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How can I get on google page 1? Viral Backlink Building

One way backlinks is one of the top and for the most part valuable ways to pick up high ranking positions in search engines and milk these positions intended for targeted traffic. But getting quality one way links is a cumbersome job.

Free Traffic System is a fresh project with the purpose of helping you to get top quality one way links without charge – unrestrained amount of one way links, for the reason that you generate as many as you need. Moreover, Free Traffic System has integrated a brand new view of viral marketing, rewarding its members with bonus one way links.

Before getting to the viral part of the project, it is of great magnitude to explain where exactly you are getting these backlinks. The backlinks are built inside real blogging site posts, not in the footer or blogroll – in the very body of the real, unique blogging site post. This is the most safe way to generate one way links, for the reason that you provide real unique content to the visitors in the blogging site posts and search engines will at all times welcome it – search engines were formed to help individuals in finding quality information in the net.

You pick up backlinks from significant blogs that belong to real persons in various niches. Natural, safe and smart way to create backlinks for free of charge. You submit one article to Free Traffic System and it converts into up to 60 high quality one way backlinks! And – unlike traditional article marketing – no one will delete your backlinks from the article, like they do whilst stealing your content from article directories.

The viral part of Free Traffic System is undemanding – they reward folks for bringing others into this limitless project. You are receiving a BONUS backlink on each 3rd post that people whom you referred to Free Traffic System are making. This means you pick up bonus backlink on article No 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc. Of all persons who got into the scheme via the member link.

As each article can be republished on up to 30 blogs in Free Traffic System, this means that one article with your bonus link equals to 30 backlinks from Free Traffic System. 2 articles = 60 bonus backlinks, 3 articles = 90 bonus backlinks. And this is in addition to the indefinite backlinks that you can create inside Free Traffic System by hand.

And the final bonus of the viral strategy. If you add at least one WordPress website to Free Traffic System, they instantly enlarge the figure of bonus backlinks by 7%.

So, in Free Traffic System you pick up:

– on the house backlinks that you generate yourself
– viral bonus backlinks used for affiliating folks into the project
– viral bonus backlinks for adding your blog(s) to Free Traffic System

With this free backlink building power targeted traffic from search engines becomes just a matter of time.

How can I get on google page 1? Viral Backlink Building

One way backlinks is one of the top and for the most part valuable ways to pick up high ranking positions in search engines and milk these positions intended for targeted traffic. But getting quality one way links is a cumbersome job.

Free Traffic System is a fresh project with the purpose of helping you to get top quality one way links without charge – unrestrained amount of one way links, for the reason that you generate as many as you need. Moreover, Free Traffic System has integrated a brand new view of viral marketing, rewarding its members with bonus one way links.

Before getting to the viral part of the project, it is of great magnitude to explain where exactly you are getting these backlinks. The backlinks are built inside real blogging site posts, not in the footer or blogroll – in the very body of the real, unique blogging site post. This is the most safe way to generate one way links, for the reason that you provide real unique content to the visitors in the blogging site posts and search engines will at all times welcome it – search engines were formed to help individuals in finding quality information in the net.

You pick up backlinks from significant blogs that belong to real persons in various niches. Natural, safe and smart way to create backlinks for free of charge. You submit one article to Free Traffic System and it converts into up to 60 high quality one way backlinks! And – unlike traditional article marketing – no one will delete your backlinks from the article, like they do whilst stealing your content from article directories.

The viral part of Free Traffic System is undemanding – they reward folks for bringing others into this limitless project. You are receiving a BONUS backlink on each 3rd post that people whom you referred to Free Traffic System are making. This means you pick up bonus backlink on article No 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc. Of all persons who got into the scheme via the member link.

As each article can be republished on up to 30 blogs in Free Traffic System, this means that one article with your bonus link equals to 30 backlinks from Free Traffic System. 2 articles = 60 bonus backlinks, 3 articles = 90 bonus backlinks. And this is in addition to the indefinite backlinks that you can create inside Free Traffic System by hand.

And the final bonus of the viral strategy. If you add at least one WordPress website to Free Traffic System, they instantly enlarge the figure of bonus backlinks by 7%.

So, in Free Traffic System you pick up:

– on the house backlinks that you generate yourself
– viral bonus backlinks used for affiliating folks into the project
– viral bonus backlinks for adding your blog(s) to Free Traffic System

With this free backlink building power targeted traffic from search engines becomes just a matter of time.

Link Popularity – Basic Overview (Page 1 of 2)

There are many techniques that SEM/SEO experts use to optimize Web sites. One of the more important techniques is “Link Popularity.”

Link popularity is referred to as an off-page factor in the search engine world, and is representative of one of the more important elements in influencing a Web site’s position in search engine result pages (SERPS). The top questions relating to link popularity are answered for you below.

1. What is link popularity and why is it important?

Link Popularity is a score that search engines give to a Web site based on how many links are pointing to or linking to any particular page in your Web site. The greater your link popularity, the more important, or relative, search engines consider your Web site.

Good link popularity can dramatically increase traffic to your Web site. Since most search engines factor in link popularity into their relevancy algorithms, increasing your link popularity score can help your Web site’s position in the search engine results pages (SERPS).

2. Are there different types of links?

There are 4 main classes of links that contribute to your Web site’s overall link popularity score:

External – An external link is a link on your Web site that leads to an outside Web site. This type of link is used when you want to provide additional or complimentary information to the user.

Internal – Internal links are links on your Web site that lead to other pages within your Web site. A good internal linking strategy will enable all of your pages to be found easily by both search engine spiders and users alike.

Inbound – An Inbound link is a link on another Web site that directs the user into your Web site. Inbound links are important because search engines see them as being indicative to quality.

Reciprocal/Link exchange – Reciprocal linking is when two or more Web sites agree to display each other’s Web site link somewhere on their website.

3. Are some links better then than others?

Yes, it is true that not all links are not equal. The effectiveness of the link depends on the following factors:.

Relevance – A relevant link means that the link is on a page or Web site that has the same subject matter as the page it links to. For example, for an attorney, a link from the state bar association page to an attorney’s Web site would be a relevant link. A link from a local floral shop would not be relevant.

Quality – A quality link means that the link is from a popular, well- visited Web site. Link text – The text used to describe a link is important. You want to use relevant key phrases. For example, rather then a link that says “contact us,” using something like “contact a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney” will be more valuable.

4. What exactly is PageRank and it is important?

PageRank can be summed up as how relevant Google considers a particular Web page. Pagerank is a value from 0-10, with zero being the least significant and ten10 of which very few websites obtain being the most relevant. Very few Web sites are able to obtain the highest ranking of 10.