Tag Archives: hijackers

Browser Hijackers, the Methods Of their Action And the Ways to Remove Them

What is hijackers

Today we will talk about the hijackers. Hijackers are one of the most common types of malicious software, along with adware. In fact, the hijackers may be attributed to advertising-oriented software, since its main purpose is advertising and promotion of certain sites. A distinctive feature of the hijackers is that they take the user’s browser under full control, and do not leave him a chance. The program changes the settings of the browser, the default search engine and exposes its own homepage. The user would not be able to do a single action in the browser, without the permission of hijacker. These programs could be very dangerous if you do not remove them in time. The main danger lies in the fact that a powerful hijacker won’t show up immediately. Viruses and adware can be detected by specific features, such as the blocking of system functions, or a large number of advertising and pop-ups. Powerful hijacker will not bore you with advertising, it will do its job quietly. If the user doesn’t know, that his computer is infected, he can go to a social network, bank account, or any account that is somehow important to him. At this point hijacker will launch. When the user enters the address of the site in the infected browser, hijacker will redirect him to the fake site. It’s pretty easy to create a fake website, because you only need to create a login form. The user unsuspectingly enters username and password – and will lose your account. Fraud of this kind is very frequent in recent years, and therefore I decided to create a detailed article about hijackers.

Home.SearchPile, Yoursites123, Istartpageing – what they have in common?

In order to make this article not purely theoretical, I’ll give you a few examples of the hijackers, which are most common in recent years. So, here they are: Home.SearchPile, Yoursites123, Istartpageing. These three hijackers have more than a million computers infected over the past month, and they aren’t going to stop! Think about it, maybe you have lately seen some of these names on your computer screen in a browser or in the list of programs lately? If you had, then you need to remove this program immediately, until it caused serious damage to the system. Any of these three programs could be removed in the same way, and now I’ll tell you how. Here, I will describe the full sequence of necessary actions to successfully eliminate heavy contamination. It is unlikely that you will have to perform each of these points, but there is such a possibility. So, let’s proceed to the removal!

How to remove a hijacker?

Most of the hijackers have the software component, which can be found in the list of installed programs. It carries out the change of browser settings, install of add-ons, and recovery tasks. It’s very simple to find it: Click “Start” then “Control Panel”, “Programs and Features”, and remove the program from there, which is named the same as the new search engine, which arose in the browser.

Instead of a full program, some of the hijackers use browser-based application that performs almost the same function. To get rid of it, you need to go to your browser settings, choose “Add-ons”, and remove the hijacker from there.

After removing the hijacker from the control panel and from the browser, you must revert to the original browser settings. To do this, launch your browser and restore the default settings. If you do not want to reset all settings, it is enough to change the default search engine, the page that opens when you start, and a new tab. Also, sometimes hijacker changes the properties of browser shortcut, and they also have to be restored.

If these measures do not help, or if the hijacker re-appears on the computer after the removal and restart, you will need to repeat the same steps, in the safe mode. You also need to check the list of tasks, which can be set to the task of installing the hijacker, triggered by its removal.

How to prevent the hijackers to infect your computer

It’s very well, when you know how to remove an unwanted program. But it is much better not to install this program! To do this you need to follow a few simple rules of computer security:

1. Do not perform any action on the sites, that are not credible.
2. Do not disable your antivirus program when you view websites or software installation, even if you receive an offer to do it.
3. Pay attention to each item on the menu that appears when you install the software.
4. Do not underestimate the malware. If you notice even a hint of the presence of malware on your computer – immediately conduct a full scan. Procrastination will only make the situation more complicated.

Implementation of these recommendations will allow you to not worry about the hijackers, adware and even viruses because they can’t penetrate into your computer!
If you need more specific instructions, additional tips, and expert advice – did not hesitate to visit our website and leave a comment under the article about your problem. We’ll reply to you!

Browser Hijackers, the Methods Of their Action And the Ways to Remove Them

What is hijackers

Today we will talk about the hijackers. Hijackers are one of the most common types of malicious software, along with adware. In fact, the hijackers may be attributed to advertising-oriented software, since its main purpose is advertising and promotion of certain sites. A distinctive feature of the hijackers is that they take the user’s browser under full control, and do not leave him a chance. The program changes the settings of the browser, the default search engine and exposes its own homepage. The user would not be able to do a single action in the browser, without the permission of hijacker. These programs could be very dangerous if you do not remove them in time. The main danger lies in the fact that a powerful hijacker won’t show up immediately. Viruses and adware can be detected by specific features, such as the blocking of system functions, or a large number of advertising and pop-ups. Powerful hijacker will not bore you with advertising, it will do its job quietly. If the user doesn’t know, that his computer is infected, he can go to a social network, bank account, or any account that is somehow important to him. At this point hijacker will launch. When the user enters the address of the site in the infected browser, hijacker will redirect him to the fake site. It’s pretty easy to create a fake website, because you only need to create a login form. The user unsuspectingly enters username and password – and will lose your account. Fraud of this kind is very frequent in recent years, and therefore I decided to create a detailed article about hijackers.

Home.SearchPile, Yoursites123, Istartpageing – what they have in common?

