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SEO Flaws That Reduce your Search positions and Cost Your Time

You can always find a healthy disagreement among people about which tactic is best. It is very similar with SEO, and the reason for that is a number of people think the returns do not justify all the work. Working for high rankings takes a lot of work, and many feel it is not justified. A lot of marketers think there’s too much effort required, and the rewards do not justify all that work. Plus the campaigns to gain links going to your site never ends. Then other people will highlight that search algorithms are constantly changing, and you never know what will happen. Of course it is still possible to have success with SEO, and if you optimzed for the right keywords it’s going to exciting. If you’re going to optimize for SEO, then you must keep the mistakes to a bare minimum.

Only using the best content achievable offers you a great edge with Google. From time to time they do go overboard with what they do simply because no software program can do anything flawlessly. But you must know that they appear to be making a more powerful effort to remove bad content. They are undoubtedly placing a much stronger inclination on sites that are more authority in nature. It is the authority site that is clearly being preferred in this latest change from them. The most significant take-away out of this is to produce the best content possible that delivers good value.

One extremely important, and quite often ignored fact with on page seo has to do with inner link structure. Of course you always want to backlink to your internal pages a lot more than to your home page. But far more about the benefit of hyperlinks on your internal pages. You never send your entire incoming, external links to your home page, in fact it is your website’s internal pages that should have the most. Because your inner pages are linking out to your home page, they are going to give backlink page rank to your home page. For blogs, there’s at least one plugin that automatically creates links to associated posts following each post you make. For non-blogs, or regular websites, then basically add good anchor text in your content and link to other pages of content.

You need to get involved with social websites and the various tools that make it quicker to share. You need to make this take place because it is a natural part of social SEO which is where Google is proceeding. It is not difficult to get blog plugins or scripts for use on static sites to share to the major sites. You will discover about close to a dozen large social sites including Twitter that you should have. What this really is exactly about is social networking optimization which has undoubtedly become a factor in SEO.

Obviously this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you need to learn about. Even Google’s algorithm is not perfect so understand that. But they’ve already mentioned that they feel social endorsement of content should be considered in rankings.

SEO Flaws That Reduce your Search positions and Cost Your Time

You can always find a healthy disagreement among people about which tactic is best. It is very similar with SEO, and the reason for that is a number of people think the returns do not justify all the work. Working for high rankings takes a lot of work, and many feel it is not justified. A lot of marketers think there’s too much effort required, and the rewards do not justify all that work. Plus the campaigns to gain links going to your site never ends. Then other people will highlight that search algorithms are constantly changing, and you never know what will happen. Of course it is still possible to have success with SEO, and if you optimzed for the right keywords it’s going to exciting. If you’re going to optimize for SEO, then you must keep the mistakes to a bare minimum.

Only using the best content achievable offers you a great edge with Google. From time to time they do go overboard with what they do simply because no software program can do anything flawlessly. But you must know that they appear to be making a more powerful effort to remove bad content. They are undoubtedly placing a much stronger inclination on sites that are more authority in nature. It is the authority site that is clearly being preferred in this latest change from them. The most significant take-away out of this is to produce the best content possible that delivers good value.

One extremely important, and quite often ignored fact with on page seo has to do with inner link structure. Of course you always want to backlink to your internal pages a lot more than to your home page. But far more about the benefit of hyperlinks on your internal pages. You never send your entire incoming, external links to your home page, in fact it is your website’s internal pages that should have the most. Because your inner pages are linking out to your home page, they are going to give backlink page rank to your home page. For blogs, there’s at least one plugin that automatically creates links to associated posts following each post you make. For non-blogs, or regular websites, then basically add good anchor text in your content and link to other pages of content.

You need to get involved with social websites and the various tools that make it quicker to share. You need to make this take place because it is a natural part of social SEO which is where Google is proceeding. It is not difficult to get blog plugins or scripts for use on static sites to share to the major sites. You will discover about close to a dozen large social sites including Twitter that you should have. What this really is exactly about is social networking optimization which has undoubtedly become a factor in SEO.

Obviously this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you need to learn about. Even Google’s algorithm is not perfect so understand that. But they’ve already mentioned that they feel social endorsement of content should be considered in rankings.

John Basso’s 2012 Technology Predictions: Prediction: Sensors Everywhere

Whenever the subject of “sensors everywhere” comes up, people usually have one of two responses:

A. George Orwell’s “1984” and omnipresent monitoring

B. Efficiency, knowledge and omnipresent monitoring

The advances we have seen recently have been pretty remarkable, and as those inventions make their way into business and consumer markets we’ll be able to do some really neat things that haven’t been possible or economical.

Like most innovations, the ability to place and monitor sensors in almost anything is really a combination of multiple innovations and changes. Specifically:

• Capable low powered devices

• Low powered networks

• IPv6

The first two are pretty obvious. Miniaturization of devices, as well as the ability to work at very low power means that we can put them almost anywhere. Also, low powered networks means that you can easily and wirelessly connect to them which makes installation and maintenance very affordable.

As a part of the networking capability, IPv6 makes it much easier to connect these devices to the internet. We explained IPv6 and its business implications in a previous post, which may be worth checking out if you have any questions about IPv6. As for its implications for sensors, IPv6 basically could give a unique web address to every atom in the galaxy. By comparison, the current system (IPv4) does not even have enough addresses for every person on the planet.

The ability to place sensors everywhere means that you can monitor and control things with more precision, and it has home, business and government implications. Using data collection software and data management applications, users can use the data to make informed and effective changes to improve performance or reduce the cost of whatever they are monitoring.

For home uses, you could easily and remotely monitor power usage, reducing your monthly utility bill. You could monitor when doors and windows are left open, the water table around your house (for basement flooding), weather and rainfall, or pretty much anything else you would want to monitor. Of course, there are hundreds of practical medical uses, including the ability to wear or implant sensors that could tell if you fall or lose consciousness and automatically call for help.

For businesses, the uses are pretty much limitless, but the short description is it gives the ability to monitor key indicators that might otherwise be more challenging to monitor. Sensors help to improve efficiency as well as improve safety and performance. We see these in manufacturing and production already, but most other industries are less capable of accurately monitoring workflows and outcomes.

For governments it will help ensure the safety and maintenance of infrastructure, including roads and bridges. It also means that traffic patterns could be more accurately determined and planned for, rather than relying on static timers and quantized car groupings.

There are some security and privacy concerns related to this which will be discussed later. However the biggest potential concern is that people will set up their own sensor networks at home and fail to secure them properly.