Tag Archives: effective

Digital Phone Systems Vs Analog Phone Systems

Digital Phone Systems Vs Analog Phone Systems

What is a digital phone system?

A digital phone system works by routing call traffic over IP (Internet Protocol), you would then use a IP phone/ handset. Digital phone systems use the (Internet Protocol) to send and receive voice communications.

What is a analog phone system?

This is the most commonly incorporated type of system, analog phone systems use POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) networks. For example a NEC SL1100 phone system running over a traditional ISDN or analog line.

What are the key differences between Digital vs Analog phone systems?

& 10003; Analog systems

Analog phone systems have been around for many years, they are extremely reliable and traditional. Analog systems have supported businesses for decades, analog is built on copper line with POTS. When it comes to voice quality analog solutions are extremely effective and even incorporate basic features such as, on hold, redial, speed dial and mute.

& 10003; Digital systems

Where digital phone systems are concerned they are much more modern. Digital phone systems are designed to incorporate a vast amount of features and capabilities. Digital runs through VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), a digital system can incorporate features such as, music on hold, VoIP integration and API integration,

What Solution Should Small Businesses Choose?

Small businesses will want to save capital, we would recommend small businesses to implement a digital phone system as they are extremely cost effective. Cut out line rental and route call traffic across your broadband service. We would however suggest that all small businesses that are interested in moving to digital phone systems ensure that their broadband service is reliable, digital systems are broadband hungry and heavily rely on a stable connection, we would only suggest moving to digital/ VoIP if your broadband is strong and reliable. If Fiber to the cabinet is not available in your area and you have a poor connection, we would suggest that your business implements a cost effective PBX system or a SIP solution.

& 10003; Final Things To Consider

NEC SL1100 phone systems are great for being cost effective as are Panasonic NS700 systems. VoIP is the future of telephony especially since BT will no longer support ISDN and analog lines in 2025. This means all business will need to go digital i.e. VoIP or SIP. At some point you will need to make the switch towards digital!

How to Build an Effective Landing Page for SEO

A landing page is not only an essential tool for any business conducting inbound marketing, it is vital for search marketing and the best way to capitalize on your SEO efforts. Think of a landing page as a strategic page. It is there in order to accomplish an a goal – to convert, direct or retain, and helps to ensure you are attracting the most relevant audience for your product or service. If done correctly, an effective landing page can mean the difference between 500 clicks per day to 5,000. Building an effective landing page does take time, but if it means higher conversions, it’s worth every minute!

Before we get into how to actually construct a landing page, let’s look at the key benefits of having a landing page to support your SEO efforts, or in other words, what’s your ROI in this:

Gives You Raw Data
Landing page data looks at your total conversions, visitors and bounce rates – information that helps measure your ROI. You can’t argue with numbers, and successful marketing campaigns don’t materialize out of thin air, they rely heavily on objective data. How do you calculate your bounce rate so you can fine-tune content to engage your users more? A landing page can do this for you.

Increase Conversion Trends
Users like simple messages, and landing pages need to accomplish this. You don’t have to overcomplicate a landing page (or website) to glean conversions. If you are doing everything right, maintaining content consistency, visual consistency, and brand consistency, all with a landing page that directs people to what they’re looking for, you’ve done your job right.

Makes A/B Testing Simple
All effective websites go through A/B testing to see what pages, or page designs, are performing and which are flunking. A/B test allows you to run parallel testing of two or more pages at the same time. Why is this important? Because you want to maximize the effectiveness of all of your pages, and determine what you may need to re-work, or leave the same.

Filter Your Audience
The beautiful thing about building an effective landing page for SEO, is its ability to filter out irrelevant users. The key to higher conversion rates is to find the ideal user for you, and that requires audience segregation. By using distinct landing pages, you are able to tailor your core message to fit a very specific audience. Taking this even further, a landing page will help you segregate users according to their origins. A social media user may not have the same interests or behaviors as a user who enters a specific question or phrase into the Google search bar.

Now, let’s go through the building blocks of an effective Landing page:

1) Make Sure the Branding is Spot On!
Remember, a landing page is a ‘welcome mat’, a first impression, and you know what they say about first impressions. If you are not entirely focused about your branding, your consumers are going to feel the same. An effective landing page should drive the brand message home as aggressively as your website as a whole. Consistency is key, right down to color, tone and font. When users are clicking around on your landing page, it should direct them to content that is inherently connected to what you have on your landing page.

2)Choose a Custom URL
A landing page is a separate but connected component of your website, and it needs its own custom URL. Though it may be tempting, ensure your custom URL is descriptive but not stuffed with money keywords. It may seem like a good idea for the purposes of SEO, however, you may suffer in the rankings if Google catches on, so use them wisely. If you happen to be launching a contest of some sort or a campaign, it is advisable to assign your contest/campaign its own unique custom URL. Not only will this help you drive more traffic to your main site, it will make analyzing your Google Analytics data much simpler, and help you keep an eye on the campaign progress.

3)Think Minimalistic
Keep it simple. Do not get bogged down in design details. Think about how you want to reduce your bounce rates. A complicated, overworked design is going to irritate users before they’ve even had a chance to see what you are offering. Keep the ‘clickables’ to a minimum (images, links, ads etc). One of the key features of an effective landing page is a form to encourage user engagement. Keep the form simple – First and last name, their email – that’s all you need.

4) Create an Incentive
What are you offering that everyone else isn’t? That’s the question your users are asking too. Why should they provide their information? What do they get out of it? In any call-to-action marketing plan, creating an incentive for users is essential. Are you running a contest? Do you have a unique newsletter they can subscribe to? You need to give them a reason to give you their time, and info. A landing page is the perfect place to do this.

5)Creative Copy is Everything
Don’t blather on; make it simple, concise and to the point. A landing page should never be an essay. When is the last time you stood on a welcome mat at someone’s door and took five minutes to read it? If you have a few landing pages, make sure the message is specific and relevant. Keep your content SEO-ish, but don’t keyword it to death. You only have a few seconds to make a first impression, so make it count!

Tips for effective web design

Web design is not simply about adding images and words to a homepage- it’s about implementing clever designs which incorporate strategy, structure, visual impact, usability and conversion elements. In this article, we look at some elements which one needs to look for in effective web design.

Usability is probably the most important element of effective web design, as nobody wants to navigate a web page which isn’t easy to use and does not help the user to find information. When one enters a website, they are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to find information, contact the company or perhaps purchase a product. If the design of your website does not make this process simple, then users are going to look elsewhere.

Establish your website’s goals:
Well-designed websites need to be focused around specific goals. This means that you need to think about what the aim of your website is, and it needs to be easy for users to perform the action which they want to take. For example, think about including a contact form for information pages, and allow resources to be easily downloadable. Users will get frustrated if results don’t happen fast enough.

Visual Hierarchy:
Certain parts of your website are more important than others, so you need to get these parts more attention by means of visual hierarchy. You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. More important information such as calls to action and business propositions would usually come first, while other less important information won’t be as visually prominent.

Effective writing:
Effective web design is also about incorporating effective writing which is adjusted towards users’ preferences and browsing habits. Rather than using promotional writing which is long and exaggerated, get straight to the point and use images along with your text to illustrate your message. You should also use headers to break up content so that it’s easier to read. Use language on your website which is easy to understand and keeps users hooked. As mentioned before, users don’t want to spend time searching for information on your website. They want the process to be swift and easy.

A good website should have an impact on visitors, meaning that it incorporates clear images, uses colour smartly, and fonts which are easy to read. Always think from the user’s perspective as this will help you decide whether this is a website which you would want to visit and share.