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Supercharge You Backlinks with Article Writing

After a lot of hard work, your website design is spot on and your Web site is now up there on the Internet for the world to see. Unfortunately, the world at present has no idea that your Web site even exists. So, what can you do to bring the Web site to their notice? Mmm…how about writing an article? Sounds weird? But, it’s completely true! Article writing is one of most effective methods of promoting your Web site on the Internet. It can help you earn free backlinks to your site from a variety of popular Web sites. Let’s see how you can use article writing to develop a strong backlink network.

Article writing is a cost effective way of driving up your search engine rankings and attracting traffic to your Web site. Unlike other forms of advertising, you can start an article writing campaign with zero investment. Therefore, article writing is quickly becoming the ideal method for promoting a Web site. To start your article writing campaign, all you need to do is write informative articles related to your field and submit them to reputed newsletters and e-zines related to your field. At the end of each of your articles, add author information in the form of a couple of sentences about you and your products. In addition, provide the complete URL of your Web site and invite readers to visit your Web site. If your article is accepted and published, you get free backlinks to your Web site through these newsletters and e-zines. Readers who like your article can click through to your Web site using the link you provided at the end of your articles.

To get even better results from your article writing campaign, you should submit your articles to article directories. An article directory contains thousands of articles on varied subjects, ranging from team building to shopping. Web publishers, such as Webzine owners and bloggers, pick relevant articles from the directory and post them on their own Web sites. The publishers don’t need to pay anything for using the articles. However, they are required to replicate the author information at the end of the articles exactly as it is on their own Web sites. So, publishers who select your article in effect provide you completely free backlinks from their Web sites. These backlinks provide exposure to your Web site and help drive traffic to it.

Let’s take an example to understand how you can build a powerful backlink network through article writing. Suppose you have a Web site for selling pet care products. You write articles on topics such as “Best Food for Dobermans,” “How to Get a Personalized Pet Collar,” and “10 Secrets for Getting the 1st Position in a Pet Show.” In the author information box at the end of each article, you include a backlink to your Web site on pet care products. Finally, you post these articles on a reputed article directory. Let’s see what results you can expect from posting just these three articles.

Let’s say each of your three articles is picked by 5 publishers who use them on their own animal care or pet training newsletter, e-zine, or Web site. That amounts to 15 free backlinks from a single article directory. Now let’s say you modify the three articles a little and submit them to 5 additional directories. If you get a similar response in these directories, the additional backlinks you earn on those same three articles is 225! As you keep on posting an article a day, the number of backlinks to your Web site starts increasing at a phenomenal rate. And, the more backlinks there are to your Web site, the higher will be the number of readers clicking through to your Web site.

Another advantage of building backlinks through article writing is that it positively affects your search engine rankings. This is because most search engines take the number of backlinks into account when determining the position of your Web page on their search results. So, the higher the number of backlinks to your Web site, the better will be your position in the search results for related keywords.

Article writing is an efficient and economical way of developing a powerful backlink network for your Web site. Articles not only attract more traffic to your Web site but also help establish you as an expert in your niche.

Supercharge You Backlinks with Article Writing

After a lot of hard work, your website design is spot on and your Web site is now up there on the Internet for the world to see. Unfortunately, the world at present has no idea that your Web site even exists. So, what can you do to bring the Web site to their notice? Mmm…how about writing an article? Sounds weird? But, it’s completely true! Article writing is one of most effective methods of promoting your Web site on the Internet. It can help you earn free backlinks to your site from a variety of popular Web sites. Let’s see how you can use article writing to develop a strong backlink network.

Article writing is a cost effective way of driving up your search engine rankings and attracting traffic to your Web site. Unlike other forms of advertising, you can start an article writing campaign with zero investment. Therefore, article writing is quickly becoming the ideal method for promoting a Web site. To start your article writing campaign, all you need to do is write informative articles related to your field and submit them to reputed newsletters and e-zines related to your field. At the end of each of your articles, add author information in the form of a couple of sentences about you and your products. In addition, provide the complete URL of your Web site and invite readers to visit your Web site. If your article is accepted and published, you get free backlinks to your Web site through these newsletters and e-zines. Readers who like your article can click through to your Web site using the link you provided at the end of your articles.

