Tag Archives: files

How to remove Cryp1 virus and to restore the encrypted files

This is an article about a malicious program, which is called Cryp1. It is a virus that enters the user’s computer, encrypts all the files that it can, and requires a ransom for their decryption. Such viruses are called ransomware, and are considered the most dangerous types of viruses. Their danger lies in the fact that they pursue a specific goal and when the goal is achieved – the user is at a disadvantage: he can either agree to pay the money, or lose his data, which can be very valuable. Cryp1 virus encrypts files using the RSA algorithm. This algorithm is one of the most complex in the world, and it is used not only by hackers, but also by the governments and the military forces of many countries, including the United States. The code is so complex, that it is practically impossible to crack it without the key. More precisely, it is possible, but requires enormously powerful computer and an immense amount of time. Of course, a normal user can’t decrypt the data, and, very often decides to pay a ransom.

Here we come to the problem number 2. The payment must be made via Bitcoin, transactions with which are almost impossible to trace. You will transfer the money into Bitcoin, go to a pirate site, and pay money to people who conduct illegal activities, and who recently infiltrated into your computer, and extort money from you. Is it reasonable to give money to such people, and hope that they will fulfill their part of the bargain? It’s up to you. If your files are very important to you, and you do not have backups – paying the ransom may solve the problem. In any case, we advise you to think twice before you pay hackers for your own data.

How to remove Cryp1 ransomware

If you’ve tried to find online solution to your problem, you might have seen a lot of articles with instructions on how to remove the Cryp1 virus. It is OK to remove the viruses, but in the case of crypto-virus, removal is not always helpful. A virus encrypts your files and gives them special public keys. Thus, if you decide to pay, the program will give your key, after payment you will receive a private key and decrypt the data. However, if you remove the virus from your computer, and then try to restore the files on a malicious site – you expect failure. Your public key will be deleted together with the virus. So, if you want to pay hackers wait with the removal of the virus, until the last file will be decrypted. If you have backup copies of files, or you are going to restore them on your own – you need to remove the virus immediately. By doing this, you will be able to work safely on your computer, and upload any file, without fear that they will be encrypted. Removing the virus can be carried out in manual mode or with help of the special anti-virus software. Both methods are equally effective, but the anti-virus, will remain on your PC for a long time, and will protect it in future. We advise you to purchase Spyhunter AV-tool, which was designed precisely to remove and detect such viruses. Spyhunter will remove Cryp1 from your PC and ensure your files are protected. Most importantly, you do not have to do anything, Spyhunter will take care of everything, including updates and scanning of your computer.

How to recover the encrypted data

If you do not want to pay, then you have two choices: you can try to restore the files by yourself, or look for a special program, which will perform the decoding. You should be cautious, because the growing popularity of ransomware, had caused the huge wave of fake deciphering programs. It is necessary for you to fully understand how the decryption of files works. The point here is not in the program. The main element of decryption is a list of secret keys. This list can be obtained only by cracking malicious website, or in any other way to access hacker’s database. And only when the key is available, a special program will be able to decrypt your files. So, if you are looking for a tool to decrypt, you need to look on the websites of well-known companies that produce anti-virus software. If you see a similar instrument on an unknown website, you should check its authenticity before downloading. This method has disadvantages, and the important thing is this: hackers databases don’t get hacked every day. Some viruses are getting hacked in a few weeks after their appearance on the Web, and some lucky ones stay for months and even years. So, you have all the chances to wait a month or more, before the decrypting program will be published.

If at the moment you can’t find the good program to decrypt the files – you have another option, which is based on the Windows operating system capabilities. This is the Shadow Volume Copies. This service copies the selected files and saves them separately. The virus, during encryption, does not alter your files. It copies the file, and creates an encrypted copy of it, thus removing the original. So, if you have experience working with shadow copies, you can easily find the data you need, and restore them.

How to remove Alma Locker ransomware virus

Today we will talk about the latest ransomware virus, called Alma Locker. This virus was discovered a few days ago, and now we can say that it is one of the most dangerous in recent months. Most ransomware, created in recent months have been pretty poor quality, and breaking most of them took no more than a week. In contrast, Alma Locker has no serious errors in its structure, and its encryption is secure.

Alma Locker was discovered by a researcher from Proofpoint, Darien Huss. Proofpoint said that so far there is no free no way to decrypt the encrypted files, but work is being done on it. [amazon_link asins=’B01AGGJ44K’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’pcconsultingc-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’c44b1909-b1f1-11e7-8cb4-a3d729c0367f’]Currently, the only safe way to restore files is the load of backups. If you have not made a backup – your files are likely to be lost.

How Alma Locker penetrates the system and encrypts the files

Alma Locker, like other similar viruses is being distributed via e-mail. After infection, the virus generates a random extension that will be added to the file names, and computer ID, based on the serial number of the drive C and MAC address of the first network interface. The virus can encrypt almost all the most popular data extensions, this applies to audio and video files, text documents and images. The program files remain safe. Alma Locker uses AES-128 encryption algorithm, so if you are going to try to decrypt the files yourself – you will fail.

When the encryption process is finished, the virus displays a message to the user with the requirements of redemption, referring to the payment to the TOR network sites, and links to download the decryption software, after the payment of ransom. Redemption amount is 1 Bitcoin, but fraudsters have established payment term of 5 days. While it is not known what will happen at the end of this period. It is likely that the amount of foreclosures will increase, or files will be deleted (partially or completely).

One of the links in the message leads to the requirements of TOR on the site where your ID is displayed, and the name of the extension that your files received. Also, we’ll see how many hours left before the completion of 5-day count. In the design of the website the pirate flag “Jolly Roger” is used. Rather, it is an allusion to the fact that, if user won’t pay the ransom, hackers will make him to walk the plank, or he will be keelhauled and sent to feed the fish. We hope that this is only a joke, and hackers won’t do such terrible things to regular users.

Despite the fact that Alma Locker is not an extraordinary virus, it is created with high quality and, most likely, its hacking will take at least a few weeks. If you are not going to pay hackers for data recovery, and want to protect other files from encryption, you should remove the virus from your computer.