Tag Archives: design

How to build to better home page?

Building a better home page is possible even with an affordable web design plan. In fact there are a variety of web designs that are great examples. There are also some very bad illustrations of home pages. Whether you are creating an Ecommerce web design or a simple website to share information about your favorite hobby, there are steps you can take to ensure your site is a pleasure for visitors.

To have a great home page, the first step is choosing a color palette. The key here is to pick colors that are representative of your message, but not offending to the eye. The last thing you want is to have but the colors are so obnoxious that visitors leave because their eyes hurt. There are sites out there that literally hurt a visitor’s eyes. In addition, the colors should not distract from your message, but add to it. If a web design is filled with yellow, red, and orange colors, potential customers will think of clowns, fast food, and circuses. This is fine, if you are peddling these things, but if you are selling vintage furniture your message will not be taken seriously. For any affordable web design or extravagant web site the best color choices will be subtle and limited in number. An ecommerce web design will benefit from very basic color choices that allow the products to shine and project from the page.

Once you have chosen your color palette what else is there to do? Actually, there are plenty of considerations to take. A great home page should include a web design that incorporates easy navigation to other pages while giving customers an introduction to what your website is all about. Another important aspect to keep in mind with any home page is the amount of graphics and video you have on the site. Remember many of your visitors will be using mobile devices, so you want your home page to load quickly. If you need pictures or video to tell your story, such as product photos for an ecommerce web design, then give visitors a link where they can access this information. For instance a web design might include a video about how their plastic surgery can help you look your best. Rather than forcing people to load the video on your home page, provide a link that will pull up the video for more information. This gives the visitor the option to view the content, if he or she has the capability to do so.

Finally, a great home page must have the perfect layout with informative content. You want a layout that is easy to maneuver around and works with all forms of browsers and mobile devices. In addition, the content must be interesting and draw the customer in to learn more. There is a lot to consider when creating a great home page for your ecommerce web design or any website. That’s why most people choose to get a web design created by professionals, such as Incion. Incion has created effective web designs in Los Angeles and clients throughout the area. If you would like to get web design rates, please contact Incion.

What Web Marketing Can Do for Your Business

With the continuous evolution of the internet and exponential growth in the number of users everyday, most businesses now consider web marketing part of their major marketing plans. Web marketing means more potential clients and contacts which translates into more sales or funding.

There is an ever-increasing number of technology providers on the internet that offer much-needed Web 2.0 technologies tailored for all kinds of organizations, even for nonprofits. The costs of these applications and services are now within anyone’s budget. Providers also offer to handle the website creation from website design to its multi functions.

So what are the benefits of being part of the web marketing community?

Cost Efficiency
In these times of fluctuating economies, every cent counts. Although setting up a website and its accompanying functions may initially cost a considerable amount, the long-term benefits more than return the investments. News and updates pages incorporated in your website design saves cash that would have been spent on printing cost and postage for hardcopy newsletters and promotional mail.

Time Efficiency
Constituents, clients and donors appreciate getting information on time. Logging on to your organization takes only a few seconds compared to time spent in calling your office or waiting for the quarterly hardcopy newsletter and financial report. Web marketing is real time marketing with immediate results.

An online database of clients and suppliers can also be part of your website design. This database makes for quicker file retrieval, immediate profile updates, as well as on-time status reports. Your staff can more efficiently and more quickly connect people you do business with.

More Global Audience
Through internet marketing, organizations have access to a wider audience, can reach more prospective clients, and gain more global visibility. Supporters can come from just about any patch of the globe—from Africa to Asia—virtually holding hands across space and time for a common goal.

More Community Participation
Believe it or not, internet marketing also means being part of a social network. Community participation and support radically increases when your organization is part of an online social community. Clients, suppliers, donors, and beneficiaries have a common cyber lounge where they can exchange ideas. They are not just names in a list or database, they are very real people who not only contribute financial success but also give their very selves. So be sure to sign up with a popular social network and a make its widget part of your website design. This is web marketing with a social face.

More Money Coming In
Where more people participate and engage, the possibility of more sales or fund donations is not far behind. When people are informed, listened to, and given value through an organization’s website that they can access any time, they are more than willing to do business or donate. They also become your internet marketing evangelists, declaring the profitability of doing business with your organization.

If your organization still isn’t on the cyberspace map at this time, you’re organization is definitely in the dark ages. At the rate internet marketing is growing each day, more and more organizations are discovering the profitability of web marketing. Maximizing your website design by incorporating contact email address, social network widgets, and online databases will surely yield positive results and sales.

What Web Marketing Can Do for Your Business

With the continuous evolution of the internet and exponential growth in the number of users everyday, most businesses now consider web marketing part of their major marketing plans. Web marketing means more potential clients and contacts which translates into more sales or funding.

There is an ever-increasing number of technology providers on the internet that offer much-needed Web 2.0 technologies tailored for all kinds of organizations, even for nonprofits. The costs of these applications and services are now within anyone’s budget. Providers also offer to handle the website creation from website design to its multi functions.

So what are the benefits of being part of the web marketing community?

Cost Efficiency
In these times of fluctuating economies, every cent counts. Although setting up a website and its accompanying functions may initially cost a considerable amount, the long-term benefits more than return the investments. News and updates pages incorporated in your website design saves cash that would have been spent on printing cost and postage for hardcopy newsletters and promotional mail.

Time Efficiency
Constituents, clients and donors appreciate getting information on time. Logging on to your organization takes only a few seconds compared to time spent in calling your office or waiting for the quarterly hardcopy newsletter and financial report. Web marketing is real time marketing with immediate results.

An online database of clients and suppliers can also be part of your website design. This database makes for quicker file retrieval, immediate profile updates, as well as on-time status reports. Your staff can more efficiently and more quickly connect people you do business with.

More Global Audience
Through internet marketing, organizations have access to a wider audience, can reach more prospective clients, and gain more global visibility. Supporters can come from just about any patch of the globe—from Africa to Asia—virtually holding hands across space and time for a common goal.

More Community Participation
Believe it or not, internet marketing also means being part of a social network. Community participation and support radically increases when your organization is part of an online social community. Clients, suppliers, donors, and beneficiaries have a common cyber lounge where they can exchange ideas. They are not just names in a list or database, they are very real people who not only contribute financial success but also give their very selves. So be sure to sign up with a popular social network and a make its widget part of your website design. This is web marketing with a social face.

More Money Coming In
Where more people participate and engage, the possibility of more sales or fund donations is not far behind. When people are informed, listened to, and given value through an organization’s website that they can access any time, they are more than willing to do business or donate. They also become your internet marketing evangelists, declaring the profitability of doing business with your organization.

If your organization still isn’t on the cyberspace map at this time, you’re organization is definitely in the dark ages. At the rate internet marketing is growing each day, more and more organizations are discovering the profitability of web marketing. Maximizing your website design by incorporating contact email address, social network widgets, and online databases will surely yield positive results and sales.