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Linking With Integrity – Avoid Being Labeled a Link Spammer (Page 1 of 2)

It’s just as important to know what not to do when executing a website linking strategy as it is to know what to do. With inexpensive linking software and services so readily available, there’s a strong temptation to take shortcuts when it comes to getting quality links. Avoiding these traps will help your search engine placements rise naturally and stay that way for a long time. In this article, I describe two ways that you can help yourself avoid being labeled a link spammer.

Link Farms

What is a link farm? A link farm is any website designed and set up for the sole purpose of getting search engine spiders to crawl and index web pages. These websites provide absolutely no end user utility or benefit.

So how do you recognize a link farm? First, you need to ask yourself, is this site heavy laden with links? Most link farms will have a “farm” of links with little to no content. As for an explanation of the site’s existence, it’s usually missing too.

The next question you need to ask is, what does the URL of the site itself look like? Most of the time, link farms will have long, hyphenated URLs (i.e. our-great-linking-directory.com). This is a generalization so not all link farms will have these types of URLs. Many of these link farms are generated using software. The software will go out and find a domain name that contains specific keywords even if it settles on something with several hyphens and numbers. You may still consider a long, hyphenated site for linking purposes but make certain you conduct more research before you submit a link.

Next, look at the domain name extension and note if it’s .info or .biz. In order to sell these extensions, many domain name registrars offer a one-time, deep discount. I know of several registrars that sell .info domains for 89 cents per year. These cheap domain names allow spammers to generate thousands of sites at a huge discount.

The next criteria I use to help identify a link farm is what I call the “cheese factor”. Although some link farms will look professionally designed, most are either 1) generated with software or 2) are designed with the same cookie-cutter, non-altered templates that fill search engine results. This is especially true with blogs. Spammers and Internet newbies will not take the time to brand their websites or blogs. These are commonly referred to as “pump and dump” websites.

Another question you should ask is, does it look human? That is, does it look like someone hangs around and takes care of things? You should also be able to contact the webmaster either via web form or e-mail. If there’s no contact information available anywhere on the website, be very afraid.

If it’s a directory site, check out the links in a few of the main directory headings. Are the URLs hyphenated just like the main URL? If you visit one of these sites, does it look the same as the site you just came from? Are there more URLs crammed onto one page than anyone could possibly visit in a lifetime?

A Look Into Spyware Vs Malware

The number of computer security threats that are notorious and wild in the computer sector baffles most of the normal user. In the lack of proper information about the kind of threat they are infected with, people are not able to take proper remedial measures. Here is a special spyware vs malware comparison which should assist you in finding out what kind of problem you are facing and how does it create a risk for you. The very first thing that you should know is the package in which a spyware or a malware comes into your PC. Malware generally consists of viruses. It comes as a complete code package which is capable of replicating itself in such a manner that any computer which comes in contact with an infected computer also becomes infected. This may even be through using shared removable storage devices like CDs, DVDs, Floppy disks or pen drives. On the other hand the spyware does not replicate itself. It does not propagate in that manner. In case if it relies on host application, the host applications would need to propagate in order for the spyware to propagate. It can not propagate from one infected computer to infect another computer all by itself. Second thing is the primary target of malware vs spyware is different. In case of a spyware, the main of such a threat is to steal your data, especially the information that is sensitive in nature. This means it would not cause any intentional damage to your data. On the other had, malware primarily aims to destroy the data stored on your computer. The virus would infect the files on your computer and corrupt the data on your computer. So while one aims to steal your data, other aims to destroy it outright. The third thing is that recognition of malware and spyware is done using different symptoms. In case of spyware you would experience that the speed with which you connect to the internet goes down. This is because the spyware phones home and sends the data that it stole from your computer to the person who installed the spyware on your computer. Other than this you would also see that a number of pop up advertisements are displayed on your computer.The symptoms of being infected by malware are different. Here the major symptoms would be that your programs would stop working by themselves Similarly the files that are stored on your computer would become unusable. The computer’s performance would also be degraded seriously.Proper information about spyware vs malware is necessary because you would not want to be in a condition where you are trying to isolate one problem while you are actually suffering from another problem.

A Look Into Spyware Vs Malware

The number of computer security threats that are notorious and wild in the computer sector baffles most of the normal user. In the lack of proper information about the kind of threat they are infected with, people are not able to take proper remedial measures. Here is a special spyware vs malware comparison which should assist you in finding out what kind of problem you are facing and how does it create a risk for you. The very first thing that you should know is the package in which a spyware or a malware comes into your PC. Malware generally consists of viruses. It comes as a complete code package which is capable of replicating itself in such a manner that any computer which comes in contact with an infected computer also becomes infected. This may even be through using shared removable storage devices like CDs, DVDs, Floppy disks or pen drives. On the other hand the spyware does not replicate itself. It does not propagate in that manner. In case if it relies on host application, the host applications would need to propagate in order for the spyware to propagate. It can not propagate from one infected computer to infect another computer all by itself. Second thing is the primary target of malware vs spyware is different. In case of a spyware, the main of such a threat is to steal your data, especially the information that is sensitive in nature. This means it would not cause any intentional damage to your data. On the other had, malware primarily aims to destroy the data stored on your computer. The virus would infect the files on your computer and corrupt the data on your computer. So while one aims to steal your data, other aims to destroy it outright. The third thing is that recognition of malware and spyware is done using different symptoms. In case of spyware you would experience that the speed with which you connect to the internet goes down. This is because the spyware phones home and sends the data that it stole from your computer to the person who installed the spyware on your computer. Other than this you would also see that a number of pop up advertisements are displayed on your computer.The symptoms of being infected by malware are different. Here the major symptoms would be that your programs would stop working by themselves Similarly the files that are stored on your computer would become unusable. The computer’s performance would also be degraded seriously.Proper information about spyware vs malware is necessary because you would not want to be in a condition where you are trying to isolate one problem while you are actually suffering from another problem.