In order to make this article not purely theoretical, I’ll give you a few examples of the hijackers, which are most common in recent years. So, here they are: Home.SearchPile, Yoursites123, Istartpageing. These three hijackers have more than a million computers infected over the past month, and they aren’t going to stop! Think about it, maybe you have lately seen some of these names on your computer screen in a browser or in the list of programs lately? If you had, then you need to remove this program immediately, until it caused serious damage to the system. Any of these three programs could be removed in the same way, and now I’ll tell you how. Here, I will describe the full sequence of necessary actions to successfully eliminate heavy contamination. It is unlikely that you will have to perform each of these points, but there is such a possibility. So, let’s proceed to the removal!

How to remove a hijacker?

Most of the hijackers have the software component, which can be found in the list of installed programs. It carries out the change of browser settings, install of add-ons, and recovery tasks. It’s very simple to find it: Click “Start” then “Control Panel”, “Programs and Features”, and remove the program from there, which is named the same as the new search engine, which arose in the browser.

Instead of a full program, some of the hijackers use browser-based application that performs almost the same function. To get rid of it, you need to go to your browser settings, choose “Add-ons”, and remove the hijacker from there.

After removing the hijacker from the control panel and from the browser, you must revert to the original browser settings. To do this, launch your browser and restore the default settings. If you do not want to reset all settings, it is enough to change the default search engine, the page that opens when you start, and a new tab. Also, sometimes hijacker changes the properties of browser shortcut, and they also have to be restored.

If these measures do not help, or if the hijacker re-appears on the computer after the removal and restart, you will need to repeat the same steps, in the safe mode. You also need to check the list of tasks, which can be set to the task of installing the hijacker, triggered by its removal.

How to prevent the hijackers to infect your computer

It’s very well, when you know how to remove an unwanted program. But it is much better not to install this program! To do this you need to follow a few simple rules of computer security:

1. Do not perform any action on the sites, that are not credible.
2. Do not disable your antivirus program when you view websites or software installation, even if you receive an offer to do it.
3. Pay attention to each item on the menu that appears when you install the software.
4. Do not underestimate the malware. If you notice even a hint of the presence of malware on your computer – immediately conduct a full scan. Procrastination will only make the situation more complicated.

Implementation of these recommendations will allow you to not worry about the hijackers, adware and even viruses because they can’t penetrate into your computer!
If you need more specific instructions, additional tips, and expert advice – did not hesitate to visit our website and leave a comment under the article about your problem. We’ll reply to you!

How to remove Tech-connect.biz from Google Chrome and all other browsers

Today we’ll talk about the one of most dangerous hijackers of recent weeks – Tech-connect.biz. Actually it’s not even dangerous, because hijackers can’t cause you harm and damage your data or PC in any way – it’s just really widespread. This program has infected tens of thousands of browsers on user’s computers all over the world, and it is known for its main feature: Tech-connect.biz can drive anyone crazy in few minutes, by showing ads, redirecting and creating pop-ups and banners in the most uncomfortable places. If you want to get rid of this annoying advertisement and regain control over your browser – you should immediately remove Tech-connect.biz, and we will help you to do this.

What is Tech-connect.biz

Tech-connect.biz is an ordinary hijacker, and acts like them. It can be picked up on the viral website, downloaded via torrents or in bundles with some other free software. When you download the virus, it will change the settings of your browser, change the homepage and the default search engine. Since then you will see Tech-connect.biz on each new tab, because that website will become your homepage. You can’t get access to Google, can’t use any other search engine, and you are completely stuck on that useless Tech-connect.biz website. But that’s not all of its features! The main feature of any browser hijacker is the redirections. Hijackers were created to redirect users to untrusted websites that can’t be promoted in other way, except the illegal. They haven’t passed the tests of all search engines, they distribute the viral content, and they’re owners aren’t reliable. So, Google just won’t put this sites on top of search results, they are somewhere on the 10+ page of results, and will never get out of there. But with hijackers, these websites can achieve much more: users just don’t have a choice, hijacker redirects them to these trash websites, and they view it. The most credible users may even try to buy something on such website, but we hope that you didn’t, because you won’t get anything from such deal. The best scenario is that you’ll get the low-quality goods, and the worst – you just get nothing, you try to abort the deal and get your money back, wait for 2-3 months and still nothing. Such websites exist not more than a year, so when tricked users will become really angry and will try to sue the website owners – the website will just disappear without a trace. That’s how it works, and that’s what is happening to you when you download a hijacker or another form of advertising software. We hope that it’s clear for you now that Tech-connect.biz must be immediately removed from your computer.

How to remove Tech-connect.biz

Hijackers are not very complex programs, so it will be easy to remove Tech-connect.biz. This program might be removed in two simple ways: manually, or via anti-viral software. The manual way consists of removal of the virus, cleaning of registry and resetting the browser settings. It may seem difficult for a novice user, but we have the detailed step-by-step instructions on the removal of Tech-connect.biz from all browsers and all operating systems. But we talk about the removal of a single virus. If Tech-connect.biz lived on your PC for a week or more – it will be clogged with all types of viruses and it will be very difficult to remove them all. The automatic removal can be performed with help of any anti-virus, anti-malware or even with help of the simple removal tool. There are many options, and you can choose any of them, but we advise you to use Spyhunter anti-malware for this task. Spyhunter is lightweight and very fast program that will remove Tech-connect.biz from your system in few minutes. The main advantages of an automatic method over the manual are: the absence of errors, the speed of removing and the easy process. Anti-virus doesn’t care how many viruses you have in your system, it will just uninstall them, and make your system protected.

Now you know what is Tech-connect.biz, how it works and how it can be removed from browsers and computers.