To get even better results from your article writing campaign, you should submit your articles to article directories. An article directory contains thousands of articles on varied subjects, ranging from team building to shopping. Web publishers, such as Webzine owners and bloggers, pick relevant articles from the directory and post them on their own Web sites. The publishers don’t need to pay anything for using the articles. However, they are required to replicate the author information at the end of the articles exactly as it is on their own Web sites. So, publishers who select your article in effect provide you completely free backlinks from their Web sites. These backlinks provide exposure to your Web site and help drive traffic to it.

Let’s take an example to understand how you can build a powerful backlink network through article writing. Suppose you have a Web site for selling pet care products. You write articles on topics such as “Best Food for Dobermans,” “How to Get a Personalized Pet Collar,” and “10 Secrets for Getting the 1st Position in a Pet Show.” In the author information box at the end of each article, you include a backlink to your Web site on pet care products. Finally, you post these articles on a reputed article directory. Let’s see what results you can expect from posting just these three articles.

Let’s say each of your three articles is picked by 5 publishers who use them on their own animal care or pet training newsletter, e-zine, or Web site. That amounts to 15 free backlinks from a single article directory. Now let’s say you modify the three articles a little and submit them to 5 additional directories. If you get a similar response in these directories, the additional backlinks you earn on those same three articles is 225! As you keep on posting an article a day, the number of backlinks to your Web site starts increasing at a phenomenal rate. And, the more backlinks there are to your Web site, the higher will be the number of readers clicking through to your Web site.

Another advantage of building backlinks through article writing is that it positively affects your search engine rankings. This is because most search engines take the number of backlinks into account when determining the position of your Web page on their search results. So, the higher the number of backlinks to your Web site, the better will be your position in the search results for related keywords.

Article writing is an efficient and economical way of developing a powerful backlink network for your Web site. Articles not only attract more traffic to your Web site but also help establish you as an expert in your niche.

Options and Alternatives for Domain Names Including Forwarding and Parking

If you’ve purchased a few new domain names or were able to acquire a few free domains, then you may be curious about what options are available to you. Obviously the point of a domain is to build a website, but you may not have the time or desire to build a new website for every one of your addresses. Additionally, you may actually want to buy a few domains with the intent of never building a unique website at that location, and there can be some benefits to that as well. Use this quick guide to explore a few of your options when it comes to domain names.

One of the first things that you can do with free domains that you have but don’t want to develop will be to park them. You can think of parking a domain as just putting it on ice, you’re basically letting it sit there and exist but aren’t putting up any content or anything like that. Now, a parked domain can advise people that your website is coming soon and to expect it, or a parked domain can actually be a way for you to make some extra cash.

For example, let’s see you have a few free domains you got that have fairly decent SEO in terms of the keywords included in the address. You don’t have time to build websites around them, but you would like to earn some money from them if it’s possible. What you can do then is park them and use a service which places parked ads on the address. Now an elaborate series of ads related to the domain are displayed, all without any effort on your end, and when people end up at your web address, you can end up making some more money.

Two more options for your domain names will be forwarding and pointing them. Now, keep in mind that forwarding and pointing domains are essentially the same thing. You’ll have the same net result, which is that when people type in your web address or land at a certain web address, they will be immediately redirected or passed along to another web address of your choosing.

The difference between these two is how they are accomplished. Pointing domain names occurs from your web host. Forwarding domain names on the other hand occurs higher up the ladder so to speak, and is accomplished right from the domain name registrar itself. Either way, as mentioned, the same basic thing is accomplished, and you send a visitor to the new address or your choosing instead of what they typed in or clicked on.

As you can see, you’ll have a few different options available to you when you have a few extra free domains or a few domain names you purchased but aren’t building up. Whatever your reasoning is, you’ll have options to earn more money, gain more control, and even direct more traffic to your existing websites, as long as you take advantage of the right opportunities mentioned above.