Tag Archives: employee

Web-Based Time & Attendance Software has many benefits

Companies can benefit significantly from web-based time & attendance software programs that provide premium time management solutions for their management and their employees. In this day and age, where companies aim to reach more customers daily, there are many companies with employees who report from the field. There are also home-based employees who work and report from their houses. The mobility of employees in today’s workforce may be beneficial in the marketing and operations campaigns, but it certainly challenges timekeeping and payroll processes. It can also affect the productivity of employees because, even though we don’t want to admit it, some employees will be less than productive without their bosses looking over their shoulders.

Many companies these days rely on traditional time keeping devices such as a basic time clock or a simple time sheet. The problem with these time keeping devices is the human component. By simply putting in a wrong entry an employee can cheat his company, intentionally or not, making his or her pay higher than it should be. The payroll staff have no way of knowing if an employee has put in more hours than they actually worked. Payroll clerks who enter the payroll data manually can make errors in logging in numbers, making payroll mistakes that can cost companies untold amounts of money every year. These mistakes were unknown at first, letting businesses absorb costly human errors. With the invention of web-based time & attendance systems, the errors that employees can make can be greatly reduced and help save precious resources in the process. Time and attendance systems have many checks and balances in place to ensure that time worked is entered correctly and counted for and the web-based aspect allows these systems to be accessed from anywhere.

With web-based time & attendance software, employees can log in their hours from anywhere in the world where they can get connected to the internet. Whether the employee is located at the main office, working from home or even working in some far-off area of the world, a web-based time sheet program will help employers track the attendance of employees directly and more simply. Because it is a computer program, there are many data entry benefits available such as being able to set to automatically compute for hours logged in, making the payroll processing faster and easier. Mistakes are greatly reduced with a web-based time sheet that has the ability to control the information that is entered and the ability to cross-check the information for accuracy. Balances and checks in the web-based time and attendance software will ensure that the employees are paid fairly and accurately.

Web-based time and attendance systems often have other applications that can make life easier for everyone involved; employees, employers and even the system administrators. Examples include having employees who are travelling input their expense reports directly into the software. Employees can also enter in their time off requests for vacation time, sick leaves, special time off and personal time off and time and attendance programs have automated approval systems. Some systems have project management applications that can assist employers with the proper allocation of employee time and financial resources for completion of different tasks and activities. With web-based time and attendance software, both employer and employee will have an easier task of fixing their schedules and allocating resources for important projects.

Internet Monitoring Software

PC sharing is a common phenomenon these days. College students, roommates, different individuals at a cyber café, children and other family members at home regularly share PCs. Everyone uses the PC in different ways and download or visits many different websites. However the responsibility of any kind of web browsing or surfing eventually lies with the owner of the PC. Any kind of installation of software, content or data stored on the computer or in its browsing history, music, audio or video downloads are all the responsibility of the owner and hence, they have to be very cautious of what is happening on their PC?

Every owner must be able to monitor the programs that are being installed or downloaded on his/her computer, so that in case of an unfortunate event, there is an evidence of the person who has done it. The internet monitoring software was therefore, introduced so that the owner of the PC which is shared often is aware of what is happening and be away from legal complications due to illegal browsing. Thus internet usage monitoring has helped many such owners and is now also used in many corporate and businesses, for various purposes.

When there are a large number of people working in a company, though there is no sharing of PC but chances of employees wasting their time on internet browsing or using social networking sites to connect are quite common. It is no possible for managers to keep checking on every employee personally. Hence, the internet monitoring software does this job quite well. There is software known as work manager which is quite popular, when it comes to internet usage monitoring and many managers prefer it, as it works exactly like a manager. All you need to do is install the program.

This software is a network deployment tool and once it is installed, any manager can check what their employee is doing, at any given point of time. The best part about this internet monitoring software is that the person being monitored does not know that they are being monitored. The internet usage reports can also be generated, from time to time for viewing later. So, it does not keep the person who wants to monitor the usage engaged, all the times. These reports are logged and can be viewed on any random day or every day, too. The entire application is very easy to use and can be done by anyone that has basic knowledge of software.

Similarly, there is also a Network Monitoring Software which also helps in internet usage monitoring in different corporate and businesses. It can monitor the PCs connected to the TCP/IP networks. This software is also capable of taking snapshots of the user screen and does so, at particular intervals. You can also set is to take screenshots of a particular user screen for the entire day. These are helpful, to track any frauds or scams that a user or employee can engage in. Thus, this software has been extremely useful for tracking many frauds and scams that lead to losses in a corporate. It also saves the owner of any litigations or legal complications due to use of the internet.

Internet Monitoring Software

PC sharing is a common phenomenon these days. College students, roommates, different individuals at a cyber café, children and other family members at home regularly share PCs. Everyone uses the PC in different ways and download or visits many different websites. However the responsibility of any kind of web browsing or surfing eventually lies with the owner of the PC. Any kind of installation of software, content or data stored on the computer or in its browsing history, music, audio or video downloads are all the responsibility of the owner and hence, they have to be very cautious of what is happening on their PC?

Every owner must be able to monitor the programs that are being installed or downloaded on his/her computer, so that in case of an unfortunate event, there is an evidence of the person who has done it. The internet monitoring software was therefore, introduced so that the owner of the PC which is shared often is aware of what is happening and be away from legal complications due to illegal browsing. Thus internet usage monitoring has helped many such owners and is now also used in many corporate and businesses, for various purposes.

When there are a large number of people working in a company, though there is no sharing of PC but chances of employees wasting their time on internet browsing or using social networking sites to connect are quite common. It is no possible for managers to keep checking on every employee personally. Hence, the internet monitoring software does this job quite well. There is software known as work manager which is quite popular, when it comes to internet usage monitoring and many managers prefer it, as it works exactly like a manager. All you need to do is install the program.

This software is a network deployment tool and once it is installed, any manager can check what their employee is doing, at any given point of time. The best part about this internet monitoring software is that the person being monitored does not know that they are being monitored. The internet usage reports can also be generated, from time to time for viewing later. So, it does not keep the person who wants to monitor the usage engaged, all the times. These reports are logged and can be viewed on any random day or every day, too. The entire application is very easy to use and can be done by anyone that has basic knowledge of software.

Similarly, there is also a Network Monitoring Software which also helps in internet usage monitoring in different corporate and businesses. It can monitor the PCs connected to the TCP/IP networks. This software is also capable of taking snapshots of the user screen and does so, at particular intervals. You can also set is to take screenshots of a particular user screen for the entire day. These are helpful, to track any frauds or scams that a user or employee can engage in. Thus, this software has been extremely useful for tracking many frauds and scams that lead to losses in a corporate. It also saves the owner of any litigations or legal complications due to use of the internet.