Tag Archives: however

Are Directories Still a Good Form of Link Building?

This question keeps arising and for me at the time of writing this the answer can be explained in this following article. The reason this question has been raised again is because Google has removed its recommendation to submit to directories from its webmasters guidelines.

However I don’t think this means that the search engine will stop taking directories links into account. It just feels that it doesn’t need to recommend this tactic anymore. This does sound a bit confusing and you have to ask why Google has removed this information, it more than likely that this is a small part of a bigger picture which Google is working on. Google is not likely to tell us what this is and as usual we will have to work it out for ourselves.

I do think however that there are changes going on in the search engine result pages I will describe a few of the most recent ones below. With some search terms more informational websites seems to be showing up as Google thinks a higher percentage of people may be looking for information on a subject rather than to be faced will a list of companies.

Although Pagerank is irrelevant when it comes to SEO it seems to be having an even more less of an impact these days.

Lets get back to the subject of directories the good thing about directories is that they are good for co-citation. This means that what your website is associated with. For example if you had a link to your website on a page with lots of other links to, let’s say link directories then Google may think your website is related to that industry. If you want to check what your co-citation is just click the similar pages link next to your listings in the search engine results pages.

So to answer the question at the top of the article are directories still a good form of linking building? and at the time of writing this article I would say yes, however I’m sure people would disagree. This may change and in the end only time will tell. I can however prove that this still works as I have seen it work on many websites and even on my own. Just remember to make sure you are submitting to good quality directories like the one above and don’t just submit to any old directory.

Google Places SEO: The Best Way To Set-Up Your Own Online Business Listing

Have you had your own experience of setting up your own Google Places page however eventually, found that you’re one of the last results in Google places results? Well, I did. My major oversight is that I’m not really conscious that you can use Search Engine Optimization for your Google Places list. However as with other business online, you have to optimize your listing to get far better revenue.

Placing the right content material online just like on Google Places is extremely important simply because this will work as your primary data and contact information to your business. But believe me, in terms of obtaining the right content material on Google Places, you will shortly realize that this seemingly simple task is rather tedious and you should continually have to confirm that you own that Google Place.

You must also know that there are specific tips to make your Google Places more efficient and search engine friendly. For example, in addition to getting the right information, you have to to list the best key words for Google and search engine optimization. In this way, you will be able to rank well on search engine’s webpages, allowing more people to find your Google Places page.

Hence my issue is: I needed to set-up as well as optimize my Google Places listing however I do not have enough money to employ a professional to make it happen for me.

And So I did a research on the web concerning individuals who may help me set-up my personal Google Places with SEO so I can stand out when people search for my business online.

Fortunately, I did find one whom I know may help me do just that. I came across HelpYourBusiness.com.au and they were very helpful and also accommodating with my request.

I was amazed on how great they are as they are aware of the significance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and they are very kind to explain to me just how SEO may benefit my business. It was very easy, all I had to accomplish is report a 3-5 minute speech to give then a rundown about my business and to customize the Google places search engine optimization keywords and they took good care of the rest.

I started hiring them and choose to have the Google places search engine optimization servicing monthly deal. On a monthly basis I give them a different summary of what has happened in my business and they add the content in my Google places which will keep it new and latest and I don’t have to lift a finger. I recommend HelpYourBusiness.com.au for your Google places search engine optimization solution.

Google Places SEO: The Best Way To Set-Up Your Own Online Business Listing

Have you had your own experience of setting up your own Google Places page however eventually, found that you’re one of the last results in Google places results? Well, I did. My major oversight is that I’m not really conscious that you can use Search Engine Optimization for your Google Places list. However as with other business online, you have to optimize your listing to get far better revenue.

Placing the right content material online just like on Google Places is extremely important simply because this will work as your primary data and contact information to your business. But believe me, in terms of obtaining the right content material on Google Places, you will shortly realize that this seemingly simple task is rather tedious and you should continually have to confirm that you own that Google Place.

You must also know that there are specific tips to make your Google Places more efficient and search engine friendly. For example, in addition to getting the right information, you have to to list the best key words for Google and search engine optimization. In this way, you will be able to rank well on search engine’s webpages, allowing more people to find your Google Places page.

Hence my issue is: I needed to set-up as well as optimize my Google Places listing however I do not have enough money to employ a professional to make it happen for me.

And So I did a research on the web concerning individuals who may help me set-up my personal Google Places with SEO so I can stand out when people search for my business online.

Fortunately, I did find one whom I know may help me do just that. I came across HelpYourBusiness.com.au and they were very helpful and also accommodating with my request.

I was amazed on how great they are as they are aware of the significance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and they are very kind to explain to me just how SEO may benefit my business. It was very easy, all I had to accomplish is report a 3-5 minute speech to give then a rundown about my business and to customize the Google places search engine optimization keywords and they took good care of the rest.

I started hiring them and choose to have the Google places search engine optimization servicing monthly deal. On a monthly basis I give them a different summary of what has happened in my business and they add the content in my Google places which will keep it new and latest and I don’t have to lift a finger. I recommend HelpYourBusiness.com.au for your Google places search engine optimization solution.