automate the procedure.

* Forum posting: Another quick and easy way to create lots of backlinks. Just make sure that the forum you are posting on permits you to add a signature file with a link back to your website.

If you want to build hundreds or thousands of those quick and easy backlinks, I highly recommend you use some automation tools in order to speed up the process otherwise it will take you days or weeks to create all those backlinks.

Defining Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is without a doubt, the single most important factor of any SEO campaign. Picking a good keyword phrase can mean the difference between generating hundreds of interested extra visitors per month and a wasted effort.

The first question on everyone’s mind is, just how do we know what a good keyword phrase is? That’s where the various keyword tools on the market come into play. The purpose of this short article is not to advertise the various keyword tools available, but to explain their purpose and functions and to give you some ideas and resources to enable you to determine the best keyword research tool for your needs.

What do Keyword Research Tools do?

Sounds like a rather silly question – they do keyword research! But let’s look more specifically into what information the tools generate:

– They build hundreds of keyword ideas around one source keyword
– They generate “long tail keywords” that are easier to get ranked for
– They show you the competition levels of each keyword phrase
– They show you monthly search volumes for each keyword phrase
– Some even tell you in pure English whether it’s a good choice or not

In short, they come up with more keyword suggestions you or I could ever think of, and give some kind of indication to how easy it will be to get ranked high in the search engines for those keywords and keyword phrases.

Note – all the keyword tools I have used require you to have a Google AdWords account (free), and uses that account to interface into the Google network to pull keyword information. The difference between the tools is what information is pulled and how it is presented to you.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Keyword Research Tool

Determining the best keyword research tool can differ person to person. For example, some people like things simple, some prefer more advanced options and granularity at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Here are several considerations I thought about when choosing a keyword tool:

– Cost – this is very dependent on the individual. There are hundreds of keyword tools to choose from and can cost from $0 to thousands per year! Generally speaking, the more mainstream keyword research tools are somewhere between $75 and $150.
– Ease of use – YouTube is your friend here! There are some very good video walkthroughs on all the major tools. Most vendors also offer a free trial period where you can test the tool out yourself before committing to a purchase.
– Effectiveness – both cost and ease of use are irrelevant if the tool does not work. Use Google to search for reviews on the various keyword tools you like the look of, find some step-by-step real world examples of the keyword tool in use.


When starting out in the SEO world, I used the free Google keyword suggestion tool. Indeed this tool is often better than some of the premium tools out there, and the information is pulled directly from Google (no middle man so to speak), so you can assume the information is as reliable as you can get.

I had relative success with the Google Keyword Tool, but the one downside to the Google tool is it still leaves a lot of guesswork. It wasn’t until I started using a premium keyword research tool that I started getting my articles on the front page of Google.