Tag Archives: help

How to thwart the Barbarian Spyware!

Today,on most internet user’s computers, we have the ability to employ software, along with our intelligence, to prevent viruses and spyware. To put this article into proper perspective, we’ll use Medieval defense tactics.

This is accomplished by 3 methods. First, a firewall… ‘The Castle Moat’ so to speak. A firewall can’t see inside your computer beforehand though, so if any viruses or spyware were present before the firewall was installed then its of no use. Of course, its extremely good at preventing new attacks.

Second, a anti-virus program…. ‘The Castle Drawbridge! They will not provide much help with spyware, but good virus protection is as desirable as one of Avaris’s dreams! One drawback can be the updates, of course.If you’ve just updated Wednesday night and a virus hits the next day, then you may not be protected till next Wednesday night, and by then it may be too late. If you’re smart, you will have signed up for email alerts with the provider, or even better, you’ll have a anti-virus program that has a real time update feature. I get the tingles when I see that little pop-up saying a update is available and click here. Its downloaded ,installed, and updated in about 20 seconds! A new virus or Trojan or God forbid, a new keylogger can hit the internet and spread in a matter of days, and I’m sure this must make the definition writers lives a living hell. I have great admiration for them as they could have been wealthy doctors, but they have chosen to help us… the end users. (moment of silence here)

Last, we have anti-spyware programs,’The Flaming oil’! (my favorite). Their update features are like the anti-virus programs, so you have to be as vigilant with this method of defense too as you would be with the others. I’ve heard there are people out there that don’t even know when their updates run, or even if its configured to do so! I refuse to believe this sordid rumor!

So you’ve got your defenses set up, you’re looking good. But the best defense is a good offense, attack! That’s what some organizations do. They prowl the net looking for websites that harbor drive-by downloads, URL Re-Directing and such. When they find them, they shut them down, or report them so effective protection can be manufactured. These people have my sincere thanks for what they do. With identity theft on the rise and Websense reporting that the average computer has 28 items of Spyware on it, we need all the help we can get. Oh sure, you’re saying not my computer ! Well, lets discuss those little boxes that you click “I Agree” to when you download something. Do you read the entire statement? This is one way spyware has become so rampant, because so many downloads have extra software included in them. These can be harmful to your computers well being. KeyLoggers, popups, adware, malware… Need I go on? So my idea is that we need these shining knights from the castle to journey forth on a quest. They will be little robots or spiders like the search engines use. They will be given absolute power over harmful programs they find. They will be like Gort in the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. Dell recently reported that 12% of their calls were for spyware damage, Microsoft says half of their reports of system crashes are caused by spyware. These calls cost these companies millions of dollars in revenue, which they then pass the costs of onto us, the consumers. Who knows, if viruses and spyware ever get controlled, the average computer may only cost a dollar!

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Have you ever wondered how to Tie a Tie, How to get Six pack Abs, or How to Delete a Facebook account? Now matter what your question, the WikiHow app will surely have the answer you need. WikiHow is the worlds collaborative how to manual. It has 120,000+ how to articles to help you answer any question that comes your way. WikiHow articles are read by tens of millions of people from multiple countries, and new articles are created every day. The articles can be edited by anyone, and so the content changes every day. Each edit can be seen on the list of recent changes. The edits are reviewed constantly by volunteer editors, and poor edits are quickly reverted.

Once you launch the app, the home page shows you the list of featured articles. Click on an article of interest to view more information. Articles contain step-by-step instructions, along with list of things you will need, and tips and warnings. Links to related WikiHow articles are also displayed. Most articles contain images along with the step by step instructions, so it’s easier for you to understand. Some articles might even contain how-to videos. Clicking on the menu button will display options, to share the article with friends, or select text that can be saved to clipboard.

Click on the ‘Search’ option provided at the bottom of the screen, to search through the huge list of articles. You can also view the list of featured articles by category. Some of the top categories, included are: ‘Arts & Entertainment’, Cars & other vehicles’, ‘Computers & Electronics’, ‘Food & Entertaining’, ‘Finance Business & Legal’, ‘Heath’, ‘Hobbies & Craft’, ‘Pets & Animals’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Sports & Fitness’,’ Travel’, ‘Philosophy & Religion’, etc.

You can also contribute by writing new articles or fixing inaccuracies. Find a suggested topic to write about, or help someone by responding to their how-to request. Editing an article is easy, simply click on the Edit link, and you’ll enter Edit mode. Here you can edit the entire article, and add or delete anything that you think should be changed to improve the article. WikiHow is a great way for you to reach a huge audience, and some authors have a readership exceeding one million people. WikiHow provides free, unbiased, accurate instructions on every topic imaginable. It’s truly the ultimate how-to guide for the world.


*120,000+ Articles to help you answer any question that comes your way
*Articles can be edited by anyone, and therefore improve over time, as more people contribute their unique knowledge and skills.
*It provides free, unbiased, accurate information on every topic imaginable
*Articles contain step-by-step instructions, with pictures, lists of things you will need, and Tips & warnings.

Information about Professional Phpbb Hosting

Phpbb is essential in website management and designing. Most hosting websites require that you download phpbb before accessing their site to run your own page. When looking for a phpbb hosting website, it is important to do your research. Some sites will charge you to run the programs and download phpbb; however, phpbb may be downloaded for free.

cirtexhosting.com is just one of the websites that will download it free for you. They will install the latest version of the software and renew it when a newer version comes out. Not only do you receive all the basics by signing up with them, but you get their premium account free too! With over 70 pre-installed versions and templates, you are free to choose and customize your logo and page. You don’t have to pay any hosting sites for access; everything may be done right here.

If you are looking for phpmotion hosting, cirtexhosting.com will be able to help you out. You can find the right hosting site to fit your needs, and best of all, it’s free! With phpmotion website hosting, you will be able to create, edit, share, and manage all of your videos. If you’re looking to share with a vast number of people you may also set up a site to do so. There are templates to help you out and with a little bit of work you can set up your very own video sharing website, just like YouTube. For those of you who want to get involved, but just aren’t very technologically savvy, that’s perfectly alright. In order to get started you don’t need very extensive technological skills. The websites will guide you through the process and straight on to success.

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