Tag Archives: higher

Getting Targeted Traffic Is Easier When You Use Social Bookmarking

Getting traffic to your blog is a trouble just about every blogger has to deal with. You will find an awful lot of programs on the Internet for getting traffic but most of those programs are just garbage. You’ll find great ways to get more visitors to your blog and in the following paragraphs we are going to be taking a look at social bookmarking as a way to get this traffic you need.

The main benefits of making use of social bookmarking is that many men and women belong to these social bookmarking sites and you will be able to get traffic right from these websites. Another thing you need to realize is that each time you publish one of your blog posts on these kinds of social bookmarking sites you end up building backlinks. As many of you know the more backlinks you have the more site visitors you’ll get from the search engines. The best part is when you keep creating these links the search engines will often rank your site higher in their results.

While you can join as many social bookmarking websites as you want the real key is to focus on the high PR websites first. Some of the higher page rank websites are usually sites like Google Bookmarks, Hi5 and Reddit. But do not simply stop there because you can find hundreds more Internet sites that you will be able to leave your link on. I recommend joining to about 40 or 50 of the top social bookmarking sites. The search engines are a great place to start when your looking to put together a list of sites. I ought to tell you that when you begin to set these up make sure you have a few hours to go through them all.

Now all you have to do is take the new posts you create and add them to all the social bookmarking sites, this is the post url not your homepage. This will take you a while in the beginning but once you have a method and a rhythm you’ll discover that this can be done in an hour or so. The best part about this method is that you will observe an instant surge in your visitors right off the bat.

You actually don’t have to sign up for all these websites yourself as you can hire individuals to sign you up to about 40 social websites and they normally will only charge you $5. Don’t forget about making your posts every single day. You can actually find a couple of programs on the web that will automatically post your blog posts in the social bookmarking sites for you. Ping. fm and only wire will be the 2 programs that can care for your posts. Your blog posts will be automatically submitted to these sites when you use one of those systems.

In short, social bookmarking can really supply your site traffic the boost that it needs to take your earnings to a higher level. Of course you will need to keep in mind that you will not only be generating traffic from the social websites but by building 50 backlinks each day you will be getting plenty of attention from the search engines.

Getting Targeted Traffic Is Easier When You Use Social Bookmarking

Getting traffic to your blog is a trouble just about every blogger has to deal with. You will find an awful lot of programs on the Internet for getting traffic but most of those programs are just garbage. You’ll find great ways to get more visitors to your blog and in the following paragraphs we are going to be taking a look at social bookmarking as a way to get this traffic you need.

The main benefits of making use of social bookmarking is that many men and women belong to these social bookmarking sites and you will be able to get traffic right from these websites. Another thing you need to realize is that each time you publish one of your blog posts on these kinds of social bookmarking sites you end up building backlinks. As many of you know the more backlinks you have the more site visitors you’ll get from the search engines. The best part is when you keep creating these links the search engines will often rank your site higher in their results.

While you can join as many social bookmarking websites as you want the real key is to focus on the high PR websites first. Some of the higher page rank websites are usually sites like Google Bookmarks, Hi5 and Reddit. But do not simply stop there because you can find hundreds more Internet sites that you will be able to leave your link on. I recommend joining to about 40 or 50 of the top social bookmarking sites. The search engines are a great place to start when your looking to put together a list of sites. I ought to tell you that when you begin to set these up make sure you have a few hours to go through them all.

Now all you have to do is take the new posts you create and add them to all the social bookmarking sites, this is the post url not your homepage. This will take you a while in the beginning but once you have a method and a rhythm you’ll discover that this can be done in an hour or so. The best part about this method is that you will observe an instant surge in your visitors right off the bat.

You actually don’t have to sign up for all these websites yourself as you can hire individuals to sign you up to about 40 social websites and they normally will only charge you $5. Don’t forget about making your posts every single day. You can actually find a couple of programs on the web that will automatically post your blog posts in the social bookmarking sites for you. Ping. fm and only wire will be the 2 programs that can care for your posts. Your blog posts will be automatically submitted to these sites when you use one of those systems.

In short, social bookmarking can really supply your site traffic the boost that it needs to take your earnings to a higher level. Of course you will need to keep in mind that you will not only be generating traffic from the social websites but by building 50 backlinks each day you will be getting plenty of attention from the search engines.

Get Higher Search Rankings With Dmoz Listings

Anyone who knows anything about SEO would be trying to get higher search rankings by getting back links from authority sites. There are many ways to determine whether a website is an authority site or not. One of the easiest (and most common) ways is to depend on Page Rank. The higher the rank, the more valuable the link.

For some, getting links from an external site can be problematic. After all, someone else owns the site. So why would the other party want to link to other websites?

Fortunately, web directories exist for this sole purpose – to organize and list URLs. Before the time of the search engines, the only way a web visitor can locate a resource on the Internet is through web directories. Today, even though web visitors rely on search engines to give them the results they needed, many well established directories are still quite popular.

DMOZ is one such example. DMOZ is short for Directory Mozilla. It is an open directory project that relies heavily on volunteer editors to approve links. Editors are recruited to review specific categories. Due to the popularity of DMOZ, a URL submission can sometimes take months to approve. If you would like faster approval, be sure to engage professional SEO companies to submit on your behalf.

Here are three good reasons as to why you should submit your sites to DMOZ.

Reason 1: High page rank.
Reason 2: Well organized web directory.
Reason 3: Higher search rankings.

Reason 1: High page rank.

If you visit the homepage of DMOZ, you will notice that it has a high Page Rank. This is Google’s way of saying that this is a trusted website. Thousands of other websites link to this directory over the years. That is why the Page Rank is very stable.

Reason 2: Well organized web directory.

When your URL has been approved, your website will appear next to other similar sites. That means your site is only listed on a page that is relevant to your theme. You don’t just want links, you want highly relevant links. And a well organized web directory can give you just that.

When submitting your URL, make sure you submit to the most specific category. Don’t just submit to the parent category. Doing so will increase your chances of getting approved. If you are unsure of which category to submit to, make a quick search for other relevant sites. Then note the categories that these websites have been listed in. That will give you a pretty good idea of where to submit your URL.

Reason 3: Higher search rankings.

Of course, if you manage to get your submission approved, you will enjoy the benefits of higher search rankings. High search rankings means that you will start receiving more targeted traffic from the search engines on a daily basis.

In sum:

1) Getting approved by DMOZ may be difficult, unless you depend on the professionals.
2) Don’t just get a back link – get listed on a page with relevant content.
3) A DMOZ listing can help improve search rankings. That will increase the overall value of your website.