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Web design secrets

Constructing a website has moved into a whole new era, where the web designers of the present are faced with a new process of constructing web sites and web pages that are easily noticed by the search engines yet still look good. With more vendors trading on the Internet the desire for seo web sites and web pages have increased. The totally free natural website traffic from search engines like yahoo is a worthwhile asset for any organization that makes use of the word wide web.

So where exactly do you begin building a website that is eye-catching yet can be noticed by search engines like yahoo without difficulty? In this guide I will teach you one of the procedures that I make use of, that will increase the overall general performance of your web page. Presently Google and yahoo and the other leading search engines are seriously keen on page load times. Page load times are certainly one of the aspects that Google and the other main search engines uses to estimate your web pages search engine position or serp, or in very simple English what page your site is on in the search results for a given keyword phrase.
There are a couple of handy programs that are absolutely free that can be put to use to help enhance your web pages general performance. The first resource is generally known as Y slow and the second program is aptly known as page speed. Both these programs are really helpful and will screen all the statistics in respect to your web pages download speed. The programs will also give you suggestions on exactly how to increase your web pages general performance and what improvements you have to make if you wish to boost your web pages overall general performance.

If you are creating a website for your self our a customer then there are few general principles that you can work to make sure your web site performs nicely. As a general guideline try to keep the size and amount of pictures on your page to a bare minimum. Big pictures or images will increase the download time of your web page a fair deal, if you do have to make use of pictures or images then try and keep them modest and compress the illustrations or photos to lower the download time. If you are using several images then its a great idea to group them all into one singular image, you will not make the file size any less significant but it will lessen the quantity of http request on the server i. e. 7 unique files will become 1 singe file.

By way of example if you are contracted to design and style a website for a customer and there are sections of the web page that use various graphical items just like buttons and boxes then group all the unique elements collectively and save them as one particular file or image. Dependant on the complexity of the box or button that you have designed, it could be comprised of five or six different images or files. Grouping all the images or files collectively will generate an individual file which will result in just one request. Every picture file on your web page will have its very own url for example mysite.com/images.png with an http prefix. Each image and file is requested by the server and the more request that there are the slower your web page will load.

So how fast dose your website need to be? The simple answer as quick as you can make it especially if your page or site has to be discovered for affiliate sales or ad sense clicks or for any other marketing program. When you use a page speed application like the ones outlined above then you will see how they rate or grade your website with a score typically out of 100 or a grade A to E, the greater the grading or score the swifter the web page is (A or 100 is the greatest).

Web design secrets

Constructing a website has moved into a whole new era, where the web designers of the present are faced with a new process of constructing web sites and web pages that are easily noticed by the search engines yet still look good. With more vendors trading on the Internet the desire for seo web sites and web pages have increased. The totally free natural website traffic from search engines like yahoo is a worthwhile asset for any organization that makes use of the word wide web.

So where exactly do you begin building a website that is eye-catching yet can be noticed by search engines like yahoo without difficulty? In this guide I will teach you one of the procedures that I make use of, that will increase the overall general performance of your web page. Presently Google and yahoo and the other leading search engines are seriously keen on page load times. Page load times are certainly one of the aspects that Google and the other main search engines uses to estimate your web pages search engine position or serp, or in very simple English what page your site is on in the search results for a given keyword phrase.
There are a couple of handy programs that are absolutely free that can be put to use to help enhance your web pages general performance. The first resource is generally known as Y slow and the second program is aptly known as page speed. Both these programs are really helpful and will screen all the statistics in respect to your web pages download speed. The programs will also give you suggestions on exactly how to increase your web pages general performance and what improvements you have to make if you wish to boost your web pages overall general performance.

If you are creating a website for your self our a customer then there are few general principles that you can work to make sure your web site performs nicely. As a general guideline try to keep the size and amount of pictures on your page to a bare minimum. Big pictures or images will increase the download time of your web page a fair deal, if you do have to make use of pictures or images then try and keep them modest and compress the illustrations or photos to lower the download time. If you are using several images then its a great idea to group them all into one singular image, you will not make the file size any less significant but it will lessen the quantity of http request on the server i. e. 7 unique files will become 1 singe file.

By way of example if you are contracted to design and style a website for a customer and there are sections of the web page that use various graphical items just like buttons and boxes then group all the unique elements collectively and save them as one particular file or image. Dependant on the complexity of the box or button that you have designed, it could be comprised of five or six different images or files. Grouping all the images or files collectively will generate an individual file which will result in just one request. Every picture file on your web page will have its very own url for example mysite.com/images.png with an http prefix. Each image and file is requested by the server and the more request that there are the slower your web page will load.

So how fast dose your website need to be? The simple answer as quick as you can make it especially if your page or site has to be discovered for affiliate sales or ad sense clicks or for any other marketing program. When you use a page speed application like the ones outlined above then you will see how they rate or grade your website with a score typically out of 100 or a grade A to E, the greater the grading or score the swifter the web page is (A or 100 is the greatest).

Protecting Against a List of Malicious Attacks

A threat profile is a list of things that a malicious attack can do to a computer. When a penetration testing company is performing security checks against threats to a customer’s database or website applications, they focus on specific areas that coordinate with the threat profile. There are several diagnostics that an application security testing company can perform to see how easily a company’s system can be breached. Once a threat profile has been established, the security company can begin web application security testing.

What Types of Threats Exist?

Different threats have different goals. Depending on who and what is attacking the site, different things may happen. For example, the idea behind the threat may be to steal credit card information on a company’s clients or to cause an e-commerce site to malfunction and lose business. To protect an application against threats, a computer security company must first know what the system needs to protect against, before it can create and implement a plan.

What Does Testing Involve?

Checking and testing for possible security weaknesses is done through a battery of testing procedures. The plan for testing must first be custom designed with the particular application in mind. The security company tries to mimic the possible avenues that could be used to cause trouble. The tests are then performed. Depending on how in depth the process is and how many tests are performed, it can take anywhere from 10 days to one month. A quality security company will not rush the process and risk problems down the road for the sake of saving a few minutes here and there. Qualified personnel will take their time to verify that an application is as secure as possible through a variety of exhaustive methods. Tests using scanners are helpful, but people-driven testing tools are often more effective for preventing sabotage, malicious attacks, siphoning and other threats.


When consumers use a website for e-commerce or to exchange personal information, they want to know that it’s secure. They do not want their personal contact information, credit card numbers, financial details to be shared with other people. They want reassurances that any website or website application they use is safe from hackers and identity thieves. Without a security certification posted on the website, many potential customers will gladly take their business elsewhere in favor of personal safety. Once a website application has been authentically certified, it should be displayed where it can be seen. The site should be certified by experts who have had proper, up-to-date training in prevention of risks and thwarting attacks.