Tag Archives: different

Tips on How to Choose a Web Hosting Company – Helpful Things You Need to Know

If you want to build your home in the Internet, you’ll want to engage the services of a Web host. They will give you the space and the connectivity you need to get your site up and running in the World Wide Web. While there are free web hosting services available, paid hosting services are infinitely better and are the preferred choice for those who need more “power” and stability for their online presence.

Before finding a Web host, make sure you know what your requirements are. This is because the fee you pay generally depends on the amount of disk space and bandwith you need. Knowing what you need first gives you the chance to be specific with your Web host so you don’t have to pay for extraneous services you don’t need.

Web hosts offering different sorts of Web hosting services and plans flood the Internet. Weeding out the bad from the good and choosing the best over who’s simply better takes a little bit of patience and lots of research. Here are some traits that you should look for in a Web host:

1. Integrity. This is the first trait of any good Web host. Whether this provider is an individual or a company, your background check should reveal a reputation of professionalism, honesty and stellar service. Moreover, they should tell you all the costs up front. Some Web hosts offer attractively low package rates that have a lot of hidden charges should you decide on an upgrade later on.

2. Redundancy. No, this does not mean that they have to keep repeating themselves over and over. In Web-speak, redundancy refers to the number of connections they have on the Net. Ideally, a T3 connection is best, although T1 suits most small businesses.

3. Supportive. This is exactly what it says. Good Web hosts give you the necessary technical support when you need it. Do they offer 24/7 support? As some web hosts work from a different time zone, you’d want to have this kind of service so you’re assured that no matter what time in the day or night, you’ll have all the support you need in case of any glitch. How do they provide support? Will they be able to communicate through all means possible- email, chat, video conferencing or the phone? You have to be assured that they can be reached during critical situations.

4. Security. The Web host you choose should be able to guard your site against malware or hackers. With the rise of cyber crimes, you should have a web host that guarantees full security and protection for your website, especially if it’s a commercial site where customers share credit card information with you when they make a purchase.

5. Flexibility. You might start out with a simple web site, but over time, you might see the need to expand it. The Web host you choose should be able to accommodate your needs and upgrade your service plan without penalty. Moreover, they should also be flexible in terms of their platform features, templates and other areas that meet the needs of the people who patronize your website.

Tips on How to Choose a Web Hosting Company – Helpful Things You Need to Know

If you want to build your home in the Internet, you’ll want to engage the services of a Web host. They will give you the space and the connectivity you need to get your site up and running in the World Wide Web. While there are free web hosting services available, paid hosting services are infinitely better and are the preferred choice for those who need more “power” and stability for their online presence.

Before finding a Web host, make sure you know what your requirements are. This is because the fee you pay generally depends on the amount of disk space and bandwith you need. Knowing what you need first gives you the chance to be specific with your Web host so you don’t have to pay for extraneous services you don’t need.

Web hosts offering different sorts of Web hosting services and plans flood the Internet. Weeding out the bad from the good and choosing the best over who’s simply better takes a little bit of patience and lots of research. Here are some traits that you should look for in a Web host:

1. Integrity. This is the first trait of any good Web host. Whether this provider is an individual or a company, your background check should reveal a reputation of professionalism, honesty and stellar service. Moreover, they should tell you all the costs up front. Some Web hosts offer attractively low package rates that have a lot of hidden charges should you decide on an upgrade later on.

2. Redundancy. No, this does not mean that they have to keep repeating themselves over and over. In Web-speak, redundancy refers to the number of connections they have on the Net. Ideally, a T3 connection is best, although T1 suits most small businesses.

3. Supportive. This is exactly what it says. Good Web hosts give you the necessary technical support when you need it. Do they offer 24/7 support? As some web hosts work from a different time zone, you’d want to have this kind of service so you’re assured that no matter what time in the day or night, you’ll have all the support you need in case of any glitch. How do they provide support? Will they be able to communicate through all means possible- email, chat, video conferencing or the phone? You have to be assured that they can be reached during critical situations.

4. Security. The Web host you choose should be able to guard your site against malware or hackers. With the rise of cyber crimes, you should have a web host that guarantees full security and protection for your website, especially if it’s a commercial site where customers share credit card information with you when they make a purchase.

5. Flexibility. You might start out with a simple web site, but over time, you might see the need to expand it. The Web host you choose should be able to accommodate your needs and upgrade your service plan without penalty. Moreover, they should also be flexible in terms of their platform features, templates and other areas that meet the needs of the people who patronize your website.

Social Connect: One Touch – Share All A Simple, Smart And Speedy Social Media Management Application

The success and popularity of social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, LinkedIn and Tumblr point at the growing importance of diverse social media in day-to-day life. Most of us spend a major portion of our lives on different social media platforms; social media is where we live a major portion of our lives. Smart social media management can add a lot of fun, success and satisfaction to our lives.

But Harnessing the Power of Social Media Sites is Challenging.

The impact of the social media explosion is not limited to the young and tech-savvy. Sensing the growing clout of social media, a number of businesses have quickly moved to take advantage of the popularity of social media. Digital marketing managers move from site to site posting text, audio and video updates about their company, its products and its activities.

But it’s not easy for most of us to manage multiple social media accounts. The process of logging in, posting content, and then logging out (and then repeating the same process all over again for other sites!) can eat up a lot of time and effort. Managing several passwords can also be a rather tedious task. These constraints make it difficult to regularly update and manage diverse social media accounts.

There’s Too Much to do and Too Little Time!

Do you find it difficult to handle your different social networking, blogging and photo sharing sites? Do you feel that your digital marketing efforts could yield better results if you didn’t have to spend so much time switching between sites? Social Connect provides an easy-to-use and efficient solution to the problem of tackling various social networking sites. It helps you to stay on the top of your different accounts, and the simplicity of the process allows you to do a lot more in a lot less time.

Social Connect Just Makes Things Easier.

Social Connect follows a simple concept: it creates a single interface that allows you to post videos, pictures and text on 1. Facebook, 2. Twitter, 3. Flickr, 4. Picasa, 5. LinkedIn, 6. YouTube, 7. Tumblr, 8. TwitPic, 9. WordPress and 10.Blogger.

It’s a smart and productive app: type in or post the link for your update in the app and it will post them on all the social media sites. You can also click on the list of sites to select sites on which you want to post, and the app will post it on just those sites. Social Connect will significantly speed up the process of posting updates, pictures and videos.

Get Social Connect on your iPhone or iPad now to efficiently manage all your social media account from one place. The user-friendly and intuitive user-interface of Social Connect will make updating your accounts a pleasurable experience; it will ensure that boredom or time constraints never stop you from updating your virtual world on the internet.