Tag Archives: error

PST Splitting: The reliable method to resolve size limitation problem

Microsoft Outlook uses PST files to store the emails, contacts and other data to display them in the Outlook profiles of the users. PST file is the storage center of MS Outlook as it contains all the files, folders and related data that are dispatched to the users whenever they require them. That’s why; sudden failure or minutest fault in the PST files may result in disturbing the whole email messaging system. Also, as the number of emails grows in Outlook the size of PST file considerably increases which may touch the peak level causing size limitation errors in Outlook.

In Outlook 2007 or earlier versions, it is recommended to use up to 2GB of memory which means a PST file can grow up to 2GB. Exceeding that size may eventually result in size limitation error and PST file may become inaccessible. As soon as the PST file becomes lost, the data and emails residing in it get completely inaccessible. Users might face terrific problems and unfamiliar error messages while running corrupt PST file. The performance of Outlook is also affected greatly with the increase in the size of PST file. Outlook 2007 may momentarily stop responding during typical operations. It happens when you read email messages or delete email messages. The symptoms are commonly noticeable during mail delivery or synchronization of emails. With the increase in store size these symptoms become more prominent.

Consider a scenario, you are working with MS Outlook and communicating with your client via the email messaging of Outlook. Outlook works flawlessly and PST file prove to be great in operation. As the customers you are attached with move messages to PST file, the PST file becomes unavailable. You try to remove PST file and then restart Outlook but no result is achieved. PST file works fine until your customer moves messages to it. You start operating from the very scratch but the problem does not leave you back.

The finest strategy that could be applied to resolve this problem is to split the large PST file into smaller chunks. Splitting PST file benefits in resolving size limitation error as well as reviving the performance of Outlook. Since Outlook 2007 does not provide any built- in function to split PST file, therefore you have to use some tools for doing so. You may also implement the following steps to split PST file. Use the Archive feature to move items to a new .pst file. To do this, follow these steps:

1) In Outlook 2007, select your .pst file in the navigation pane.

2) On the File menu, click Archive.

3) In the Archive dialog box, click to select the Archive this folder and all subfolders check box, and then click a folder from the list.

4) In the Archive items older than drop-down box, click a date.

5) Click Browse, specify a path and a file name for the new .pst file, and then click OK.

The new .pst file is displayed in the Mail Folders list as Archive Folders.

For successful splitting, you can efficiently use Kernel for PST Split tool which is developed to offer reliable and error free PST splitting. This tool effectively splits large PST file into multiple small size PST files without losing single bit of data.

How Website Redesign can Improve Search Results: Part 2

In the first of this article we discussed three factors that have to be given consideration during web redesign process. In today’s article we will touch upon other factors too.

4) Download speed: A slow website can ruin user experience. A user is very much likely to exit a slow loading webpage rather than wait for it. Google has taken notice of it and in April 2010 strongly emphasized on reducing webpage download speeds.

Google went to the extent of saying that webpage speed will be factored in their search engine algorithm. If your website downloads very slowly then check thoroughly the root causes. Is it a Flash banner or a heavy image? Many times inefficient programming or bloated code can also affect speed.

Thus a slow loading page can harm you in 2 ways: One, a user will not wait for the page to download and move away to a site which is faster. Secondly, Google may penalize your website and your search engine rankings may drop across all keywords.

5) Sitemaps: Many webmasters may think it as an unnecessary exercise but the fact is that search engines take it very seriously. Both, HTML version and XML version of sitemap are crucial. While the HTML version helps users in navigating the site, the XML version helps in getting all pages of a site indexed by search engines.

The HTML sitemap should ideally be accessible form the home page of the website. XML sitemap should be submitted to search engines for quicker indexing. The bigger the site, the more advantageous and important a sitemap is from SEO point of view.

6) Page Title: How many we have seen titles such “Home Page”. Such titles do great harm to a site. Such uninformative title tells a search engine nothing about the page. A vital clue that a search engine and user can benefit from is wasted.

Rarely will you ever see a webpage opaque or uninformative titles doing well in search engine rankings. Always, add titles relevant to the page name and content.

7) Content Optimization: Good content is not enough. Proper use of H1, H2,H3… and links is very vital.

Headings and strong tags signal to bots on which text is important. Always use keywords or key phrases within these tags.

Internal links are another factor. Web pages should be interlinked to increase usability of a website. Links should be optimized by using keywords and key phrases.

8) Images: Images need to be lightweight. Heavy images can drastically increase page download time. Image names should have keywords related to the page name. If the page is about Ferrari cars then the images used should have Ferrari as keyword.
Never forget to add Alt attribute. It should be a short yet keyword rich sentence.

9) Custom error pages: Many websites lose a chunk of visitors due to improper error handling pages. A custom error page can help a user navigate the site even if s/he encounters page not found error.

How Website Redesign can Improve Search Results: Part 2

In the first of this article we discussed three factors that have to be given consideration during web redesign process. In today’s article we will touch upon other factors too.

4) Download speed: A slow website can ruin user experience. A user is very much likely to exit a slow loading webpage rather than wait for it. Google has taken notice of it and in April 2010 strongly emphasized on reducing webpage download speeds.

Google went to the extent of saying that webpage speed will be factored in their search engine algorithm. If your website downloads very slowly then check thoroughly the root causes. Is it a Flash banner or a heavy image? Many times inefficient programming or bloated code can also affect speed.

Thus a slow loading page can harm you in 2 ways: One, a user will not wait for the page to download and move away to a site which is faster. Secondly, Google may penalize your website and your search engine rankings may drop across all keywords.

5) Sitemaps: Many webmasters may think it as an unnecessary exercise but the fact is that search engines take it very seriously. Both, HTML version and XML version of sitemap are crucial. While the HTML version helps users in navigating the site, the XML version helps in getting all pages of a site indexed by search engines.

The HTML sitemap should ideally be accessible form the home page of the website. XML sitemap should be submitted to search engines for quicker indexing. The bigger the site, the more advantageous and important a sitemap is from SEO point of view.

6) Page Title: How many we have seen titles such “Home Page”. Such titles do great harm to a site. Such uninformative title tells a search engine nothing about the page. A vital clue that a search engine and user can benefit from is wasted.

Rarely will you ever see a webpage opaque or uninformative titles doing well in search engine rankings. Always, add titles relevant to the page name and content.

7) Content Optimization: Good content is not enough. Proper use of H1, H2,H3… and links is very vital.

Headings and strong tags signal to bots on which text is important. Always use keywords or key phrases within these tags.

Internal links are another factor. Web pages should be interlinked to increase usability of a website. Links should be optimized by using keywords and key phrases.

8) Images: Images need to be lightweight. Heavy images can drastically increase page download time. Image names should have keywords related to the page name. If the page is about Ferrari cars then the images used should have Ferrari as keyword.
Never forget to add Alt attribute. It should be a short yet keyword rich sentence.

9) Custom error pages: Many websites lose a chunk of visitors due to improper error handling pages. A custom error page can help a user navigate the site even if s/he encounters page not found error.