Tag Archives: directory

What’s The Purpose Of Link Building And Directory Submission?

If you own a website and you’re looking for ways to generate traffic towards your site, then you’ve probably heard about directory submission. One of the most preferred methods of link building, directory submission is used by webmasters to increase the credibility of their website. How does this happen? That’s what we’re here to discuss.

Of all the millions of websites out there, each one has common goals – to build a high reputation and get a lot of visitors. Reputation, in internet jargon can also be called as authority and is often gauged by the Google Page Rank or the position of the site in the search engine results page (SERPs). So say you are selling curry and the keyword you are targeting is “Indian curry” then your goal is to be on the first page of SERPs. To do this, you need to have a high page ranking. PR 4 is usually indicative of a high authority. But how do you get to PR 4?

Thorugh link building of course! When we say link building, we mean having a link on one site which is pointing to your site – something that redirects Google spiders from a certain site to get to your site. This is where directory submission comes in. Most directories are already human edited so someone actually checks what your site is all about and whether your description and category matches what you wrote in the submission form. Sometimes, if these don’t match, editors might reject your site and you have to resubmit. Other websites will also require that you put an HTML link from your site to theirs, making it a link exchange. Why the need for links?

Well, Google usually gives those sites which have a lot of links pointing to their site a higher page ranking! But we are just not after the number of links, we also want quality links. This means you need to make sure that the site you are linking with is relevant to your site so if you are selling curry, then you shouldn’t link with sites which features musical instruments, unless you are selling Indian curry in particular, and then you can link with a site selling Indian musical instruments, etc. Through manual directory submission, you can choose the category where your site belongs so you can be sure that you’re going to get a higher page rank.

But getting a high page rank isn’t the only reason for link building. As a matter of fact, getting a high page rank isn’t the end goal. Getting a high page rank and building as many links as you can is focused on getting traffic – the more people visiting your site, the better. Again, we are talking about targeted traffic – we want people who are already interested with the product or service we are selling as this gives us a higher chance of making a sale. That’s the reason why you need to link with a site relevant to what you’re offering, this way, you don’t waste resources trying to convince people who are not interested with what you are selling.

Terry Pierce offers directory submissions to aid in your link building efforts. Our directory submit is a manual directory submission and will submit to directories of PR4 or greater. Find more details on his website at

How to delete Firefox Mozilla internet temporary files?

The cache of a browser serves for acceleration of browser work, reduces network load and quantity of inquiries to internet site, which therefore increases its performance. That’s why any browser tries to keep as much documents as possible in its cache.
If you open one page in a browser, then another, then return to the first one, then apparently the browser will download it from your hard disk, where it was primarily cached. This operation is performed much faster than getting the same document from network.

For page viewing it is necessary not only to get HTML code, but also to download from network all accompanying documents: CSS-files, images, the scripts issued in the form of separate files, etc. As lack, most viruses, network worms and malware-programs execute from temporary files directory, that`s why wrong adjustment of cache work and insufficient anti-virus control may turn temporary internet files into “virus territory”. Too large cache also negatively influences the work of a browser and PC hard disk subsystem, as a result, internet cache advantages disappear.

But where these temporary internet files can be found and how is it possible to operate them? For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer uses directory “C:Documents and Settings_USER_NAME_HERE_Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files” for cache storage, while Mozilla Firefox for Microsoft Windows stores its temporary files in directory “C:Documents and Settings_USER_NAME_HERE_Local SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles_RANDOM_FILENAME_HERE_Cache”

The adjustment of internet cache size is possible in Firefox menu Tools – Options – Advanced – Network – Offline Storage. Here it is also possible to limit hard disk space for temporary files` storage or delete them right away (“Clear Now”). If necessary, the present operation can be performed differently: wipe the internet cache directory manually or create file clear_ff_temp.Cmd with the following content:
rd /s /q “%userprofile%Local SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles”

This cmd file will delete all Firefox temporary storages on this computer. It should be performed, for example, before anti-virus scanning along with Windows temporary files folder wiping (C:Documents and Settings_USER_NAME_HERE_Local SettingsTemp), because in this case thousands of odd small files (standart quantity of temporary files of Windows and browser) won`t be processed, so it will save you some time. This will also delete viruses and malware if they had already been there.

If it is required, the file clear_ff_temp.Cmd can be added to the Windows scheduler or autorun, then Firefox temporary files wiping will be performed automatically.

It should be noted that too frequent temporary files wiping will decrease internet cache utility. The default Firefox adjustments are usually enough, but sometimes temporary internet files wiping is really necessary and then we recommend to take advice of the given clause.

What’s The Purpose Of Link Building And Directory Submission?

If you own a website and you’re looking for ways to generate traffic towards your site, then you’ve probably heard about directory submission. One of the most preferred methods of link building, directory submission is used by webmasters to increase the credibility of their website. How does this happen? That’s what we’re here to discuss.

Of all the millions of websites out there, each one has common goals – to build a high reputation and get a lot of visitors. Reputation, in internet jargon can also be called as authority and is often gauged by the Google Page Rank or the position of the site in the search engine results page (SERPs). So say you are selling curry and the keyword you are targeting is “Indian curry” then your goal is to be on the first page of SERPs. To do this, you need to have a high page ranking. PR 4 is usually indicative of a high authority. But how do you get to PR 4?

Thorugh link building of course! When we say link building, we mean having a link on one site which is pointing to your site – something that redirects Google spiders from a certain site to get to your site. This is where directory submission comes in. Most directories are already human edited so someone actually checks what your site is all about and whether your description and category matches what you wrote in the submission form. Sometimes, if these don’t match, editors might reject your site and you have to resubmit. Other websites will also require that you put an HTML link from your site to theirs, making it a link exchange. Why the need for links?

Well, Google usually gives those sites which have a lot of links pointing to their site a higher page ranking! But we are just not after the number of links, we also want quality links. This means you need to make sure that the site you are linking with is relevant to your site so if you are selling curry, then you shouldn’t link with sites which features musical instruments, unless you are selling Indian curry in particular, and then you can link with a site selling Indian musical instruments, etc. Through manual directory submission, you can choose the category where your site belongs so you can be sure that you’re going to get a higher page rank.

But getting a high page rank isn’t the only reason for link building. As a matter of fact, getting a high page rank isn’t the end goal. Getting a high page rank and building as many links as you can is focused on getting traffic – the more people visiting your site, the better. Again, we are talking about targeted traffic – we want people who are already interested with the product or service we are selling as this gives us a higher chance of making a sale. That’s the reason why you need to link with a site relevant to what you’re offering, this way, you don’t waste resources trying to convince people who are not interested with what you are selling.

Terry Pierce offers directory submissions to aid in your link building efforts. Our directory submit is a manual directory submission and will submit to directories of PR4 or greater. Find more details on his website at