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Get Higher Search Rankings With Dmoz Listings

Anyone who knows anything about SEO would be trying to get higher search rankings by getting back links from authority sites. There are many ways to determine whether a website is an authority site or not. One of the easiest (and most common) ways is to depend on Page Rank. The higher the rank, the more valuable the link.

For some, getting links from an external site can be problematic. After all, someone else owns the site. So why would the other party want to link to other websites?

Fortunately, web directories exist for this sole purpose – to organize and list URLs. Before the time of the search engines, the only way a web visitor can locate a resource on the Internet is through web directories. Today, even though web visitors rely on search engines to give them the results they needed, many well established directories are still quite popular.

DMOZ is one such example. DMOZ is short for Directory Mozilla. It is an open directory project that relies heavily on volunteer editors to approve links. Editors are recruited to review specific categories. Due to the popularity of DMOZ, a URL submission can sometimes take months to approve. If you would like faster approval, be sure to engage professional SEO companies to submit on your behalf.

Here are three good reasons as to why you should submit your sites to DMOZ.

Reason 1: High page rank.
Reason 2: Well organized web directory.
Reason 3: Higher search rankings.

Reason 1: High page rank.

If you visit the homepage of DMOZ, you will notice that it has a high Page Rank. This is Google’s way of saying that this is a trusted website. Thousands of other websites link to this directory over the years. That is why the Page Rank is very stable.

Reason 2: Well organized web directory.

When your URL has been approved, your website will appear next to other similar sites. That means your site is only listed on a page that is relevant to your theme. You don’t just want links, you want highly relevant links. And a well organized web directory can give you just that.

When submitting your URL, make sure you submit to the most specific category. Don’t just submit to the parent category. Doing so will increase your chances of getting approved. If you are unsure of which category to submit to, make a quick search for other relevant sites. Then note the categories that these websites have been listed in. That will give you a pretty good idea of where to submit your URL.

Reason 3: Higher search rankings.

Of course, if you manage to get your submission approved, you will enjoy the benefits of higher search rankings. High search rankings means that you will start receiving more targeted traffic from the search engines on a daily basis.

In sum:

1) Getting approved by DMOZ may be difficult, unless you depend on the professionals.
2) Don’t just get a back link – get listed on a page with relevant content.
3) A DMOZ listing can help improve search rankings. That will increase the overall value of your website.

Building Back Links The Easy Way (Page 1 of 2)

If you have just started a new website or currently have a website at some point in time you would need to consider optimizing your website for the search engines. Having your site optimized for the search engines is what keeps you in the top rankings for certain keywords and key phrases used in search results. This process involves editing content and code of the web pages to relevant and specific keywords. This process can be very daunting and if not applied correctly could cause you site to be penalized by the search engines.

Unfortunately, most company owners do not have the knowledge, skill, or time to properly optimize their own website and build a strong on line presence. That’s why in most cases it best to enlist a SEO specialist for this.

The purpose of this article is not to go into the In’s and out of on-page optimization. There are tons of information already out there on that. We will take a look at 3 simple ways you can start to generate traffic to your website before the on-page optimization begins. In my opinion these things should be implemented first especially if you are just starting your on line business. It will be hard for you to be able to compete with the companies that are already established with out first knowing how to position your self with the search engines. If you are a Small Business owner thats wants a solid on line presence you can do it gradually over time without spend lots of money. The bigger companies have more money to pour into their marketing campaign so do not worry about competing with them. Over time you will reap the benefits but you have to have patience and persistence. There are many ways to give your site the nudge it needs but here are just a few. Building Back Links

Building back links is important for your site because it shows the search engines that your site is popular for searches. If you link to sites with a higher rank than yours it helps to boost your ranking as well. It is better to link to sites in the same category or niche as yours. In General Back links are just places on the web that have links that point back to your website. The more links you have the better you rank with Google will be. The higher the page rank of the website that links to your site. The better chance you have of getting up into the higher Page Ranks for your site. Here a few ways to building your back links naturally over time. Web Directories:

Web directories in general list websites according to certain topic. They are completely different than search engines because they are usually maintained by humans instead software. In order to get your site including in a web directory you usually have to do it manually. It sometimes take 2- 3 months for you site to show in the directory. These directories have Page Ranks and will provide a back link to your website. I personally never searched for a product or service using a web directory but you will see your site listed in these directories if you do a search on your domain or company. One of the most popular web directory that you want to be including in is www.dmoz.org. this is the largest web directory on the web. But know that it can take over a year just to have a moderator review your submission! You can pay someone to submit you to the many directories that are out there if you don’t have time to do it manually. There are software programs that can do this for you but it can get to be costly. However you chose to do it is important to start now being that it takes so long to be listed in these directories. On-going Press Releases:

Building Back Links The Easy Way (Page 1 of 2)

If you have just started a new website or currently have a website at some point in time you would need to consider optimizing your website for the search engines. Having your site optimized for the search engines is what keeps you in the top rankings for certain keywords and key phrases used in search results. This process involves editing content and code of the web pages to relevant and specific keywords. This process can be very daunting and if not applied correctly could cause you site to be penalized by the search engines.

Unfortunately, most company owners do not have the knowledge, skill, or time to properly optimize their own website and build a strong on line presence. That’s why in most cases it best to enlist a SEO specialist for this.

The purpose of this article is not to go into the In’s and out of on-page optimization. There are tons of information already out there on that. We will take a look at 3 simple ways you can start to generate traffic to your website before the on-page optimization begins. In my opinion these things should be implemented first especially if you are just starting your on line business. It will be hard for you to be able to compete with the companies that are already established with out first knowing how to position your self with the search engines. If you are a Small Business owner thats wants a solid on line presence you can do it gradually over time without spend lots of money. The bigger companies have more money to pour into their marketing campaign so do not worry about competing with them. Over time you will reap the benefits but you have to have patience and persistence. There are many ways to give your site the nudge it needs but here are just a few. Building Back Links

Building back links is important for your site because it shows the search engines that your site is popular for searches. If you link to sites with a higher rank than yours it helps to boost your ranking as well. It is better to link to sites in the same category or niche as yours. In General Back links are just places on the web that have links that point back to your website. The more links you have the better you rank with Google will be. The higher the page rank of the website that links to your site. The better chance you have of getting up into the higher Page Ranks for your site. Here a few ways to building your back links naturally over time. Web Directories:

Web directories in general list websites according to certain topic. They are completely different than search engines because they are usually maintained by humans instead software. In order to get your site including in a web directory you usually have to do it manually. It sometimes take 2- 3 months for you site to show in the directory. These directories have Page Ranks and will provide a back link to your website. I personally never searched for a product or service using a web directory but you will see your site listed in these directories if you do a search on your domain or company. One of the most popular web directory that you want to be including in is www.dmoz.org. this is the largest web directory on the web. But know that it can take over a year just to have a moderator review your submission! You can pay someone to submit you to the many directories that are out there if you don’t have time to do it manually. There are software programs that can do this for you but it can get to be costly. However you chose to do it is important to start now being that it takes so long to be listed in these directories. On-going Press Releases: