Tag Archives: developer

Do You Really Know How to Purchase a Web Hosting Plan?

Contrary to what people believe purchasing a web hosting plan is not a simple task; the stakes are raised when you consider the fact that the type of hosting you purchase can have a direct bearing on the success of your online venture. This means that not only new entrants to the world of eCommerce but also old hands at setting up internet businesses are equally prone to making fatal errors when choosing a hosting plan that meets their requirements.

One of the simplest ways to ensure that the hosting plan you purchase lives up to your expectations in the long run is to begin by drawing up a list of your requirements and following a step by step approach to choose the right hosting provider. Here are some helpful tips.

Never underestimate the importance of research:

Just like all other essential services, you will need to put in a sizeable amount of research to find good hosting providers from a crowd of establishments that can only provide mediocre services at best. Take the time out to read the industry reviews and customer feedback about a business before signing a contract with a specific hosting company. Also, check out the company’s Wiki profile entry before heading to their website. Closely review the basic tutorials that the company offers along with the customer support that they offer specifically technical help for troubleshooting.

Only buy what you need

Very often website owners are swindled into paying much more than they need to; the promise of fantastic features acting as the perfect lure. Most fail to realize that they only have to buy the features that are needed to accommodate the needs of their customers and paying for anything else would be akin to throwing money away.

For instance, if you intend to offer a blog or forum on your site or any of the in demand web applications, the number of databases provided with the hosting plan will be a crucial constraint. It can be stifling and frustrating to eventually discover that your expansion strategies cannot be put into action simply because the hosting plan comes with a measly 5 databases and buying anymore will cost you a small fortune.

Domain Names:

It’s also very common for website owners to come face to face with domain name concerns especially on shared servers. While this is not a particularly bothersome issue at the onset; if you intend to use variations of your domain name, you may find yourself in a soup. So, choose a hosting provider that offers at least 20 domains; the more the better.

Support offered to developers:

Finally, check the developer support offered by the hosting company; this will be a vital consideration if you want to keep your site ahead of the competition. Considering the fact that new and innovative tools are being introduced into the market everyday; the type of developer applications that you have in your kitty will often determine your chances of succeeding in this day and age of cut throat competition. As a matter of fact, it would be disastrous to settle for any web hosting plan that does not offer at least the bare minimum developer tools which should include:

• Python
• HTAaccess

Spending a little time to carefully research the hosting company that you intend to work with today will help you to save a lot of money, time and trouble tomorrow.

Do You Really Know How to Purchase a Web Hosting Plan?

Contrary to what people believe purchasing a web hosting plan is not a simple task; the stakes are raised when you consider the fact that the type of hosting you purchase can have a direct bearing on the success of your online venture. This means that not only new entrants to the world of eCommerce but also old hands at setting up internet businesses are equally prone to making fatal errors when choosing a hosting plan that meets their requirements.

One of the simplest ways to ensure that the hosting plan you purchase lives up to your expectations in the long run is to begin by drawing up a list of your requirements and following a step by step approach to choose the right hosting provider. Here are some helpful tips.

Never underestimate the importance of research:

Just like all other essential services, you will need to put in a sizeable amount of research to find good hosting providers from a crowd of establishments that can only provide mediocre services at best. Take the time out to read the industry reviews and customer feedback about a business before signing a contract with a specific hosting company. Also, check out the company’s Wiki profile entry before heading to their website. Closely review the basic tutorials that the company offers along with the customer support that they offer specifically technical help for troubleshooting.

Only buy what you need

Very often website owners are swindled into paying much more than they need to; the promise of fantastic features acting as the perfect lure. Most fail to realize that they only have to buy the features that are needed to accommodate the needs of their customers and paying for anything else would be akin to throwing money away.

For instance, if you intend to offer a blog or forum on your site or any of the in demand web applications, the number of databases provided with the hosting plan will be a crucial constraint. It can be stifling and frustrating to eventually discover that your expansion strategies cannot be put into action simply because the hosting plan comes with a measly 5 databases and buying anymore will cost you a small fortune.

