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Good character and good reputation, not always synonymous

There is a fundamental difference between having a “good” character, and having a “good” reputation. Your character is composed of many internal factors that may or may not be expressed publically. Your reputation is how the outside world perceives your character. The interrelation between these two can be very complex.

For example, for a long period of time Bernie Madoff’s financial reputation allowed him to literally steal millions of dollars from investors. He was able to maintain a public persona as a sound investment advisor, and to garner trust from his clients.

As we now know, his character was less than admirable, and it was a long time before that became evident to investors and regulatory and legal organizations.

On the other hand, actor Mel Gibson’s career has been brought to its knees by anti-Semitic rants and abuse of a female companion. His public image is such that he was recently targeted by a fundraiser for a California synagogue by implying that a donation would testify to his claims that he is not anti-Semitic. This would supposedly help repair his public image.

In fact, regardless of what may or may not be character flaws, Mel Gibson performs charitable works regularly, but quietly. His 5 million dollar donation to Mount Sinai Hospital, a Jewish medical institution, speaks to his generosity.
While Bernie Madoff’s reputation is definitely not salvageable (and rightly so), Mel Gibson should consider taking advantage of some reputation repair. Especially online, where the reach is global and immediate.

Companies such as List My Business offer ORM (Online Reputation Management) services to individuals and companies who have taken a hit from online press or posts. Unfortunately, as rich a source the internet is for information in general, it can be a vicious beast where attacks are not policed. Large forums have huge amounts of traffic, and whatever the posting it will rank highly on any search. Typing your name, or the name of your company, into Google or another such search instrument, could bring you a very bad surprise.

ORM companies such as List My Business, perform a dual task. They not only try to bump the negative postings to the bottom of the search lists (where they are virtually invisible), but they also work to improve your online image.

Your character, probably well known by your family, friends and business associates, is not what the huge audience on the internet sees. They can only know your reputation, the external exhibition of your internal character. For the world in general, that is all that exists. If that reputation is damaged, it is of huge importance that companies and individuals exercise immediate damage control by consulting a company that specializes in ORM. If your character shines like a bright light to your immediate circle, make sure your public image has been polished to mirror quality.

Good character and good reputation, not always synonymous

There is a fundamental difference between having a “good” character, and having a “good” reputation. Your character is composed of many internal factors that may or may not be expressed publically. Your reputation is how the outside world perceives your character. The interrelation between these two can be very complex.

For example, for a long period of time Bernie Madoff’s financial reputation allowed him to literally steal millions of dollars from investors. He was able to maintain a public persona as a sound investment advisor, and to garner trust from his clients.

As we now know, his character was less than admirable, and it was a long time before that became evident to investors and regulatory and legal organizations.

On the other hand, actor Mel Gibson’s career has been brought to its knees by anti-Semitic rants and abuse of a female companion. His public image is such that he was recently targeted by a fundraiser for a California synagogue by implying that a donation would testify to his claims that he is not anti-Semitic. This would supposedly help repair his public image.

In fact, regardless of what may or may not be character flaws, Mel Gibson performs charitable works regularly, but quietly. His 5 million dollar donation to Mount Sinai Hospital, a Jewish medical institution, speaks to his generosity.
While Bernie Madoff’s reputation is definitely not salvageable (and rightly so), Mel Gibson should consider taking advantage of some reputation repair. Especially online, where the reach is global and immediate.

Companies such as List My Business offer ORM (Online Reputation Management) services to individuals and companies who have taken a hit from online press or posts. Unfortunately, as rich a source the internet is for information in general, it can be a vicious beast where attacks are not policed. Large forums have huge amounts of traffic, and whatever the posting it will rank highly on any search. Typing your name, or the name of your company, into Google or another such search instrument, could bring you a very bad surprise.

ORM companies such as List My Business, perform a dual task. They not only try to bump the negative postings to the bottom of the search lists (where they are virtually invisible), but they also work to improve your online image.

Your character, probably well known by your family, friends and business associates, is not what the huge audience on the internet sees. They can only know your reputation, the external exhibition of your internal character. For the world in general, that is all that exists. If that reputation is damaged, it is of huge importance that companies and individuals exercise immediate damage control by consulting a company that specializes in ORM. If your character shines like a bright light to your immediate circle, make sure your public image has been polished to mirror quality.

Virtual Private Servers are Suitable for Business

VPS hosting has been a game changer in the world of web hosting and has become hugely popular amongst small and medium sized businesses today. Finding the right website hosting medium has always been a dilemma for businesses; shared hosting seems limiting and is open to risks while dedicated hosting can be well beyond your budgets. Virtual Private Servers on the other hand offer you a happy medium where you get all the benefits of dedicated hosting at costs that are not dissimilar to shared hosting.

VPS hosting: How does it work?

These servers are created by using virtualization software that can separate one server into several smaller ones. Each of these servers is a functional, networked server in its own right and its performance is not affected by its neighbors. What makes this service so special is the fact that it gives you the control that you have come to expect of dedicated hosting but without having to pay those kind of costs.

VPS hosting and its benefits

• It offers your website stability because it won’t get affected by heavy traffic like it does in case of shared hosting.
• Performance of your website is also dramatically improved and it will load much faster, as you’d like it to.
• You have all the benefits of dedicated hosting including more bandwidth, RAM, CPU and disk space as well.
• You can choose the software and operating system you want to install, which gives you huge amount of flexibility.
• And you get all these benefits at very reasonable costs, so you don’t have to overstretch your budgets.

VPS hosting: Things you should look for

There are different services and features that are a hallmark of these servers. They often vary from one service provider to another and have to be chosen based on your individual needs.
• You can get root access, which will enable you to be in charge of your account, right from software you want to install to configurations.
• Although you can manage your own website, you can also opt for support from the technical team, which can be of huge help.
• Many providers also monitor servers, thus protecting your website from the threat of hackers and viruses.
• You can also opt for the option of hosting multiple domains, which is an added bonus.
• You also need to ensure that you get data backup from your service provider.
VPS hosting is a safe, smart and cost effective option for you.