Tag Archives: how

Your Author Resource Box: How To Get Readers To Visit Your Links

If you really want to make your article sell, you have got to make the perfect author resource box.

The author resource box is where many article marketing authors choose to give their author bio information and provide links back to their websites.

But how to do you actually get your readers to click on those links?

Dean Shanin is an expert at article writing and he has put together a complete guide to how to get more clicks from your Ezinearticles.

In his guide Underground Secret Ezinearticles Manifesto he completely outlines how to put together both the body of your article and the resource box for maximum results.

Here are the majors things you need to include in your resource box in order to get people to actually take action.

Include your website address.

If the site that you are publishing your article on actually allows you to place a live link in your article make sure that you do so and make sure that the link works before publishing your article.

Include a call to action.

You have already spent your article trying to get your reader interested in what you have to say.

The next step should naturally lead your reader to take action and buy the item or visit your website.

Don’t hesitate to ask for the sale.

From reviewing Dean Shanin’s article writing suggestions, there are also something that you should make sure never to put in to an author resource box.

Don’t list every website you own.

First no one will visit the links on an article that is nothing more than a blatant advertisement.

Second if your readers are reading your article chances are they are reading it because they have some interest in the topic that you are writing about.

Therefore it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to include links in your resource box that have nothing to do with the topic of the article.

By using this tactics along with the hundreds of other useful hints Dean Shanin has discovered , he has managed to get over 200,000 clickouts from his article and he will prove to you that right on his website.

Your Author Resource Box: How To Get Readers To Visit Your Links

If you really want to make your article sell, you have got to make the perfect author resource box.

The author resource box is where many article marketing authors choose to give their author bio information and provide links back to their websites.

But how to do you actually get your readers to click on those links?

Dean Shanin is an expert at article writing and he has put together a complete guide to how to get more clicks from your Ezinearticles.

In his guide Underground Secret Ezinearticles Manifesto he completely outlines how to put together both the body of your article and the resource box for maximum results.

Here are the majors things you need to include in your resource box in order to get people to actually take action.

Include your website address.

If the site that you are publishing your article on actually allows you to place a live link in your article make sure that you do so and make sure that the link works before publishing your article.

Include a call to action.

You have already spent your article trying to get your reader interested in what you have to say.

The next step should naturally lead your reader to take action and buy the item or visit your website.

Don’t hesitate to ask for the sale.

From reviewing Dean Shanin’s article writing suggestions, there are also something that you should make sure never to put in to an author resource box.

Don’t list every website you own.

First no one will visit the links on an article that is nothing more than a blatant advertisement.

Second if your readers are reading your article chances are they are reading it because they have some interest in the topic that you are writing about.

Therefore it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to include links in your resource box that have nothing to do with the topic of the article.

By using this tactics along with the hundreds of other useful hints Dean Shanin has discovered , he has managed to get over 200,000 clickouts from his article and he will prove to you that right on his website.

Let’s Get Technical – 3 easy ways to learn more about website coding

Do you know your ASP from your CSS? Whilst although it is not necessary to understand complex web languages as JQuery or Javascript, a little bit of technical know-how can help you understand the wonderful world of web development and what exactly web agencies do for you. Read on for our tips on how to get your in the game


Codeacademy is a great online tool that uses an embedded coding area to teach you the basics of coding. It works on a simple progression system of lessons, including a couple which teach you to make a game of Blackjack. Achievement badges similar to the look of Foursquare and easy one-click facebook integration means that this isn’t just educational, it’s competitive. Unfortunately at the moment the lessons are just limited to just Javascript, the start-up is creating more open source courses including favourites such as HTML and CSS. Aside from all the fun bits we simply love how easy Codeacademy is to use and more importantly understand.


Tuts+ is a veritable goldmine for knowledge around design and technical matters. Their course which offers to teach you the basic in just 30 days comes with daily videos comprising of about 10 minutes or so each, which is more than manageable. The videos are presented by the likeable Jeffrey Way who is a great teacher and takes the time to explain the ins and outs of code (even though we do think his choice of t shirt is questionable).


The home of web development W3Schools is a foundational resource for both those just beginning and those who are well versed in web languages. W3schools utilises the same coding area method as Codeacademy but in a much more austere fashion. This one is for those who are serious about developing their skills and want to progress at a structured level. W3Schools offers a wide range of languages to learn which makes it a great long term resource as it keeps up to date with new coding such as HTML5 and CSS3.

We hoped you enjoyed our little rundown of some great code resources and encourage you to make 2012 your year of code!