Tag Archives: development

Learn Why You Need To Hire A PHP Programmer India

Back in the 1990s a generation of Indian programmers, who had earned the trust of their American employers suggested to them a better and more cost-effective way of conducting development projects. That is how it all started and within a decade India had become a pioneering location for all outsourcing work in the application development field. And, for a large number of companies around the world outsourcing became the answer to all their problems. A number of projects that were considered financially unviable previously suddenly became sustainable and the decade saw an increased amount of development work being taken up by companies. Newer innovations were achieved and the field of application development grew by leaps of bounds.

One of the groundbreaking achievements in the field was the initiation of the PHP programming platform. PHP offers an innovative solution for the creation of dynamic web pages and web applications allowing both client side and server side scripting. PHP has simplified the process for development of CRM and ERP applications and made it easy for SMEs to get involved in such projects. A large chunk of the development work that is outsourced to India today is PHP based. India offers some of the most efficient PHP development services available. Companies in India have built on a rich knowledge base that has been created with more than a decade of experience in the field.

Offshore companies in India work according to several models. The fixed contract based projects being traditionally most popular. Recently, several companies have come up with the dedicated hiring model, which is an extremely convenient model for SMEs with short-term development projects. This model allows you hire PHP programmer on full-time, part-time, or hourly basis. There are several benefits of the dedicated hiring model, but the best part is you really do not pay for the infrastructural costs incurred by the offshore company. All companies that work according to the hire PHP programmer model allow you to browse through the profiles of the engineers in their team. You can select a PHP programmer India for your project and continue to work with him, paying only for the engineer’s time.

The PHP developer India that you select for your project will be completely dedicated to your project and you can treat him as a virtual extension of your team. You will be able to keep in touch with your programmer through email, phone, IM, online meetings, video conferences, etc so that you’re constantly on top of your project. With these dedicated hiring services you won’t have to wait to create a contract, it’s almost instant, so that you can start immediately. It’s like a no-hassles freelancing platform, only it’s better. Here you get all the flexibility of working with freelancers plus the reassurance of working with an established company and enjoying the quality service. It is a very good idea to hire PHP programmer from India, especially for SMEs that are planning to get started with automation for their company. Indian developers provide solutions that are compliant with all global standards and cost-effective too.

Application service provider- to provide you with operational success

The advancement of technology has contributed largely to the global business world. Most of the technical and complicated of any organizations are now carried out electronically. These electronic procedures are based on a variety of web based applications software. These software applications provide the organizations with technical competency and convenience and add value to their work procedures. Use of application also provides them with cost reduction measures regarding the production of products, services, managing the maintaining the work force and other in-house manual works.

Software applications are developed by organizations called as application service providers. These organizations designs and develops customized applications according to the requirement of their clients and the nature of their job. They offer assistance to the companies in their work. Such applications also maintain the accuracy, novelty involved in activities it is being used for.

As the need of various software application are rising high, so is increasing the number of application service providers. But it is very important to look for competent application service providers who are well equipped with the development of customized web based applications. Service providers who can provide you with fully customized software application to satisfy all the needs of your clients and give you expected results.

If you are looking for a good application service provider then NetEdge is your One-Stop Solution. NetEdge Computing Solutions provides with fully customized and well equipped software application to its clients across the globe. Its application development services are well supported by a dedicated offshore development and Maintenance Center. As an application service provider, NetEdge offers you various applications to reduce the time involved in your work and functions to achieve best expected returns as soon as possible. NetEdge’s application development work includes
• Project conceptualization
• Project design
• Project development
• Project enhancement
• Testing
• Implementation
• Maintenance and support

All these services together make NetEdge one of the best suppliers of software development services in India.

NetEdge computing solutions is an IT service provider and has been offering innovative products and services to its clients since 1992. It is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company that follows strict quality assurance approach. Its corporate umbrella supports five business initiatives: a product portfolio that features over six applications as well as a suite if IT services. NetEdge is headquartered in Noida, India, with offices in U.K. and U.S.A. and Thailand.

Application service provider- to provide you with operational success

The advancement of technology has contributed largely to the global business world. Most of the technical and complicated of any organizations are now carried out electronically. These electronic procedures are based on a variety of web based applications software. These software applications provide the organizations with technical competency and convenience and add value to their work procedures. Use of application also provides them with cost reduction measures regarding the production of products, services, managing the maintaining the work force and other in-house manual works.

Software applications are developed by organizations called as application service providers. These organizations designs and develops customized applications according to the requirement of their clients and the nature of their job. They offer assistance to the companies in their work. Such applications also maintain the accuracy, novelty involved in activities it is being used for.

As the need of various software application are rising high, so is increasing the number of application service providers. But it is very important to look for competent application service providers who are well equipped with the development of customized web based applications. Service providers who can provide you with fully customized software application to satisfy all the needs of your clients and give you expected results.

If you are looking for a good application service provider then NetEdge is your One-Stop Solution. NetEdge Computing Solutions provides with fully customized and well equipped software application to its clients across the globe. Its application development services are well supported by a dedicated offshore development and Maintenance Center. As an application service provider, NetEdge offers you various applications to reduce the time involved in your work and functions to achieve best expected returns as soon as possible. NetEdge’s application development work includes
• Project conceptualization
• Project design
• Project development
• Project enhancement
• Testing
• Implementation
• Maintenance and support

All these services together make NetEdge one of the best suppliers of software development services in India.

NetEdge computing solutions is an IT service provider and has been offering innovative products and services to its clients since 1992. It is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company that follows strict quality assurance approach. Its corporate umbrella supports five business initiatives: a product portfolio that features over six applications as well as a suite if IT services. NetEdge is headquartered in Noida, India, with offices in U.K. and U.S.A. and Thailand.