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What Is The Best Way To Use Naked Links?

Over the last decade SEO has been pretty much backlink driven. It’s been a war of who can get the most backlinks at the fastest rate. Google’s Panda upgrade to their search engine algorithm has somewhat changed the backlink dominant strategy of SEO. More than ever, content is truly king and overzealous backlinking can actually penalize your site’s value to googling resulting in a lower listing in search engine results. Effective SEO still requires a sound backlinking strategy, but webmasters must also implement naked links. Web design Tampa. This article strives to explain the current state of search engine optimization and the importance of naked links to your SEO strategy.

The Importance of Backlinks

Before diving into the different forms of backlinking, let’s first explain what a backlink is. The Internet consists of links to different websites. When you log into Facebook every morning, you see links to youtube videos, links to popular celebrity blogs, and links to Internet stores. A link is simply a clickable link to a website. Google uses the amount of backlinks a site has to determine the usefulness of a website. The more useful Google rates the site, the more likely it is to be listed on the front page of google. It is this logic that leads website owners to spend day and night creating backlinks.

Anchor Text & Naked Links

The most common and popular way to create backlinks is to use anchor text. Anchor text is a backlink that is masked by text, normally a keyword that once clicked transfers a user to a specific test. Perhaps you have seen this text underlined or blue text that is clickable — that is anchor text. It is the most popular form of backlinking because it can be tied to specific keywords that are often searched. Web design Tampa Naked Links are links that are simply a websites URL. An example of naked text is

Tips for effective web design

Web design is not simply about adding images and words to a homepage- it’s about implementing clever designs which incorporate strategy, structure, visual impact, usability and conversion elements. In this article, we look at some elements which one needs to look for in effective web design.

Usability is probably the most important element of effective web design, as nobody wants to navigate a web page which isn’t easy to use and does not help the user to find information. When one enters a website, they are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to find information, contact the company or perhaps purchase a product. If the design of your website does not make this process simple, then users are going to look elsewhere.

Establish your website’s goals:
Well-designed websites need to be focused around specific goals. This means that you need to think about what the aim of your website is, and it needs to be easy for users to perform the action which they want to take. For example, think about including a contact form for information pages, and allow resources to be easily downloadable. Users will get frustrated if results don’t happen fast enough.

Visual Hierarchy:
Certain parts of your website are more important than others, so you need to get these parts more attention by means of visual hierarchy. You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. More important information such as calls to action and business propositions would usually come first, while other less important information won’t be as visually prominent.

Effective writing:
Effective web design is also about incorporating effective writing which is adjusted towards users’ preferences and browsing habits. Rather than using promotional writing which is long and exaggerated, get straight to the point and use images along with your text to illustrate your message. You should also use headers to break up content so that it’s easier to read. Use language on your website which is easy to understand and keeps users hooked. As mentioned before, users don’t want to spend time searching for information on your website. They want the process to be swift and easy.

A good website should have an impact on visitors, meaning that it incorporates clear images, uses colour smartly, and fonts which are easy to read. Always think from the user’s perspective as this will help you decide whether this is a website which you would want to visit and share.