Tag Archives: files

The Importance of Solid and Secure Computer Data Storage

Are you thinking about computer data storage yet? Because with the rainy season approaching, your backup computer files might be the only thing between secure records and utter chaos. And if you’re thinking that’s a well-placed bit of exaggeration, try asking the residents of Freehold, NJ how many of their personal emails, financial records and pictures they wish they still had.

But what happened in Freehold is an excellent reminder of why computer data storage is so vital. When you don’t backup your computer files, you run the risk of losing everything during power outages not just because the power is out and your computer won’t run but because the surges in power can corrupt your files and hard disk. There are ways of protecting your computer at home – a power strip is a good idea, and saving files to a thumb drive is smart – but they’re not comprehensive enough for people who use their computer for more than just creating documents or updating social media. Offsite backups are a far better idea for keeping your most important files safe and sound.

So: what can you do to keep your files safe in the wettest season of the year? We’ve compiled some ways of protecting your computer and its contents so that you don’t end up with a very expensive paper weight the next time a hurricane rolls through town.

• Offsite Backups: There are a number of reputable companies out there who can help you protect your information. Outside computer data storage facilities will store your information (for a fee, which can be nominal – or not – depending on the company) at their facility. Be Things to watch out with this so be careful of where your data is and how secure it is. That will be another article.

• The Cloud: It seems strange to recommend putting all of you stuff into space, but that’s essentially what the Cloud is. You can backup computer files online for free, which is great. Just be conscious that a computer hacker can wipe out those files a bit easier than s/he could if you use a company that specializes in computer data storage for your home or business.

• USP: That’s an Uninterruptible Power Supply, and it’s a pretty cool gadget. It sends a steady stream of power to your computer even if a storm causes a power surge, giving you time to shut it down correctly. Some of them will even initiate the shut down for you, if you can’t get to it yourself because you are away. It’s one of the better ways of protecting your computer because it keeps the machine and its contents safe. Just make sure to “comparison shop” first, because some of them are a little pricey. Be aware that they do need to be configured properly in order for them to work the way they are meant to work.

• Electricians: How good are your wires? If you live in an older home or if your area is particularly susceptible to sever storms, then all of the computer data storage in the world might not be able to save you. May be time to invest on a home generator to help keep your lights on during and after a storm. You never know how long it may take the electric company to get your lights back on. No matter what, remember to backup those computer files ASAP before it is too late.

Don’t Wait to Backup Computer Files
The most important thing to remember is that sometimes – believe it or not – the weather reports are wrong. Some storms blow right over, while others cause levels of devastation that are almost unimaginable. (Just ask anyone from the Gulf Coast.) The best ways of protecting your computer mean nothing if you don’t implement them. That’s why it’s so incredibly important that you backup computer files often. Offsite backups at reputable companies can keep your files – necessary and precious – safe when the lights go out.

FBI Moneypak Virus Sweeping Across Nation

All About FBI Moneypak virus

Computer security is much more vulnerable and fragile than some Windows users want to think. Regardless, all that schemers behind such malicious infections as FBI Moneypak need is one security gap to infect your operating system. Do you know how to guard your PC against cyber crooks and their deceptive tricks? Are you aware of different malignant programs that could be infiltrated? Are you ready to fight and remove malware? In case the operating system is infected with ransomware, you will need to apply all removal skills to delete FBI Moneypak.

Even though FBI Moneypak can remove access to Task Manager, modify Windows Registry entries and lock-down your computer – it does not mean you are powerless against this disruptive infection. The virus is one out of many ransomware infections that have been detected in Windows systems all over the world. Most of them are targeted at specific countries and have slightly different interfaces. For example, Specialist Crime Directorate Virus is a threat to British computer users and El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado Virus should be deleted by the Spanish. Needless to say, FBI Moneypak removal will be a problem if you live in the U.S.

Unfortunately, there is no way of telling what version of FBI Moneypak could be dropped on your PC. All different versions can initiate computer lock-down and produce similar screen covering notifications. Please see a couple of examples:

All activity of this computer has been recorded. If you use webcam, videos and pictures were saved for identification. You can be clearly identified by resolving your IP address and the associated hostname.

To unlock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of 100$ […]
When you pay the fine, your PC will get unlocked in 1 to 48 hours after the money is put into the State’s account. In case an error occurs, you’ll have to send the code by email.

FBI would NOT approach cyber crime violators via computer lock-down and would not collect fines through MoneyPak, which signals that your PC is infected with a sinister ransomware program. You may think that it is impossible to delete FBI Moneypak due to corrupted operating system; however, this is not entirely true. Even though the virus is managed via Reveton, Gimemo, LockScreen and similar rootkit Trojans, there are some steps you can perform to unlock the computer and begin manual virus removal. Of course, you may find manual FBI Moneypak removal troublesome because the task is truly complicated and you may fail miserably if you do not have appropriate skills and experience. Legitimate Windows security tools are developed to delete malicious programs, and if you do not feel confident – install automatic removal software right now.

How to remove FBI Moneypak manually?