Domain Names:

It’s also very common for website owners to come face to face with domain name concerns especially on shared servers. While this is not a particularly bothersome issue at the onset; if you intend to use variations of your domain name, you may find yourself in a soup. So, choose a hosting provider that offers at least 20 domains; the more the better.

Support offered to developers:

Finally, check the developer support offered by the hosting company; this will be a vital consideration if you want to keep your site ahead of the competition. Considering the fact that new and innovative tools are being introduced into the market everyday; the type of developer applications that you have in your kitty will often determine your chances of succeeding in this day and age of cut throat competition. As a matter of fact, it would be disastrous to settle for any web hosting plan that does not offer at least the bare minimum developer tools which should include:

• Python
• HTAaccess

Spending a little time to carefully research the hosting company that you intend to work with today will help you to save a lot of money, time and trouble tomorrow.

Five Lessons App Developers Should Learn

With thousands of apps emerging everyday in the App Store, Android Marketplace and many other Smartphone markets, an app developer certainly need to be an expert and should learn many significant things to outshine in this tough competitive market. Every day users expect something different and app developers are obliged to quench the thirst of the users who are in search of totally distinctive and potent apps. While numerous factors like interactivity, ease of use, purpose of the app, user experience, simplicity, consistency, market trend etc, have a race with each other when it comes to creating a triumphant app, what are the most momentous lessons should an app developer learn to create an outstanding app? Let us explore.

1) Out-of-the-box thinking: This is the most important lesson that every dexterous app developer must learn. No one would like if you serve the same food on the table every day. Change is the only thing that keeps human beings active and refreshed. You can distinguish your app from your competitors’ apps in the market by the outstanding and unique features in yours. First, the app developer should learn about trusting his own app. Only when he trusts that his app will serve the purpose and win across platforms, he can do the magic that is required. Apps that win incomparably always have something innovative in them and that is the real skill of an app developer transformed to his toiled app.

2) Reliability and evenness: Everyone in this world has a unique identity and all of us strive to register such an identity in the minds of our target group. Prolific app developers must learn about reliability and evenness. This does not insist that all your apps must look alike or should have the same features. Instead it states that it should have something unique and special in each and every app that you release. Your users should feel the essence when they start using the app and feel proud of using it. Reliability, constancy, evenness, consistency and trust are the most crucial factors behind creating and maintaining loyal customers. This counts higher and is the purpose behind every business.

3) Simplicity leads: Simplicity is the quickest tool to reach hearts and you can impress anyone with the simple tactics used in your apps. An app is not a thesis paper where you need to unearth all your knowledge with the use of complicated choices, enormous features and commands. An app is mainly used to lighten an intricate task and conquer it easily. This is why you should always go by the KISS (Keep It Simple Smart). You need to prove that your app is simple and easy to use. It is highly necessary that your app wins the users hearts in the first 20 seconds of their time, instilling the first best impression in them. Simplicity is vital and this is the sole reason behind the success of concepts like minimalism.

4) Importance of purpose the behind the app: Every user invests his priceless time in your app and he cannot simply use your app that does not have any rationale in it. Whether it is a Smartphone app or app for your tablets everything should serve a purpose and have a strong substantiating reason behind using it. Your app should be focused on fulfilling its objectives either by solving a particular problem or by serving a particular target group. Apps without an underlying principle cannot withstand the heat of the mobile market and would bounce back in the same pace it was released.

5) Value of users: Time is highly crucial in this monetary world and every minute counts. You cannot simply think that it would take only 10 minutes of the user’s time to understand the working and functionality of your app. Users and their preference are highly essential as they solely contribute to the success or failure of your app. If you fail to grab the attention of your users for the first time, it gradually becomes difficult for the subsequent times as well. Users are the lifeline of every business and your apps should never fail in satisfying their emotional and visual quotient. User centric and apps that are focused on the needs and preferences of your target users can only win the tough app competition among the millions of apps striving hard in the app warfront. If the user is happy with your app functionality, usage, features and uniqueness of your app he’ll never leave it and would spread it extremely with his friends and peer group.

Apart from these things, an app developer should also learn on creating secured, interactive, scalable and winning apps that understands the client base and fits the needs perfectly.