Tag Archives: error

How to Resolve a Corrupt File?

Have you ever went to open a file on your computer only to receive an error message instead of the folder and its contents? Corrupted files can happen to anyone, but that sure does not make them any less annoying. A lot of times, when an individual receives an error message regarding a corrupt file they give it up for lint. Instead of trying to solve the problem with the file, they just chalk it up as a lost cause. However, you no longer have to do that. It is possible to get passed the annoying error message regarding the file.

Fixing a corrupt file can be done by just about anyone thanks to registry clean up scans. A registry clean up scan is a scanning procedure of your computer’s entire registry.

– The scan will go through the entire registry until it locates the file that is corrupted.

– When the file is located, the registry clean up scan will prompt the computer user of the find.

– The prompt provided by the computer will provide crucial details regarding the file and the problem with the file.

– You can choose to resolve the problem with the corrupt file through various different ways. How you choose to fix the problem is entirely up to you.

– Most registry clean up programs will provide you with a brief understanding of what each choice means and how it will effect the computer. This will allow you to choose the choice that is best for you and your computer.

You do not need to worry about manually going through the registry since the scan of the registry is an automated scan. There is an option to manually scan the computer’s registry but that option is reserved for individuals who have an extensive knowledge of computers.

There is no need to panic about knowing whether or not you are making the right choice since the vast majority of registry clean up scanning programs will provide you with a brief bit of information regarding your solution options. You can read over your options and determine what each option will mean for your computer and that particular file and base your decision off of that. There is no need to be a computer expert with this program. It is easy enough that a person with a limited knowledge of computers can operate the program. All you have to do is take some action !

Solve Error: Cannot Open File: It Does Not Appear To Be a Valid Archive. If … (Zip Repair Tool)

WinZip (A Useful tool): While working on the computer system, in almost every type of set up, you surely would find the need to use WinZip software some or the other time to compress large sized files. This helps in speedy transfer of data via emails and other modes like online chat. You can also transfer huge & bulky files/folders quickly from one system to another using USB or other storage drives with the help of this compression facility, which saves your time greatly. The process of zipping and unzipping the files/folders is very quick and highly secure. Moreover, this also saves your download time and even helps in encrypting and decrypting documents containing sensitive information.

Zip Files: The compressed files, formed using WinZip software, generally have .ZIP extension. These Zip files mainly use MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) media type application or Zip.

Corruption (Errors Observed in Zip Files): Due to some internet problems, you can observe certain errors in your Zip files, which generally occur while downloading these Zip files, leads to their corruption. As a result, the data stored in these Zip files can become inaccessible to you.

A Possible Scenario: Imagine a situation, where you tried to open a .Zip file after downloading it from a MS Windows SharePoint Services document library and you get an error message stating: “Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive. If you downloaded this file, try downloading the file again.” You Zip file data become inaccessible after this error message appears.

Possible Cause: The abovementioned situation may occur when the HTTP compression is turned on in the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Sites properties on the SharePoint virtual server. Consequently, when you download the Zip file, IIS encodes it as GZIP and the browser client forwards it directly to the unZip program, without GZIP decoding the file.

Restore from Backup (A Solution to the Problem): If you are experiencing such problem of data inaccessibility due to corrupted Zip files, then there is a way you can get back your data and i.e. by restoring the data from a recent backup file. However, if you had forgotten to create or never maintained a backup or your backup also has got corrupted, then in that problematic scenario, you can get a third-party (

Could Not Open Socket reCAPTCHA Error

After months of receiving spam through my contact forms I decided it was time to add reCAPTCHA to them in the hope of stemming the tide of garbage. This now under the control of Google I thought there wasn’t going to be an issue with this. Having just installed reCAPTCHA on my works websites I knew what to do and all went well on those sites. On the Friday I did 3 forms on my own sites and all worked as expected, on the Saturday I did the last form I had, but that one didn’t work. All I kept getting was a ‘could not open socket’ error.

Initially I thought I must have made some error in the code but after checking the code against that which I had done the day before I could see no error. And more over the 3 forms I did the day before that worked, now no longer worked and displayed the same error message, what the hell?? Most frustrating was the fact that this was all the message said and gave no clue as to what was causing it. I made a number of attempts to find which section of code that was at fault by adding echo’s throughout the php code but none of them showed, only that damned error message. I thought there must be something wrong with the server.

Someone must have had this issue before so I turned my attention to Google for an answer. As I started to type ‘could not open socket’ the autocomplete came up with ‘could not open socket recaptcha’, ah ha! But I couldn’t think why it could have worked yesterday and not today? After reading many unhelpful posts’ I found this: http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/issues/detail?id=26 which although didn’t have the exact answer it did help me to realise the answers to my own issues.

After reading through this thread I came to the conclusion that my problem was 2 fold and explained why it had worked yesterday and not today. The main problem was my web host, in their attempt to be helpful they introduced (a long time back) blocking of outgoing connections to remote IPs from within my sites. This is one to be aware of if you are auto blogging using wp-o-matic, any feed you add will most likely be blocked by this until you add the IP to the allowed list from within your control panel.

I assume there is a good reason for them doing this but it can imagine it has caused nightmares for the inexperienced. Obviously it had worked yesterday because it was new, once the server knew the connection was being made it blocked it. It was probably the number of tests I did that made the connection get noticed and was possibly a good job it was noticed so quickly or I might not have noticed it for some time.

So which IP was I to add to the allowed list? The line of code in recaptchalib.php identified as the problem in the above thread was:

define(“RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER”, www.google.com);

So what I needed was the IP of google.com.