Start by unlocking the computer:

1. Restart the computer and wait for BIOS (hardware information) to load.
2. Immediately start tapping the F8 key found at the top of the keyboard.
3. If you run Windows Vista/7: select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys from the Advanced Boot Menu and hit Enter to apply.
4. If you run Windows XP: select Safe Mode with Networking. Navigate with the arrow keys and select by tapping the Enter key. Click YES once you are prompted with the “Windows is running in safe mode” alert.

This will help you access Registry Editor and other essential Windows utilities which you should use to delete FBI Moneypak. What you have to do is modify or remove certain Registry values and delete malignant files to succeed. Please follow the instructions below to perform manual removal.

Modify/remove these registry values:



HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem ‘DisableRegistryTools’ = 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem ‘EnableLUA’ = 0

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings ‘WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect’ = 0


Delete malignant FBI Moneypak components

Note that even certain Windows components do not have a digital signature. Moreover, some legitimate files can be modified by schemers to perform malignant processes. This is why you should research found files with the assistance of a reliable file scanner found at virustotal.com . You must recognize that FBI Moneypak components use randomly generated file-names, which means they can differ from one computer to the next. One more thing that may help you discover and delete malicious files is the digital signature absence. If you go to the Properties of legitimate Windows files you should be able to find the Company name the file belongs to and similar identifiable information. Illegitimate files are not registered and therefore do not have a digital signature. As research shows, malignant files can be found in these Local Disk locations:

C:Program FilesCommon Files



C:[system generated folder]


FBI Moneypak Virus Sweeping Across Nation

All About FBI Moneypak virus

Computer security is much more vulnerable and fragile than some Windows users want to think. Regardless, all that schemers behind such malicious infections as FBI Moneypak need is one security gap to infect your operating system. Do you know how to guard your PC against cyber crooks and their deceptive tricks? Are you aware of different malignant programs that could be infiltrated? Are you ready to fight and remove malware? In case the operating system is infected with ransomware, you will need to apply all removal skills to delete FBI Moneypak.

Even though FBI Moneypak can remove access to Task Manager, modify Windows Registry entries and lock-down your computer – it does not mean you are powerless against this disruptive infection. The virus is one out of many ransomware infections that have been detected in Windows systems all over the world. Most of them are targeted at specific countries and have slightly different interfaces. For example, Specialist Crime Directorate Virus is a threat to British computer users and El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado Virus should be deleted by the Spanish. Needless to say, FBI Moneypak removal will be a problem if you live in the U.S.

Unfortunately, there is no way of telling what version of FBI Moneypak could be dropped on your PC. All different versions can initiate computer lock-down and produce similar screen covering notifications. Please see a couple of examples:

All activity of this computer has been recorded. If you use webcam, videos and pictures were saved for identification. You can be clearly identified by resolving your IP address and the associated hostname.

To unlock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of 100$ […]
When you pay the fine, your PC will get unlocked in 1 to 48 hours after the money is put into the State’s account. In case an error occurs, you’ll have to send the code by email.

FBI would NOT approach cyber crime violators via computer lock-down and would not collect fines through MoneyPak, which signals that your PC is infected with a sinister ransomware program. You may think that it is impossible to delete FBI Moneypak due to corrupted operating system; however, this is not entirely true. Even though the virus is managed via Reveton, Gimemo, LockScreen and similar rootkit Trojans, there are some steps you can perform to unlock the computer and begin manual virus removal. Of course, you may find manual FBI Moneypak removal troublesome because the task is truly complicated and you may fail miserably if you do not have appropriate skills and experience. Legitimate Windows security tools are developed to delete malicious programs, and if you do not feel confident – install automatic removal software right now.

How to remove FBI Moneypak manually?

Start by unlocking the computer:

1. Restart the computer and wait for BIOS (hardware information) to load.
2. Immediately start tapping the F8 key found at the top of the keyboard.
3. If you run Windows Vista/7: select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys from the Advanced Boot Menu and hit Enter to apply.
4. If you run Windows XP: select Safe Mode with Networking. Navigate with the arrow keys and select by tapping the Enter key. Click YES once you are prompted with the “Windows is running in safe mode” alert.

This will help you access Registry Editor and other essential Windows utilities which you should use to delete FBI Moneypak. What you have to do is modify or remove certain Registry values and delete malignant files to succeed. Please follow the instructions below to perform manual removal.

Modify/remove these registry values:



HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem ‘DisableRegistryTools’ = 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem ‘EnableLUA’ = 0

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings ‘WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect’ = 0


Delete malignant FBI Moneypak components

Note that even certain Windows components do not have a digital signature. Moreover, some legitimate files can be modified by schemers to perform malignant processes. This is why you should research found files with the assistance of a reliable file scanner found at virustotal.com . You must recognize that FBI Moneypak components use randomly generated file-names, which means they can differ from one computer to the next. One more thing that may help you discover and delete malicious files is the digital signature absence. If you go to the Properties of legitimate Windows files you should be able to find the Company name the file belongs to and similar identifiable information. Illegitimate files are not registered and therefore do not have a digital signature. As research shows, malignant files can be found in these Local Disk locations:

C:Program FilesCommon Files



C:[system generated folder]
